Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
69,299 + 883,600 = 952,899 Cops in North America

6,940,000 results shown for police brutality

6,940,000 / 952,899 = 7.28 results per officer.

Try Googling "porn" and then look at the number of results, then compare it to the number of people in North America.
Due to the recent changes on GTAM regarding the posting of police brutality, it has been suggested that we find somewhere else to talk about these issues.

Some police supporters on this site defend the 'bad' cops even as they are going down in court. This only helps cement my feelings and thoughts that all cops are bad.

Since I was more/less forced to find another site to follow up with the social problem of police brutality, I did some research and found .

Nice find. We probably won't hear from turbo for a couple of weeks now. :lol:
Try Googling "porn" and then look at the number of results, then compare it to the number of people in North America.
Point taken...some of us use more than our fair share, uping the #'s disportionatly. Guess it is the same for the bad cops who assault someone everyday as an ego boost, where other cops only assault 1 person/week.
Point taken...some of us use more than our fair share, uping the #'s disportionatly. Guess it is the same for the bad cops who assault someone everyday as an ego boost, where other cops only assault 1 person/week.

Or, more likely, it's because the media makes such a fuss about everything that the numbers are massively skewed.
Or, more likely, it's because the media makes such a fuss about everything that the numbers are massively skewed.

And then people read said BS, quote it as gospel here, and pretend it's original thought. Then said regurgitator gets called out on it, the HTA posse shows up to defend said regurgitator, and it gets mean spirited and personal. Sound about right?
And then people read said BS, quote it as gospel here, and pretend it's original thought. Then said regurgitator gets called out on it, the HTA posse shows up to defend said regurgitator, and it gets mean spirited and personal. Sound about right?

LMAO. Like you are without sin. Get over yourself already.
The only thing that I dont get with all the cop bashing is that a very large chunk of it is in regards to things in the states or from other provinces.

Last time I checked this wasn't America, so why people get so worked up over things is beyond me. In what other profession does the WORLD critique? Because an officer in Las Vegas kicks a guy in the head why are Toronto motorcyclists getting worked up over it? Makes no bloody sense to me.
Last time I checked this wasn't America, so why people get so worked up over things is beyond me.

Because we (Canada in general) tend to emulate the United States, eventually. One only has to look at last decade's changes to the OPP and TPS uniforms (and OPP cars) to see the shift towards US style policing. Fantino was quoted as saying he wanted his "troops" to appear more menacing.
Because we (Canada in general) tend to emulate the United States, eventually. One only has to look at last decade's changes to the OPP and TPS uniforms (and OPP cars) to see the shift towards US style policing. Fantino was quoted as saying he wanted his "troops" to appear more menacing.

Stop acting like a self absorbed, and entitled, american and maybe they can take a break from it. Over myself indeed. LOL. I know you are but what am i?!?!?!?

The only thing that I dont get with all the cop bashing is that a very large chunk of it is in regards to things in the states or from other provinces.

Last time I checked this wasn't America, so why people get so worked up over things is beyond me. In what other profession does the WORLD critique? Because an officer in Las Vegas kicks a guy in the head why are Toronto motorcyclists getting worked up over it? Makes no bloody sense to me.

crazy talk. Not allowed in these threads.
The only thing that I dont get with all the cop bashing is that a very large chunk of it is in regards to things in the states or from other provinces.

Last time I checked this wasn't America, so why people get so worked up over things is beyond me. In what other profession does the WORLD critique? Because an officer in Las Vegas kicks a guy in the head why are Toronto motorcyclists getting worked up over it? Makes no bloody sense to me.

1- Because your scenario may not only be criminal, it's also sickening if the guy who is held up as some kind of shining example for the rest of us peons to emulate, gets away with it
2- Despite our differences, Canada and the US also have enough similarities that it is useful to draw parallels between them and us.
3- How close does it have to be to be relevant to you? "Oh, that was only my neighbour who's plumbing broke and flooded his basement, it's nothing I ever need to worry about." ???
4- There are plenty of examples of it happening in Canada. In Ontario. In Toronto. Is it OK with you if we talk about those?
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Because an officer in Las Vegas kicks a guy in the head why are Toronto motorcyclists getting worked up over it? Makes no bloody sense to me.

Why do pro-bad cop Torontonians get so worked up over justifying, defending and rationalizing criminal American cop behaviour? Makes no bloody sense to me.
Why do pro-bad cop Torontonians get so worked up over justifying, defending and rationalizing criminal American cop behaviour? Makes no bloody sense to me.

Talk like that's gonna get ya called a kid*.

*unfortunately, it won't negate all the sirs you got last year at Timmy's.
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Talk like that's gonna get ya called a kid*.

*unfortunately, it won't negate all the sirs you got last year at Timmy's.

glad we can joke around like this, you've come a long way in a short time kiddo

Is this close enough for you Graves? Or does it have to be in your actual neighbourhood?

Toronto cop convicted of threatening bodily harm

"If you're lying to me, when I get you back to the station I'm tasering you in the ******* nuts." That's what we're paying these goons for?

Mind you turbo's going to wade in and say that the cop may have felt threatened by the suspect prone on the back seat of the cruiser with his hands cuffed behind his back (never know, he wasn't hog tied, and he may have had one of those secret agent spring loaded knife boots on), and danky's going to start chirping that he must have mouthed off, and he had it comming, but I digress.
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And I'll chime in to point out that this officer has been CONVICTED, and hope that the force does the right thing by immediately separating him.
Is this close enough for you Graves? Or does it have to be in your actual neighbourhood?

Toronto cop convicted of threatening bodily harm

"If you're lying to me, when I get you back to the station I'm tasering you in the ******* nuts." That's what we're paying these goons for?

Mind you turbo's going to wade in and say that the cop may have felt threatened by the suspect prone on the back seat of the cruiser with his hands cuffed behind his back (never know, he wasn't hog tied, and he may have had one of those secret agent spring loaded knife boots on), and danky's going to start chirping that he must have mouthed off, and he had it comming, but I digress.

Gee, I wonder why they dont want to put in dashboard cameras on all cruisers??? Wonder why they will only agree to it if they can turn off the camera at their will?? Must about the money??? yea thats it. Meanwhile, down south, even the poorest county/state/city has the budget to actually do it.

That type of stuff, that you posted happens on a routine basis.
Is this close enough for you Graves? Or does it have to be in your actual neighbourhood?

Toronto cop convicted of threatening bodily harm

"If you're lying to me, when I get you back to the station I'm tasering you in the ******* nuts." That's what we're paying these goons for?

Mind you turbo's going to wade in and say that the cop may have felt threatened by the suspect prone on the back seat of the cruiser with his hands cuffed behind his back (never know, he wasn't hog tied, and he may have had one of those secret agent spring loaded knife boots on), and danky's going to start chirping that he must have mouthed off, and he had it comming, but I digress.

You're being an ******* with that kind of comment, as is your habit. The cop went way over the line, and the police service is not only vigorously denouncing his actions as being totally unacceptable, but was the driving force in prosecuting him with video that only they had access to and which they could have easily "disposed" of if they had a mind to. But they didn't have that mind to, except maybe in your petty little conspiracy fantasy world.
You digress? LOL. On the contrary. Your usual blather about what you think happned.

But entertaining. Like watching a kid you hate run with scissors for the 100th time.

and yea. I said kid. Again. How do i KNOW these things....? Probably the same way you do.

Is this close enough for you Graves? Or does it have to be in your actual neighbourhood?

Toronto cop convicted of threatening bodily harm

"If you're lying to me, when I get you back to the station I'm tasering you in the ******* nuts." That's what we're paying these goons for?

Mind you turbo's going to wade in and say that the cop may have felt threatened by the suspect prone on the back seat of the cruiser with his hands cuffed behind his back (never know, he wasn't hog tied, and he may have had one of those secret agent spring loaded knife boots on), and danky's going to start chirping that he must have mouthed off, and he had it comming, but I digress.
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