Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

OH...and in case you guys/gals missed it.....

There is an ACTUAL THREAD where someone asks for ACTUAL stories of police abuse. Why are you guys wasting time on page 61 of this thread, when the other one is RIPE for page 10 pap!??!?!?! Get on it!!!!

in case you missed it, this was its own independent thread, when it was unceremoniously dumped into the 61 page thread. . .

so you're mis-directing your incisive commentary. . .
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

in case you missed it, this was its own independent thread, when it was unceremoniously dumped into the 61 page thread. . .

so you're mis-directing your incisive commentary. . .

Hay fongster. Thanks for the 411. I have been following this "non event" of your cop thread merging with joy and glee. I''m encouraging you all to join in another, INDEPENDANT THREAD (scary i know) which also deals with cops....and payoff...and all kinds of other non issues.
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Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Hay fongster. Thanks for the 411. I have been following this "non event" of your cop thread merging with joy and glee. But just cause you now have the shallow end of the gene pool all to yourself, doesnt mean you cant take a dip into other threads. I''m encouraging you all to join in another, INDEPENDANT THREAD (scary i know) which also deals with cops....and payoff...and all kinds of other non issues.

fyi, i have yet to start any of these threads. . .

you could refrain from the personal attacks, tho. . .thx

. . .i'm sure others will be able to decide on their own whether to start another thread or follow your commandments, lol. . .
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

fyi, i have yet to start any of these threads. . .

you could refrain from the personal attacks, tho. . .thx

. . .i'm sure others will be able to decide on their own whether to start another thread or follow your commandments, lol. . .

There was nothing personal in my comment. Jeeze. And i was only SUGGESTING that the tinfoil beanie community was not being adequately represented in what is usually THEIR kinda thread. Except this time there is all this confusing common sense, fact, and intelegent debate sprinkled in amongst the claptrap that they are used to from Fox News. Maybe that is why.....

Any way. Dont sweat it man. I was not attacking you, but more stating that i know which side is up. Tanks for worrying.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Personal attack words quoted for the record. That is all.

I was referring to the thread. Not him. That is all.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

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Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Had a good laff today. Young guy at work told me what happened last nite.

He came out of Jackson Square and saw two "punks" in conversation with a cop. He walked up to the trio and asked one of the punks for a light. The cop went flippy.

Wouldn't let him leave until he showed ID. Buddy resisted and was threatened with numerous charges. Cop wouldn't take no for an answer. Buddy had to show ID (which was called in) and grovel to be able to carry on with his day unscathed. lol

When I pushed him on it, Buddy admitted he knew it wasn't a good idea to approach the trio.
They even get corrupt inside help to start their corrupt career if they are too stupid to pass the test.
But the article is from the Sun, so it's probably not true, right? :rolleyes:

If it's The Sun then it falls into one of three categories:

1) Untrue
2) 'Based on' a true incident, but so rewritten that it might as well be 1).
3) Based on a true incident, amped up to try and make it look like it happens all the time.
Like this thread.

If it's The Sun then it falls into one of three categories:

1) Untrue
2) 'Based on' a true incident, but so rewritten that it might as well be 1).
3) Based on a true incident, amped up to try and make it look like it happens all the time.
If it's The Sun then it falls into one of three categories:

1) Untrue
2) 'Based on' a true incident, but so rewritten that it might as well be 1).
3) Based on a true incident, amped up to try and make it look like it happens all the time.

There might be some truth to what you say here Rob, but the posting before it that had the picture with "Police Officers are your Friends" comment is a #1 for sure.
More like if it's the sun then it's either:

They weren't able to get enough sunshine girls to fill the pages, or
They needed to fill in pages in between sunshine girls and sex advertisements so they can pass it off as a legitimate newspaper.
well it's a double edged sword bra. More letters (which is not necessarily good) and less pictures (lower comprehension for you) so it's a wash.

They are all rags man. And people who spend 8 minutes a day updating world issues get what they deserve. Ignance.

Not quite. Here's another article from the National Post (I trust the National Post is on dankie's approved paper list).

"The driver says he was asked for his licence and was given a ticket for having parked his vehicle illegally."
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