Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

lol this is funny because if it was EMS or TFD no one would say one word.
Ems and Tfd don't issue tickets for the same offense. Besides you are more likely to be helped by EMS and FD. Most public interaction with LE results in fines !
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Don't see what the issue is with them parking closer even if they are on a break or low time in their shift. Would you rather they parked legally and get a call to something and have to be further from their cruiser and take longer to get to a call because of it?

His reaction and response to the woman taking the picture was unprofessional though and I do not agree that police officers have the right to talk like that to the public.

Are you related to turbodish?
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Ems and Tfd don't issue tickets for the same offense. Besides you are more likely to be helped by EMS and FD. Most public interaction with LE results in fines !

Really??? Where on earth did you get this info from. Oh and usually if someone is getting fined for something it's cause they have done something wrong.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Actually i remeber back not too long ago, TFD was berated when they parked at a home depot while there crew went shopping.

Problem with this is whats been said. They are paid to uphold the law, if its okay for them to park then why will i get a ticket if I do the same?

Really, the union will get their back on this and nothing will come of it, but it just shows you there attitude. Its one thing to know you will get away with it but another to actually flaunt it.

Just like the TTC drivers, they will not get fired, so they just go and do what they what they know is wrong-illegal-texting.

Its the fact that they actually went after the person that took the picture, seriously??? trying to scare a memeber of the public, thats just low.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Don't see what the issue is with them parking closer even if they are on a break or low time in their shift. Would you rather they parked legally and get a call to something and have to be further from their cruiser and take longer to get to a call because of it?

His reaction and response to the woman taking the picture was unprofessional though and I do not agree that police officers have the right to talk like that to the public.

Why would an off-duty cop be called in first to respond? if the cop isn't off-duty what are they doing at timmies.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Why would an off-duty cop be called in first to respond? if the cop isn't off-duty what are they doing at timmies. don't get breaks at work? :rolleyes:

What's sad is that this even makes the news...
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Read it again. I said why would an off duty cop be called in before one who's not on their break.

...and to answer your question I've never had a job where I was paid to take a break, so I've never been expected to carry out any duties while on break. If you're being paid to take a break because you have to be on call, then what are you doing chilling in a restaurant away from your cruiser? hanging out at timmies while on the taxpayer's dollar is another issue in itself.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us don't get breaks at work? :rolleyes:

What's sad is that this even makes the news...

What made the news was harassing the reporter for taking pictures of them committing the infraction.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us don't get breaks at work? :rolleyes:

What's sad is that this even makes the news...

the parking on the sidewalk isn't the part that is making the news (though i wish that was the worst of the rotten apples doings, but a search will bring up things like extortion, kickbacks, police brutality), it's that a cop went after the member of the press for taking pictures of cops illegally parked on the sidewalk and intimidated her. Or do you think that the cops should be able to do what they please with free reign?

I've also worked in jobs that if it was too busy to take a break it was too busy to take a break, there was no one to do my job while i took 15 (and on the flipside if it was so dead i had nothing to do for 2 - 3 hours I got paid anyways). I've also worked jobs where there was no where to go and buy a coffee/donut/lunch and I had to bring it all with me, it's called planning ahead. A cop will know what nights tend to be busy and can plan accordingly, thermos for drinks, bag lunch and snacks.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Ems and Tfd don't issue tickets for the same offense. Besides you are more likely to be helped by EMS and FD. Most public interaction with LE results in fines !

Actually PEO's are usually the ones ticketing for those offences...

Actually i remeber back not too long ago, TFD was berated when they parked at a home depot while there crew went shopping.

Weren't they berated because there truck got stolen????
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Oh so you're butt hurt because you couldn't read a parking sign.... LOL

Went after and intimidated her?

I believe he said, he was allowed to park wherever he wanted, which is correct. Same as Ambulance, Fire Department, Military and other government services.

If she was "Intimidated" maybe she should just stay in the copy room and make coffee for the reporters that have the guts to do dangerous things like, go outside and take a picture. Oh, scary, but she was "forced" to do it.....

BTW another rule the cops don't have to follow.... they can, wait for it, CARRY GUNS IN PUBLIC.

OH noes, they have guns and we don't.

Somebody cry about it on the internet quick!!!

LOL GTAM is by far the biggest suckfest forum I have ever seen.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us's called planning ahead. A cop will know what nights tend to be busy and can plan accordingly, thermos for drinks, bag lunch and snacks.

So while he is getting dressed for work he should check his schedule????? Lets see....while I am on shift there is going to be 3 break ins, 2 shootings, major traffic accident, an apartment fire, 5 suspicious individuals.....hmmmm, maybe I should pack a lunch

Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

The cops all have radios on them, linked to the radios in their cars. If something happens they hear it and respond. They work garbage swing shifts stuck in their cars sometimes 12 hours a day but yea, feel free to spite them for getting a quick bite to eat when nothing is going on...

The OP likes to generalize.

Wonder what she would say if someone asked her to get off welfare and find a job so we don't have to pay for her lazy *** because she couldn't plan her family like the rest of us in the first world....., since Trenton is the #1 single mothers scamming welfare city in Canada I guess I can just throw her in with the rest of them under a blanket statement.

Like being generalized now?
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

We'd fill in the location field, but we're afraid someone might actually figure out who/where we am/are, and might force us to tone down our baiting on the interwebs.

Like being generalized too?
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Read it again. I said why would an off duty cop be called in before one who's not on their break.

...and to answer your question I've never had a job where I was paid to take a break, so I've never been expected to carry out any duties while on break. If you're being paid to take a break because you have to be on call, then what are you doing chilling in a restaurant away from your cruiser? hanging out at timmies while on the taxpayer's dollar is another issue in itself.

Where does it say he was off duty? There are laws in Ontario that state you are required to take a break after so many hours of work. And WTF...let's suppose he WAS off duty....are you saying if you were in that donut shop...and you got'd be okay if that cop was "off duty" - "It's okay officer...let the next on duty cop get the finish your donut"

Watch this.

Where do you draw the line on abuse of authority to victimize the weak. If someone has attitude problems, there are plenty of other more suitable professions besides public servant.

Certainly we as a society could (or used to ba able to) use common sense and realize stopping for a coffee and beating the crap out of someone might be different.

What made the news was harassing the reporter for taking pictures of them committing the infraction.

Harassing? Are you ****ing serious? He asked her some questions? What about when a reporter chases a cop..or chases Lindsay Lohan so they can ask them questions...why is it harassment when a cop does it but not when a reporter does it?

the parking on the sidewalk isn't the part that is making the news (though i wish that was the worst of the rotten apples doings, but a search will bring up things like extortion, kickbacks, police brutality), it's that a cop went after the member of the press for taking pictures of cops illegally parked on the sidewalk and intimidated her. Or do you think that the cops should be able to do what they please with free reign?

I've also worked in jobs that if it was too busy to take a break it was too busy to take a break, there was no one to do my job while i took 15 (and on the flipside if it was so dead i had nothing to do for 2 - 3 hours I got paid anyways). I've also worked jobs where there was no where to go and buy a coffee/donut/lunch and I had to bring it all with me, it's called planning ahead. A cop will know what nights tend to be busy and can plan accordingly, thermos for drinks, bag lunch and snacks.

Again..check the laws...or work in a union...I worked in a union once and got in crap for working on my break...

And what time of day/night did this reporter come taking pictures? I'm guessing by your statement you knew it was a busy time. ??
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Fullmoto :)

I Love it, just like I love a cryfest.

If you want I'll pm anything you want to know about me and we can set up a time and place for you to force me to do whatever it is you think you can.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

I have no issue with the cop taking a break. Everyone has to take a break once in a while.

I DO have an issue with the police (who are meant to be enforcing the law) setting a poor example by parking illegally when doing it.

Regardless of whether they are "exempt" or not ... IT SETS A BAD EXAMPLE.

And the treatment of the reporter is absurd.
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