Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Held to a higher standard, agreed, and I'll put money on it that the officers will get the same if not more of a sentence that "joe public"

Not if the likes of Milan Rupic have anything to do with it.. They're well known for twiddling their thumbs until the accused LEO's get off on 11b
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Not if the likes of Milan Rupic have anything to do with it.. They're well known for twiddling their thumbs until the accused LEO's get off on 11b

Has the part about being convicted not sunk in yet?
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Now that they have been convicted, I think it is only fair that they pay back the money they have extorted from the tax payer for the last two years. The whole reasoning behind why they continued to get paid until court time is because they haven't been convicted and they aren't guilty yet and can't be penalized until then.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

It's easy to show where the cops life was in danger in the attached picture. It shows the cop about a foot away from the suspect with good reason to believe that he was armed. This is the point at which he could have been shot or stabbed if the runner was so inclined. It's also the reason why it made a lot more sense for the cop to shove him than to tackle him, as he would remain within striking distance of the suspect if he had tackled him and they went to the ground together.
From the picture it looks like if he did want to stab the cop, here the cop is running at him and it would be even easier to stab him. Wouldn't it make sense for the cop to stop 10' away, and make him lie down on his front at gunpoint? Now he won't get stabbed for sure, and since the suspect wasn't known to have a gun, he would have been safe from being shot as well.
Re: Suicide by cop

Bottom line is, an event like this is merely an anomoly. In my entire lifetime of 45 years, I've never heard of such an event, until now. I'll probably never hear of such an event ever again. No one should waste time or resources trying to prevent a similar event.
Re: Suicide by cop

Detriot is one f'ed up town. The States just wish they could sweep that city under a rug somewhere.

We stopped at a gas bar in Detroit so my son could go to the bathroom. The attendant behind the protective glass, advised my wife that we were in a bad area and was kind enough to let her and my son in behind the protective glass to use his bathroom. My son told me there was a handgun in a holster lying on the floor. It's certainly a different world there.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

From the picture it looks like if he did want to stab the cop, here the cop is running at him and it would be even easier to stab him. Wouldn't it make sense for the cop to stop 10' away, and make him lie down on his front at gunpoint? Now he won't get stabbed for sure, and since the suspect wasn't known to have a gun, he would have been safe from being shot as well.

That would make sense, sure. There are pros and cons, you'd have to ask the cop why he chose to shove but either way it was justified.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

If you were convicted of assault (first offense) what are the chances you would do any jail time? More than likely none. You'd probably get probation and maybe some community service. A similar sentence and the loss of their jobs is appropriate.

You may get time due to aggravating circumstance eg you were armed with a firearm, 2 on 1 and the serious bodily injury inflected on the victim
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

That would make sense, sure. There are pros and cons, you'd have to ask the cop why he chose to shove but either way it was justified.

This case is just an example of my current problem with police tactics - tasers, 'body checks' (full out running start ones like this), head shots etc. - they're all against my understanding of what a police officer should do and what they signed up for. They signed up to serve and protect, and secondly to put themselves in harms way. By tasering someone first (the Van airport incident), or full out body checking the guy in order to subdue him, is NOT putting yourself in harms way in order to serve and protect. It's plain old lazy. In this case, laziness resulted in a coma.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

The funnest part is that both of those thugs still think they are heroes
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

It's a conviction without any consequences. It's a facade conviction. If they spend any jail time I'll give you $50.

Sorry but buddy threw down a $50, I called him on it. There was no conditions of conviction is his offer, just a conviction.

But I'll put your offer on file, if they ever see a cell you can pony over. Doubt it for assault.

Meanwhile there's a $50 waiting for me someplace........
Re: don't steal.... from the police

OK...too many cop bashing let's decide what to do with them all....I mean...we're posting articles from all over the world and articles from 2009 (in this post). This is obviously just a reason to bash cops....

I do believe we'll need to merge them all into one large "I hate cops" thread and let you FTP folks vent. Posting new threads every day simply to bash cops isn't really needed.

Can we get a Cop Bashing sub-forum?
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

NO NO NO!!! LOL. Both you palookas have it all wrong. I, unlike you, propose no such thing. I"m saying i DONT have any info that could possibly cause anyone to come to ANY reliable rendition of what went pay person talking.....

Neither do you! LOL.


LOL, man, you crack me up, you think your the only guy in the world that knows cops or has access to other info??

But lets forget that part for now:

Diasbled man is arrested for drunk and disorderly
During the arrest the man is bruised and his ribs are broken
SIU finds that there was NO BASIS for the man's arrest
Blood tox tests show that he had zero alchol level
Cops are charged and will be appealing.

Why dont you tell us why there is now a "publication ban" in regards to the details of Sgt Ryan Russell's death?? Since your "in the know"
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Sorry but buddy threw down a $50, I called him on it. There was no conditions of conviction is his offer, just a conviction.

But I'll put your offer on file, if they ever see a cell you can pony over. Doubt it for assault.

Meanwhile there's a $50 waiting for me someplace........

sorry, i mean sentencing......
but i see you may not your $50..... come and get it.... im in Montreal right now
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Wouldn't it make sense for the cop to stop 10' away, and make him lie down on his front at gunpoint?

So he stops 10' short, draws his pistola and orders the runner to surrender. Oooops! he just kept right on what? Start shooting?

ok well I guess I didn't understand the situation in the first post...

But yes, if you are part of that group running around smashing ****, burning police cars and causing mayhem, you deserve what you have coming to you.
And those people there "protesting" in the same place, even tho they aren't being physically violent need to be moved out, as the large crowd adds to the mob mentality of those that are being violent and is in a way supporting them. Police were out numbered so yes, I can understand them being on edge the way they were.
I present to you, Exhibit A:
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

sorry, i mean sentencing......
but i see you may not your $50..... come and get it.... im in Montreal right now

Thats great news. One of my offices is in Montreal, actually Dorval, but I have people, send me the pickup address and I'll have that looked after.
Those wacky Montrealers will drive an hour for $50 to blow off at Biftec or super... by the airport.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

NO NO NO!!! LOL. Both you palookas have it all wrong. I, unlike you, propose no such thing. I"m saying i DONT have any info that could possibly cause anyone to come to ANY reliable rendition of what went pay person talking.....

Neither do you! LOL.


LOL right back at you

Guess that the Toronto Star is just plain making stuff up.
Here you go folks. With the rising amount of posts about law enforcement and riders opinions of them....we've decided to help keep GTAM clean and organized and all bashing will be moved to this post.

All forum rules still apply. Keep the conversations civil and clean.

Remember what they say about arguing on the internet!!
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