Re: Wreckless Pork
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If this story is in fact 100% accurate, then sure it was a silly turn by the copper.
However, I feel for the poor bastards. You guys have no idea the nonsense/BS that they have to deal with on a daily basis. These guys are held far more accountable for their actions than the criminals they charge.
Personally, I couldn't have stopped myself from rushing the bastards if I'd been there..
The cop, who had looked back and watched this happen sped off. I told Hood to stay by the van as I spun around to catch up with the cop and get the car number. In the time it took me to spin around and crest the hill the cop was gone. .
Unless you and your homiezzz HOOD are on Gangsta 125's you're full of ****.
He didn't make a SILLY turn, he made a dangerous U turn and could have easily caused serious harm to the family in the van.If this story is in fact 100% accurate, then sure it was a silly turn by the copper.
However, I feel for the poor bastards. You guys have no idea the nonsense/BS that they have to deal with on a daily basis. These guys are held far more accountable for their actions than the criminals they charge.
Yes the cops have a tough job sometimes but that's what they get paid for, $87,000 I believe is the base pay and that can be doubled easily with court time and and pay duty, not bad for someone with grade 12
ok maybe 21yr, you should be in the peel region when they unleash the new recruits you would think these snotty nose little bastard wouldn't even be able to wipe there own arse![]()
Can't speak to peel but the average Toronto recruit is 27 ish.
Rushing them?? LMFAO!!!! See my sig.... How about you guys stop getting your panties in a bunch over what happens in the states all the time you live in Canada.
You couldn't catch a beat up Crown Vic? News flash they're not fast, they're not super charged, no turbo's, they're POS V8's that run 20hrs a day on watered down 87... Unless you and your homiezzz HOOD are on Gangsta 125's you're full of ****.
So the officer that threatened the two guys with tazering their privates has now had a year off with pay, found a doctor to say it was his sugar levels due to diabetes.
"Why was I speeding officer? To get to my lunch.....ok, you have a nice day too sir, bye"
A Toronto cop who threatened to Taser two burglary suspects in the testicles to force them to surrender a cohort wept on the witness stand Tuesday as he apologized to his victims.
Const. Christopher Hominuk burst into tears at his sentencing hearing before Justice Hugh Fraser on Tuesday, while reading letters of apology.
He said his judgment and behaviour was affected by a hypoglycemic incident, which is characterized by dangerously low blood sugar levels.
An expert medical witness testified Tuesday that Hominuk’s actions were “compatible with hypoglycemic” events that can dramatically — but temporarily — alter a diabetic’s behaviour from gentle to aggressive.
Hominuk said he felt “horrible and ashamed” after he vowed to use his Taser against the handcuffed suspects.
Hominuk, who was diagnosed at age 15 as a Type 1 diabetic, said he wanted to cry when he realized what he had done.
“I knew what I had done was wrong. You’ll always get more information from people by being nice than threatening them,” said Hominuk.
After being charged, he was stripped of his probationary sergeant status despite outstanding performance reviews for 11 months.
His 14-year career was exemplary and Hominuk was universally respected by both peers and commanding officers, court heard.
Hominuk’s actions were captured on in-cruiser cameras, which showed him slapping Robert James Bolgan, 47, in the face and forcing him to lay down in the backseat.
Hominuk, 38, pleaded guilty in January to one count of threatening bodily harm in a May 24, 2010 incident involving two suspects, who were both sitting alone in separate cruisers.
As soon as Hominuk opened the cruiser door, he shoved his Taser into Bolgan’s genital area.
Hominuk demanded to know the name of a missing suspect. Bolgan answered that he didn’t know.
“If you are lying to me, when I get back to the station, I’m Tasering you in the f---ing nuts,” Hominuk barked at Bolgan.
Bolgan had redness to the side of his face where he was struck, court heard.
Hominuk confronted his second victim, Roger William Bradshaw, 39, who was lying in a nearby cruiser’s backseat.
Hominuk pressed his Taser into Bradshaw’s neck and repeated his demand for the identity of the fugitive. When Bradshaw emphasized he didn’t know him, Hominuk snapped: “If I find out you’re lying, I’m going to f---ing Taser you in the nuts.”
Bradshaw was unharmed. The Taser was never activated or used on either man.
Hominuk and other officers were investigating a break-in of some tractor-trailers in Etobicoke when police arrested the two men and another suspect at 36 Taymac Rd.
So since you have only objected to my numbers (pay and age) I can assume you agree with my other points.Try 58k is base. Easily doubled? Lmao.
And most cops have university degrees and come to the job from the professions. Practically none are 18 year olds.
I just found out that i have a cousin close to my age who's a Toronto cop! Never met the guy, but he's going to be at my wedding next month.
Not sure how i feel about that.![]()