Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

We'd fill in the location field, but we're afraid someone might actually figure out who/where we am/are, and might force us to tone down our baiting on the interwebs.

Like being generalized too?

Fullmoto :)

I Love it, just like I love a cryfest.

If you want I'll pm anything you want to know about me and we can set up a time and place for you to force me to do whatever it is you think you can.

These comments will get you both guys want to have an after class schoolyard it..but keep it off GTAM.

Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

These comments will get you both guys want to have an after class schoolyard it..but keep it off GTAM.


I re-read mine, and can see where it might get misconstrued. Should have wrote "then we'd all have to tone down our baiting on the intrawebs". It was a generalization, after all.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Regardless of whether they are "exempt" or not ... IT SETS A BAD EXAMPLE.

This is exactly what it comes down to. Right or wrong its a bad for public relations. No one likes hypocrites and when people see those enforcing the laws not following the laws it doesn't go over well.

I watched a parking enforcement officer give a ticket the other day for an expired parking tag while the officer himself was parked illegally and impeding traffic the entire time.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

I re-read mine, and can see where it might get misconstrued. Should have wrote "then we'd all have to tone down our baiting on the intrawebs". It was a generalization, after all.

I see it how it was picked that specific example to start something. Simple as that.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

This is exactly what it comes down to. Right or wrong its a bad for public relations. No one likes hypocrites and when people see those enforcing the laws not following the laws it doesn't go over well.

I watched a parking enforcement officer give a ticket the other day for an expired parking tag while the officer himself was parked illegally and impeding traffic the entire time.

And once your parking cop had issued that tag, he was on his way. Everyone knows how hard it can be to find an available legal street parking spot in the city core. Would you have had him take the time to find a legal parking spot a block or three away, walk back to the offending car, issue the tag, and then walk back to whatever legal place he had found to park his parking control car? That's hardly an efficient use of resources, is it?

Welcome to the realities of enforcement work in the big city. There are not many places you can short-term street park in the downtown parts of the city. Many of the parking lots usually charge the same hefty rates whether you're there for 5 minutes or 5 hours. And those parking lots are often not close to where you want to be.

This is one reason why cars with handicapped parking permits are able to park in areas normally designated as no parking. The disabled can park near where they need to be. Most people can understand the reasoning and few reasonable people aside from the envious and most petty would heap scorn on the disabled for doing so.

The cops are not disabled, but they also have good reason to keep their cars near. Whether parking cops or Toronto police, the cars are their office and contained their necessary working equipment. Especially with the cops, their breaks can end on an instant's notice when the next emergency call comes in over the radio. When that happens, some of the fools here believe that it would be more beneficial to society to have the cop run a block or three blocks back to their legally-parked cruiser, maybe even take a cab or a subway to get there, instead of simply letting them park closer by for a few minutes in a "no parking" lay-by where they are not blocking traffic.

Yes, cops should be setting an example, but the adults among us should also realize that their working conditions are different than that of the general public. They do get certain considerations as part of doing that job that we do not. That is not hypocrisy and any reasoning adult should be able to figure out the difference.

But hell, I have a solution. To appease the petty whiners, maybe the city should designate round-the-clock police-only parking spots at regular intervals on every downtown surface street, and make them instant tow-away zones for all others. We can start with both sides of Front St near Union Station, and include Temperance as well. Give them the necessary places to be able to park legally so the petty photo taking and criticism stops and we'll all be the happier for it, right?
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Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Oh so you're butt hurt because you couldn't read a parking sign.... LOL

Went after and intimidated her?

I believe he said, he was allowed to park wherever he wanted, which is correct. Same as Ambulance, Fire Department, Military and other government services.

If she was "Intimidated" maybe she should just stay in the copy room and make coffee for the reporters that have the guts to do dangerous things like, go outside and take a picture. Oh, scary, but she was "forced" to do it.....

BTW another rule the cops don't have to follow.... they can, wait for it, CARRY GUNS IN PUBLIC.

OH noes, they have guns and we don't.

Somebody cry about it on the internet quick!!!

LOL GTAM is by far the biggest suckfest forum I have ever seen.

they can park where they need to when doing their duties.... is getting a donut part of their duties?

and actually you can carry a gun around in public, go check out the discussion about riding with a gun.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

So while he is getting dressed for work he should check his schedule????? Lets see....while I am on shift there is going to be 3 break ins, 2 shootings, major traffic accident, an apartment fire, 5 suspicious individuals.....hmmmm, maybe I should pack a lunch


you're going to have days that tend to be busy (ie friday, saturday, long weekends, particular holidays, government paydays, forecasted snow storms) and days that tend to be less busy. you may not know exactly what's going to happen on your shift but you should have an idea how busy you're going to be. while many are entitled to take breaks i don't see where going to timmies is an entitlement.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

The cops all have radios on them, linked to the radios in their cars. If something happens they hear it and respond. They work garbage swing shifts stuck in their cars sometimes 12 hours a day but yea, feel free to spite them for getting a quick bite to eat when nothing is going on...

The OP likes to generalize.

Wonder what she would say if someone asked her to get off welfare and find a job so we don't have to pay for her lazy *** because she couldn't plan her family like the rest of us in the first world....., since Trenton is the #1 single mothers scamming welfare city in Canada I guess I can just throw her in with the rest of them under a blanket statement.

Like being generalized now?

lets generalize some more. Even though it's quite likely your mother loves you, you should move out of her basement and take care of yourself. btw, get a job with some benefits or a decent pay so you can get rid of those coke bottle glasses. Because every internet tough guy troll lives in his mom's basement and is blind as a bat.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

lets generalize some more. Even though it's quite likely your mother loves you, you should move out of her basement and take care of yourself. btw, get a job with some benefits or a decent pay so you can get rid of those coke bottle glasses. Because every internet tough guy troll lives in his mom's basement and is blind as a bat.

Good one...

Maybe you can snag me a application from the Tim Hortons at the bottom of the bridge in "Town". just leave your baby buggy with the "classy" folk that hang out in the parking lot. I'm sure they can use it to hide their Oxy when the cops roll by :)

I mean, gereally speaking. :)
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

they can park where they need to when doing their duties.... is getting a donut part of their duties?

and actually you can carry a gun around in public, go check out the discussion about riding with a gun.

Yes, getting a donut and coffee while on break is part of their duties given that they remain on call and their break can be interrupted by a call at any time.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Really??? Where on earth did you get this info from. Oh and usually if someone is getting fined for something it's cause they have done something wrong.

Unless your reporting a crime when do you ever interact with a cop? Police are basically tax collectors with guns nowadays. The definition of,as you say wrong is getting broader all the time. Revenue generating enforcement campaigns are the norm and increasing.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Actually i remeber back not too long ago, TFD was berated when they parked at a home depot while there crew went shopping.

Problem with this is whats been said. They are paid to uphold the law, if its okay for them to park then why will i get a ticket if I do the same?

Really, the union will get their back on this and nothing will come of it, but it just shows you there attitude. Its one thing to know you will get away with it but another to actually flaunt it.

Just like the TTC drivers, they will not get fired, so they just go and do what they what they know is wrong-illegal-texting.

Its the fact that they actually went after the person that took the picture, seriously??? trying to scare a memeber of the public, thats just low.

Was that the incident were the fire truck was stolen and driven into a ditch?
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

D23 I forgot how friggin hillairous you can be, don't rack up too many infractions.

Cause if you get banned I'll be bored.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

If you're paid to uphold the law and break it for no valid reason, you can expect to be photographed and you certainly shouldn't harass and intimidate someone for doing it. That's the real point of this story.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Certainly we as a society could (or used to ba able to) use common sense and realize stopping for a coffee and beating the crap out of someone might be different.

How about you use your common sense. How many people in this thread, after your reply, explicitly explained for you, that the point of the article is not about stopping for coffee, it's the intimidation and bullying they used on a clearly innocent reporter.

Article says it best "The essence of the conversation was on why she was taking the pictures and once that was established, it should have ended there."
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

I still dont get what was scary or intimidating about the situation. Sure everyone will feel differently about a situation, but the cop never threatened her, touched her.... jumped out from behind a wall and said BOO!!! I personally think this article is just trying to stir up G20 crap as the rest of the world has gotten over it but the media knows they can still make some money on it.

Which is actually odd because its the star that has issues with the police, usually the tabloid sun doesn't get into it that much.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Which is actually odd because its the star that has issues with the police, usually the tabloid sun doesn't get into it that much.

Warmington appears to be on a personal crusade against what he sees to be improperly parked police and parking control vehicles. The Sun has a series of 9 photographs on their web site, 5 of which carry Warmington's name. I suspect Warmington may have recently gotten a parking ticket or two and is out for revenge.

In any case what's ironic is that the first picture shows a cop about to get back into his police cruiser, take-out bag and can of Pepsi in hand. It suggests that the cop will be taking most of his "break" in his car. Maybe the usual malcontents here can now start a fresh thread against cops using city property for taking personal work breaks in.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

I still dont get what was scary or intimidating about the situation. Sure everyone will feel differently about a situation, but the cop never threatened her, touched her.... jumped out from behind a wall and said BOO!!! I personally think this article is just trying to stir up G20 crap as the rest of the world has gotten over it but the media knows they can still make some money on it.

Which is actually odd because its the star that has issues with the police, usually the tabloid sun doesn't get into it that much.

Thats the problem, the rest of the world just want to let it go.
Re: one set of ru;es for them one set of rules for us

Like the Americans and their twin towers....

Have we got past the fact that cops can park anywhere they want yet, or...?

I see people are still clinging to the notion that what they are doing is illegal even though it isn't.

That was the point I was making earlier when the thread was on topic.

Got there yet?

or is it still a cryfest because a law they don't have to follow isn't available to all of us. Like, as I said, carrying .40 cals in public.
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