Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
the thread about over criminalization also wasn't about cops either, it was about the government making criminals out of everyone.

Well, it has some cop-bashing potential, but it never even attempted to reach it :cool:
So if you're a teenage girl, a cop tells you to remove your shoes in your cell, and you slip them off and flick them out the door with your foot, you deserve a **** kicking from 2 male cops.

Can't wait to hear turbo's apologist spin on this one.
WOW....good thing we have police to serve and protect. I'm sure that girl was as dangerous as they come and probably armed too.
This is the part that scares me about cops and authority in general. The vindictiveness.

It really doesn't matter what led her to being put in the cell, but flicking the show obviously was the last straw. They could have just shut the door but emotions got the better of these cops.

I cannot imagine how this would be justified. I need to know, TD to the courtesy phone.....
I am Oliycreek mad after watching that. That is F---ing disgusting. How old is she, 13-14? Regardless of her age she is a child.
Her movements and attitude show that. He's coward in the true sense of the word. Give me 5 min. with him Please, he'll never do it again.

How about a new sub section? Cowards with Authority.
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This is the part that scares me about cops and authority in general. The vindictiveness.

It really doesn't matter what led her to being put in the cell, but flicking the show obviously was the last straw. They could have just shut the door but emotions got the better of these cops.

I cannot imagine how this would be justified. I need to know, TD to the courtesy phone.....
This is a major problem in the system. We all agree we need officers to protect society from unstable, dangerous, violent people. But we also need to have a method in place to ensure that the officers protecting us don't have anger issues, mental issues (manic depressive, obsessive compulsive, bi-polar, split personality, socialpath, etc). Too often when I watch these videos it appears that the officers allow their own feelings to get involved, making it a 'personal' thing for the officer and they react out of anger, vindictiveness, or sometimes just over grown egos and they enjoy being bullies.

This is on the police level and not higher either. If I stood on the street with a sign that said 'This government is run by a-holes', nothing would happen to me. If I yelled out to the Prime Minister 'Hey, you're an a-hole', nothing would happen. If you say it to a cop, some will make it personal and want to beat you.

They need to be made more accountable for their actions, and the police departments need to weed out the bad ones and in the future cops could be viewed as heroes like firemen are.
This is a major problem in the system. We all agree we need officers to protect society from unstable, dangerous, violent people. But we also need to have a method in place to ensure that the officers protecting us don't have anger issues, mental issues (manic depressive, obsessive compulsive, bi-polar, split personality, socialpath, etc). Too often when I watch these videos it appears that the officers allow their own feelings to get involved, making it a 'personal' thing for the officer and they react out of anger, vindictiveness, or sometimes just over grown egos and they enjoy being bullies.

This is on the police level and not higher either. If I stood on the street with a sign that said 'This government is run by a-holes', nothing would happen to me. If I yelled out to the Prime Minister 'Hey, you're an a-hole', nothing would happen. If you say it to a cop, some will make it personal and want to beat you.

They need to be made more accountable for their actions, and the police departments need to weed out the bad ones and in the future cops could be viewed as heroes like firemen are.
If this could happen there would be so much more trust in police in general. It would also make their jobs easier and more enjoyable. The union needs to step back and let the bad apples go, as it stands now I do not trust the police and don't know of many that do.
Why 11 Police Officers Were Shot In 24 hours
By Andrew C. Wallace
1-29-11 This is an explanation of the shooting of Police Officers Tom Baitinger, and Jeffrey Yaslowitz and a U.S. Marshal in St. Petersburg, Florida, Officer Steven Dodds in Oregon, Officer David Moore in Indianapolis, two Officers wounded in Port Orchard, Washington, Two Sheriff's Deputies wounded in Tacoma, Washington, and four Police Officers wounded in Detroit, Michigan. Eleven of these shootings took place in 24 hours as reported by Fox News 1-25-11. To expect different outcomes from inner city Marxist Utopias is both moronic and impossible. Simple logic and history dictates that most people born into the world without being taught right from wrong, the Golden Rule, ethics, morals or guidance from a proper family, the teachings of Jesus Christ and real education, are doomed. These residents even elect and support those who deprive them of freedom and prosperity, who are just like those who sold their own people into slavery in the first place. Law abiding people living in the Marxist Utopias live in fear of the criminals produced therein and have a strong resentment of ill treatment by the establishment represented by the Police. Under existing circumstances, this deadly situation is highly resistant to change. Police have never had the lead responsibility to protect the people. Our constitution gave that obligation to the people themselves along with the right to keep and bear arms as protection against criminals and a rogue government. It is impossible for police to protect the people without an armed citizenry supporting the police, but the Marxist Officials will not allow it because they rightly fear retribution from the people. Officials should fear arrest for their treason. The people had my back when I was a police officer and I would never work under the present conditions where the police are perceived much like that of an occupying army. In many cases the people are protecting the criminals and hate the police. The police have limited choices, none of them easy. They can arm and train the law abiding people while earning their trust. This would require that the police pay close attention to the prosecutors and judges to insure that people get equal justice and due process in a civil manner. Since many prosecutors and judges are corrupt, police will have to investigate and arrest some of them to establish creditability. Police will have targets on their backs until they are perceived as friends of the people. Don't tell me that this is a pipe dream and will not work because I have experienced it. As a police officer, I have been offered housing at much reduced cost to get me to live in their area, the people wanted my services. Police in Marxist utopias can't say the same thing as they are mostly hated. We used to have a saying that "You could fight with every drunk, or not, your choice". I have seen many current police officers on TV treat people in a disrespectful manner that did nothing to get rid of that target. I was taught as a police officer "to either kill the people with kindness, or to kill them for proper cause", and that we were not paid to subdue people with a club or with physical force because it was poor public relations, not required, and sooner or later we would lose with dire consequences. This policy was based upon experience and was very effective. We did not wear track shoes because common law allowed use of deadly force to stop felons. We could use positive road blocks so car chases did not last long. Everyone knew the rules of engagement so it worked quite well. This problem was started by greedy politicians who instituted pure Marxism in the inner cities depriving people of equal opportunity and freedom by replacing it with equal poverty and slavery resulting in a brainwashed population with a large criminal underclass. One example of a major cause is the 20% high school graduation rate of Blacks in St. Petersburg, Florida, which is the worst example of low graduation rates in the United States. If the police can't change things by throwing some officials in jail and working with the people they should resign, and law abiding residents should move out. To my knowledge it is almost unheard of for Police to use their legitimate and superior power to clean out prosecutorial and judicial corruption. If the police don't do it, who can? There is a high probability that our money and government benefits will become worthless. When this occurs, residents of the Marxist utopias, seeking food, will attack the government or the working people, in either case, it is not a time to live or work in the city. My prayers go to the families of the brave officers who have died because of yet another failed experiment in Marxism by Traitors to our Constitution in the government, and most especially to the Marxist media who refused to tell people the truth.
So if you're a teenage girl, a cop tells you to remove your shoes in your cell, and you slip them off and flick them out the door with your foot, you deserve a **** kicking from 2 male cops.

Can't wait to hear turbo's apologist spin on this one.

the sure sign of a true coward right there, what a CS. that cop wouldn't have the balls to go toe to toe with a man so he beats up women.
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So if you're a teenage girl, a cop tells you to remove your shoes in your cell, and you slip them off and flick them out the door with your foot, you deserve a **** kicking from 2 male cops.

Can't wait to hear turbo's apologist spin on this one.

The Deputy (Paul Schene) that attacked the girl was fired for multiple policy violations (the assault of the 15 year old was just one of many issues) and although he was charged for the assault two trials ended in a mistrial (jurors voted guilty 11-1) in one of the mistrials one of the jurors stated right at the beginning that he was not going to change his mind on the not guilty vote.
in this vid you get to see both angles and her shoe gets to about mid thigh but it's slow moving and easily missed the deputy
I read some where that the girl that was assaulted received 130K for her troubles but I haven't been able to find anything to substantiate it.

Now in this vid a cop does punch one girl when she interferes with the arrest of the another, but watching this vid so much could have gone so wrong. At one point he could have easily had his weapon removed from his holster and turned against him when one of the girls was behind him.

What I gather from the story is that this all started in regards to a jaywalking incident and escalated when the women would not respect his authority. He's lucky he only ends up looking like a bully and doesn't get a bullet in his back from his own gun. He is also lucky the mob surrounding him doesn't come to the defense of the girl specially in the struggle (that was the longest, gentlest take down i've seen ever). What do you do when 4 teens refuse to respect your authority?

As for Jaywalking I suspect this varies from location to location but I'm on the understanding it's only an offense if you obstruct traffic. It's a law to protect ourselves from ourselves.
Props to that second cop for showing so much restraint. I don't think they were any serious risk to him, they just didn't realize the level of authority he had over them in that situation. Kids these days, it's all about me me me me me!
too easy for some one to pull the gun out of his holster, like what happened to a toronto cop years ago when he was wrestling with some one he was attempting to arrest prompting the toronto police to switch from cross draw holsters.

Was he attempting to arrest a jaywalking teenage girl with an attitude?

People are different, they should be dealt with differently according to the real risk the officer perceives, not according to a worst-case playbook.
Was he attempting to arrest a jaywalking teenage girl with an attitude?

People are different, they should be dealt with differently according to the real risk the officer perceives, not according to a worst-case playbook.

I believe the shooter was mentally ill, but that's not something you can always tell just by looking at some one. considering that people have been shot for looking the wrong way at some one when it comes to a conflict like this I'd say it would be safer to err on the side of caution and not put yourself in a situation where your own weapon can be removed and used against you.
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