perhaps, but it directly follows from the most recently merged thread about parking illegally while getting food. . .
. . .so what aspect of the officer's job is associated with playing computer games, while on the clock, in a patrol car provided by tax dollars, and on machinery that is obviously not his personal laptop?
in the words of the 'sage' mayor of toronto, "end the gravy train". . .this example and others, are forms of the same entitlements that essentially is a waste of our taxpayers' dollars.
would appreciate knowing how this pic would support the contention that it is part of the diligence and careful, continuous professionalism that is expected of sworn officers of the law.
if officers are afforded extra powers and expect greater respect from the public, then frankly, they should meet and be held to a higher standard than the typical office mcjoe who doesn't get paid to wear a firearm in public and enjoys (increasing, it seems) rights to violate the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens.