I have a question for our Friend of the Court turbo. What would happen to any charges laid by, or any cases where Officer Hominuk was subpoenaed to testify in once he was charged and suspended (with pay)?
The video did not come to light as part of a defence disclosure demand nor as a result of any complaint being registered by the suspects involved. Police found evidence of clear wrongdoing by a police officer and acted appropriately to hold that officer accountable for a clear breach.Uh huh, cop driven all the way, yup, i guess the defense attorney asking for discloure and filing for the footage had nothing to do with it at all....right. And without the video evidence we would have still seen the other attending cops actually testify against the bad one....right
Why are the TPS against having cameras installed in all of there cruisers? Not 1% or 10%, 100% Why will they only agree to it if there is an on/off switch?
I have a question for our Friend of the Court turbo. What would happen to any charges laid by, or any cases where Officer Hominuk was subpoenaed to testify in once he was charged and suspended (with pay)?
Court heard that neither victim was intimidated or physically injured.
this is all part of the big scheme, i bet brfore the whole thing went to court, it was all talked about in the back room with the officer in question.
the whole force is dirty if you ask me. BASTARDS
Come on turbo, you and i booth know when this all gets swept under the rug this guy will not lose a days pay or his job.Apparently as soon as the video was discovered by cops, it was sent straight to other cops in the Professional Standards branch of TPS. Those so-called bastards then went ahead and prosecuted one of their own to conviction. How does that make the whole force dirty?
Holding a taser to someone's groin and saying "if you're lying to me, when I get you back at the station, I'm tasering you in the ******* nuts." is not intimidation? Where? On Pluto?
That type of stuff, that you posted happens on a routine basis.
No it doesnt. Or prove that it does. This kind of thing "a cop being conviced in court not in the GTAM whine-threads" does not happen all the time. It's investigated reasonably often, but seldom gets to this point.
I'm sure you all know why that is.....cover-ups....pay offs.....dirty cops schemeing......
You do realize that there are authors out there besides Tom Clancy right? Other paper things, with words in them, that talk about all kinds of OTHER things.
You should try it.
Come on turbo, you and i booth know when this all gets swept under the rug this guy will not lose a days pay or his job.
.This cop pleaded guilty, so that means he will not be able to appeal the verdict. The conviction is in place and can't be swept under the rug. He could still appeal any sentence handed down by the criminal court, but I doubt that will happen.
Now that he's been convicted, he gets to face a whole new prosecution, this time under the Police Services Act. If found guilty there, and his criminal conviction for threatening will almost guarantee a conviction for discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act, he can be punished further over and above whatever sentence the criminal court imposes on him. Under the PSA, this guy has a good chance of losing that job completely and he can also be fined several thousands of dollars on top of that. The only thing working for him is a previous good record, the fact that he never actually injured anyone, plus his quick guilty plea and acceptance of personal responsibility for the incident. If he is lucky enough to keep his job, he faces certain demotion resulting in a further loss of several thousands in pay that he will never recover, and his future promotion prospects will be in the toilet for many many years meaning thousands in potential future wage gains forever lost.
He has been suspended with pay since June, but that doesn't mean he didn't lose $ there either. Suspended with pay also means no chance to get those lucrative per hour pay duty gigs in his free time, and there also lies several $ thousands in potential income lost.
This guy has already lost much more than "a day's pay", and he's lined up to lose a whole lot more before all is said and done. And you talk of this being swept under the rug? That choice was gone the moment the line cops who discovered the video decided to send it up the chain of command.
If found guilty there, and his criminal conviction for threatening will almost guarantee a conviction for discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act
Under the PSA, this guy has a good chance of losing that job completely
Suspended with pay also means no chance to get those lucrative per hour pay duty gigs in his free time
That choice was gone the moment the line cops who discovered the video decided to send it up the chain of command.
It was not like someone was shooting with a cell phone from the bushes. The video came from an in-police-car camera that could easily have been kept from the light of day if the cops so desired. Also, the taser was never actually used so there was no other physical or medical evidence that it ever happened other than the video. Who's going to believe the perp in handcuff in the back seat without any evidence? Point is, they didn't suppress the video when they so easily could have.
This prosecution against a cop was cop-driven all the way. The conduct was way over the line and not excusable by any measure, and other Toronto cops held this Toronto cop accountable for it. So much for the Blue Wall.
The video did not come to light as part of a defence disclosure demand nor as a result of any complaint being registered by the suspects involved. Police found evidence of clear wrongdoing by a police officer and acted appropriately to hold that officer accountable for a clear breach.Court heard that neither victim was intimidated or physically injured. Neither complained about the threats or treatment. Hominuk’s Taser was never activated or used in the incident. Hominuk’s misconduct was discovered while police viewed the in-camera video for an unrelated purpose.
Where do you think this video came from if not from cameras installed in two different police cruisers at that theft location? Most TPS cruiser already have cameras installed in them. The few remaining ones that do not will have them installed this year.
not worth it
They should hire this woman to run the Toronto Police force. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/303436
i din't swear and name call, i just didn't want to waste anymore time.Great example shown by lucky2 on how to keep a conversation civil. If you think your speaking to a rock....well...don't blame the rock if you get frustrated to the point of swearing and name calling!
That woman is my hero!!!
Did any of you hear of talk on having a small camera on each officer??? I heard something about that around a year ago and I though it would be the best thing for our officers. It would bring on a whole new level of customer service and professionalism.