Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Although the pic is kind of funny.... Come on, who hasn't played a few games of solitaire while "on the clock" before!?

Presuming it's not a chop. Either way, who cares.

Next there will be pics of a cop actually having the nerve to EAT while in call SIU....or professional standards.
Although the pic is kind of funny.... Come on, who hasn't played a few games of solitaire while "on the clock" before!?

perhaps, but it directly follows from the most recently merged thread about parking illegally while getting food. . .

. . .so what aspect of the officer's job is associated with playing computer games, while on the clock, in a patrol car provided by tax dollars, and on machinery that is obviously not his personal laptop?

in the words of the 'sage' mayor of toronto, "end the gravy train". . .this example and others, are forms of the same entitlements that essentially is a waste of our taxpayers' dollars.

would appreciate knowing how this pic would support the contention that it is part of the diligence and careful, continuous professionalism that is expected of sworn officers of the law.

if officers are afforded extra powers and expect greater respect from the public, then frankly, they should meet and be held to a higher standard than the typical office mcjoe who doesn't get paid to wear a firearm in public and enjoys (increasing, it seems) rights to violate the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens.
well it's a double edged sword bra. More letters (which is not necessarily good) and less pictures (lower comprehension for you) so it's a wash.

They are all rags man. And people who spend 8 minutes a day updating world issues get what they deserve. Ignance.

I can't believe you actually took the mocking seriously.

Then again, monitoring threads on GTAM is serious business for you. Carry on bra.
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perhaps, but it directly follows from the most recently merged thread about parking illegally while getting food. . .

. . .so what aspect of the officer's job is associated with playing computer games, while on the clock, in a patrol car provided by tax dollars, and on machinery that is obviously not his personal laptop?

in the words of the 'sage' mayor of toronto, "end the gravy train". . .this example and others, are forms of the same entitlements that essentially is a waste of our taxpayers' dollars.

would appreciate knowing how this pic would support the contention that it is part of the diligence and careful, continuous professionalism that is expected of sworn officers of the law.

if officers are afforded extra powers and expect greater respect from the public, then frankly, they should meet and be held to a higher standard than the typical office mcjoe who doesn't get paid to wear a firearm in public and enjoys (increasing, it seems) rights to violate the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens.

I can't compare playing solitaire to parking illegally.... at least not until cops start handing out tickets to others for playing the game.

Angry much?

Anyways, that poll was conducted within 2 days of the conclusion of the summits. Considering that was the event that opened the public's eyes to the problem of abuse of police power, this poll can't be considered representative of public opinion on the subject any more.

By the way, Kelly McParland has only sarcasm and weak humour to contribute to any subject. He's actually quite clueless.
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I can't believe you actually took the mocking seriously.

Then again, monitoring threads on GTAM is serious business for you. Carry on bra.

You are flattering yourself again. I thought of something funny to say, and used your banal contribuiton to this tread as it's base. Thanks for being you brahh.
Moto... Your new job is as a bra? Talk about dream job!!!

I've got the uphold part down pat. It's the Swerve and Reject part I have a problem with.
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Police turn ticketing & arrests into a competition

Titled the “Bell Police Department Baseball Game,” the memo assigns “singles,” “doubles,” “triples” and “home runs” to progressively more serious infractions, starting with parking tickets and moving on to vehicle impounds and felony arrests of drivers. “Non-performers,” the memo says, are “sent for minor league rehab stint.”

This should surprise nobody that actually knows cops. Here in Kingston, they had a pool going as to who would catch the first sporstbiker with a HTA 172. The cop was so jazzed he went into the nearest MC store and told the owners to tell their clients that they had best be careful, because SuperCop was on the job.
Re: Police turn ticketing & arrests into a competition

Uhhh, yeah, sure they did.... Why don't you make up more BS Shaman? WTF has any US police force got to do with Canadian Police Forces?
Re: Police turn ticketing & arrests into a competition

Uhhh, yeah, sure they did.... Why don't you make up more BS Shaman? WTF has any US police force got to do with Canadian Police Forces?

We know you have one for Shaman, but the title of the thread is a very general "Law Enforcement-the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.....", not "TPS-the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.....", not "OPP-the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.....", and not "RCMP-the Good, the Bad, the Ugly....."
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Re: Police turn ticketing & arrests into a competition

Uhhh, yeah, sure they did.... Why don't you make up more BS Shaman? WTF has any US police force got to do with Canadian Police Forces?

You're sure a bright one. While we're here, let me point out that I actually referenced Kingston, Ontario policemen. Kingston, Ontario is a city in Ontario, Canada. I'm sure your excellent deductive skills simply missed that part of my post... it was hidden away in the second sentence...
Re: Police turn ticketing & arrests into a competition

Kingston, Ontario is a city in Ontario, Canada.

BRO....we went through this PAGES ago. Kingston is the retarded short-bus banjo playing cousin to the intellectual epicenter of Nothumberland County, Hamilton. Making certain "sister cities" to Toronto more Canadian. Like Minneapolis-St Paul. I'd totally trade Hamilton for Mall of The Americas. In like a SECOND.

But you keep swinging for the bleachers man. A guys gotta fight for what he has....or thinks he has...or.... well you get the general idea.
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