Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Here you go folks. With the rising amount of posts about law enforcement and riders opinions of them....we've decided to help keep GTAM clean and organized and all bashing will be moved to this post.

All forum rules still apply. Keep the conversations civil and clean.

Remember what they say about arguing on the internet!!

except the thread about the guy going to jail for defending himself from fire bombing wasn't about cops it was about laws being messed up.

the g20 thread was about more than cops, it was also how our government failed us by making secret laws
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

No one's buying what you're selling.

I was sarcastically quoting you lambshank.

I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm merely pointing out that you are trying to sell nothing. There is a difference.
I have a question for you people:
What do you think of the SIU in Ontario?
What do you think is right with the SIU and wrong?
Do you think they can make a difference or are a useless body?
How would you change the SIU and why?
You realize that will only confuse them. :-)

What's to confuse? The guy lunged at an officer with a knife and was shot. I applaud them for trying every other avenue of communication prior to escalating to deadly force.

IMHO communication and trying to diffuse a situation rather than escalate is the one major bit that seems to be missing in todays police services.
Paul, please make a separate forum for this. Nobody's gonna read a 100 page thread.
Maybe that's the idea, which makes it just fine by me ;)

There aren't too many public forums where pointing out the inadequacies in our services is welcomed by the community. This community gets a lot of attention from our police services, so it's more welcoming to putting the spotlight on'em. If this topic just gets a separate forum, people who don't wanna read about it can avoid it and people who do want to discuss the performance of our police services have a proper sandbox.
Here you go folks. With the rising amount of posts about law enforcement and riders opinions of them....we've decided to help keep GTAM clean and organized and all bashing will be moved to this post.

All forum rules still apply. Keep the conversations civil and clean.

Remember what they say about arguing on the internet!!

10-23-2002....can't we focus on today's issues?

I found a kitten in my neighbour's recycling bin with a peanut butter jar on it's head last fall. I didn't have any problems getting the jar off, though. Maybe I should apply for a job on the Barrie force. They can start me off at Staff Sargent.

Obligatory photo of jar.


Yeah, my neighbour eats teh ghetto PB.
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another day another case of brutality. . .

. . .clean out the bad apples. . .the tps needs to restore its name.

. . .paul, you can do whatever you want, it's your site, but like crusingirl wrote, if you want to belittle what happened to innocent (and i do mean innocent, contrary to the ignorant blanket statements that some users are making about 'everyone' who was arrested) people in our country, in our city. . .that's your prerogative. . .criminality on either side cannot, and should not be supported overtly or tacitly.

accepting the massive violation of our civil liberties and charter rights, and criminal abuse of police powers on that weekend only makes it easier when they want to limit our freedoms as riders or arbitrarily take them away (even temporarily).

if anyone thinks this issue is simply about cop-bashing, they are woefully and willfully ignorant.

the one thing that resonates with me repeatedly about the biker community is the word 'freedom'. . .

so funny and strange that we all champion that so strongly and forcefully, while some of us would let civil liberties and fundamental freedoms be trumped so easily. . .
The big batch of police brutality threads is the result of 2 trends:
1) More case surfaced, so the blame lays squarely on the shoulders of the respective police services for permitting the wrongdoings in the first place
2) It's off-season, so it's not like a lot of bike-related stuff comes up
Dumping all of them into a single thread almost makes this site's administration complicit with the wrongdoings. We are a community that gets a lot of attention from the police services, so it's natural for some of our attention to go that way. This thread really kills any real discourse on those topics. Paul, if you wanna put these discussions in a sandbox, give us a forum section, not a single thread where any discussion gets buried.
I have a question for you people:
What do you think of the SIU in Ontario?
What do you think is right with the SIU and wrong?
Do you think they can make a difference or are a useless body?
How would you change the SIU and why?

The SIU has too many ties to the police forces. Too many former police officers. It accomplishes very little.

I understand the need for the SIU to be able to see the police viewpoint and it's not wrong for them to understand how policing works, in fact it is necessary. But rather than being made up of a large proportion of former police officers (with the perception that they are covering up for the police), the decision-making members in the SIU should be made up entirely of people from *outside* the policing community. Anyone ever having received a paycheck from a police department should be *excluded* from a decision-making role in the SIU. The ex-officers could be non-decision-making members so that the police viewpoint is "heard" ... but that viewpoint shouldn't be (almost) the only one that counts.

This is the only way the SIU could ever be perceived as an independent body. Right now, it's called "independent", but it is certainly not perceived as "independent".
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