Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
I believe the shooter was mentally ill, but that's not something you can always tell just by looking at some one. considering that people have been shot for looking the wrong way at some one when it comes to a conflict like this I'd say it would be safer to err on the side of caution and not put yourself in a situation where your own weapon can be removed and used against you.

I agree, and hopefully most cops would agree, but I still want to leave it to their discretion to use less force rather than bind them to the requirements of a rulebook that can't factor in the context of the situation they're in.
I agree, and hopefully most cops would agree, but I still want to leave it to their discretion to use less force rather than bind them to the requirements of a rulebook that can't factor in the context of the situation they're in.

oh i agree he acted with restraint, i'm talking about putting himself between two people that he is attempting to restrain. too easy for that stuff to go south and him end up dead. too many people to control then wait for back up, though for something minor like jaywalking I am not sure the confrontation is worth it particularly if they didn't hold up traffic (other wise you just seem like a bully). I can tell you that these girls will not be aiding any LEOs anytime soon. and the damage to the police forces pr is probably the biggest casualty here. many people have nothing to lose, particularly with many states that have 3 strikes rule.
The problem with a lot of the issues lately seem to be the police are feared because we have some 'bad' cops, so the normal law abiding citizen trys to avoid them (running makes them look even guiltier). That coupled with the lack of respect they gain across the board because of these 'bad' cops and the supervisors/fellow cops/SIU that support them. It makes the whole system seem like an untouchable, government sanctioned gang.
It makes the whole system seem like an untouchable, government sanctioned gang.

And on the flip side: before I started reading about and seeing videos of bad cops on the internet I had a somewhat different perspective. I took ownership of my half of the equation.

Yes I had my run ins with the fuzz as a youngin, and at times, felt treated unfairly but also had the wherewithall to realize a lot of it was at my initiation.

All interactions with police over the last 25yrs. have been motor vehicle related and every one of those were ratcheted down and diffused because of my demeanor. Just sayin'
oh i agree he acted with restraint, i'm talking about putting himself between two people that he is attempting to restrain. too easy for that stuff to go south and him end up dead. too many people to control then wait for back up, though for something minor like jaywalking I am not sure the confrontation is worth it particularly if they didn't hold up traffic (other wise you just seem like a bully). I can tell you that these girls will not be aiding any LEOs anytime soon. and the damage to the police forces pr is probably the biggest casualty here. many people have nothing to lose, particularly with many states that have 3 strikes rule.

I agree he should have used common sense and back away from the situation and waited for back up. Clearly he is afraid to use force on the woman to restrain her properly and he put him self in a very dangerous situation with the amount of people there and in close proximity to him. He also looks like a complete idiot for punching a woman in the face and struggling with the other one for so long and her being able to get out of his hold so many times. Very sloppy and I am very happy I have never had to make an arrest with someone as incompetant as him. Training and common sense is clearly what Police Officers are lacking these days.
Training and common sense is clearly what Police Officers are lacking these days.

Holy Batman whats with the police bashing?? Can't we all just get along?
And on the flip side: before I started reading about and seeing videos of bad cops on the internet I had a somewhat different perspective. I took ownership of my half of the equation.

Yes I had my run ins with the fuzz as a youngin, and at times, felt treated unfairly but also had the wherewithall to realize a lot of it was at my initiation.

All interactions with police over the last 25yrs. have been motor vehicle related and every one of those were ratcheted down and diffused because of my demeanor. Just sayin'

The NexGEnners seem very resistant to the idea of being responsible for their demeanor. Ever. And that regardless of what it is, they should be treated with respect.
Constable Babak Andalib-Goortani - TPS 31 div. charged with assault against Adam Nobody had a second charge laid yesterday. He's been charged with assaulting a female with his baton at the designated peaceful protest area at Queens Park.
And on the flip side: before I started reading about and seeing videos of bad cops on the internet I had a somewhat different perspective. I took ownership of my half of the equation.

Yes I had my run ins with the fuzz as a youngin, and at times, felt treated unfairly but also had the wherewithall to realize a lot of it was at my initiation.

All interactions with police over the last 25yrs. have been motor vehicle related and every one of those were ratcheted down and diffused because of my demeanor. Just sayin'

Holy Batman whats with the police bashing?? Can't we all just get along?

Do a Google search on "police brutality" and see how many links come up. Just those two words together got me "About 6,940,000 results" I think the subject has enough credibility to be worth talking about, don't you?
Just to inject a little reality into the discussion:

Number of police officers in Canada (including RCMP) as of 2010 : 69,299
Number of police officers in the United States as of 2008 : 883,600

In any significantly large population, you're going to have a few bad apples.
Consider the optics of a forum, that has a specific section for bitching and whining about police. Personally, I wouldn't consider that to be a very good idea.

In that case, what about going back to the old system? We have a section about the laws and we have a Romper Room.
Because this method doesn't result in disruption of multiple threads, with off-topic comments perhaps?

If I were to find words to describe this method, they would involve phrases like "killing discussion on this topic" or "sweeping under the rug."
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