Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

This is getting so ridiculous and I don't understand why the moderators are allowing so much hate towards cops on the site.

Maybe the cops should start catching bike thieves? That would earn them some respect on this site.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Just seems like you guys are only pointing out the bad cops and not the good ones.

Either the police haven't been doing anything above and beyond their daily job or the media does not find it worth reporting. I suspect it's a bit of both as I'd love to see articles about Cory's (team cops) program (that is something he does on his own time), maybe more funding could be arranged for his program. But Cory is one cop on one force and another force has gone on record indicating that they think it's ok for their officers to beat up disabled men in the name of the disabled man's safety. Who's policing the police since they won't do it themselves?

with policy's that it is ok to beat up the populace the police further that rift of us VS them. That blue line needs to be eradicated.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Not all cops are like that and it's not right to assume that because stuff like this happens that they are all bad.

You want to use caution around anybody that has the power to make your life miserable(cop), if they wanted to.

It has already been pointed out that, in the interest of police safety, ALL citizens must be treated as potential threat. That doesn't bode well for police/citizen relations.

People generally grate at being submissive, to being dominated.

Case in point: I live on a hill. Rather than idle my engine in the driveway, I roll out in neutral, by the time I get to the middle of the flat I'm doing a couple kliks per hr. I snick it into gear and continue at that speed to warm the engine. I see a cop car parked way off in the distance. When I pull abreast, a hand sticks out, I stop "what are you doing?" The first instinct is to say (yell?) "mind your own fricken business" but I play along. I don't want no trouble.

That reminds me, one time I was testing my MX bike on private property behind my bosses shop. The cop pulled in and insisted I stop. By the look in her eyes, I figgered I'd better comply.

Both scenerios above were female cops.
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Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Don't even care to read the article. I get it you guys can't stand cops. This is getting so ridiculous and I don't understand why the moderators are allowing so much hate towards cops on the site. Sorry Freestyle this is totally not geared to you but to all the bash cop threads.

It gets worse chick. Just you watch.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

Just seems like you guys are only pointing out the bad cops and not the good ones.

What we're pointing out is an unfair system where because you're a police officer it means you are able to get off pretty easy when compared to the general public. Because they are police officers I think they deserved to be scrutinized heavily since they're in a great position to abuse and get away with it. On the flip side we also hail them as heros and give them great recognition to the ones that deserve it. It's not hating on bad cops or pointing them out it's just that because they're a police officer they get away it more often than any other individual would.

If you guys knew anything about me I am not the type to turn a blind eye to anything that is going on wrong around me. It totally pisses me off that these jerk offs of cops are allowed to hold a badge and do not have any common sense and make all cops look bad. It also pisses me off that even when the cop hasn't really done anything wrong but just looks wrong to the public eye you guys bash him/her like crazy.

Paul maybe you can make a section for this like you said you were, and put all the threads in there so that people can see how ridiculous this has become.

Think of it like this, the police officer who has been accused of is going to be investigated by his peers, or by the SIU who are usually former police officers. They are looked as the trusted friend of the court so they can pretty much say "it went down like this ...." and we believe this is what happened. More often things are stacked in their favour, even when there is clear evidence such as a video. We have to question them and the evidence harder to try and weed out the bad police officers. We owe to society and the good police officers to make sure the bad ones are taken out. Sadly, because of the strong brotherhood amongst police officers and the unions the bad ones can easily slip through the system.

We don't hate police officers, but we hate the system that lets them get away with things the normal public can't.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Right everybody who runs from the cops are incorrectly identified and are innocent. Lets err on the side of caution because we'd rather them get away or have a cop stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver than have of them get hurt....

Absolutely!! Are you saying that "Innocent before proven guilty" no longer applies??

Did you even watch the video? If the cop approaches the suspect from the exact same angle he did with his gun and badge drawn how exactly does he get stabbed in the neck??
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

That argument only works one way.

Either he thought he was being chased by thugs and decided to stop and confront them, or he realised he was being chased by cops and decided to surrender. Except his decision to surrender didn't involve any form or gesture of surrender of any kind. He had more than 2 seconds (not 0:01 seconds) to surrender. The FIRST thing he should have done as soon as he realised it was a cop and wanted to surrender (if that was his thought) was put his arms in the air, not slow down and turn to face the cop.

What he ended up doing is exactly what he would be expected to do if he decided to confront a thug.

So slowing down and taking your hands out of your pockets to presumably raise them is not surrendering? So how much time should we give suspects to surrender 5 seconds?? The use of force is necessary when the cops life is in me where the cops life is in danger?
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

By relying upon the post facto information to formulate your response to the situation.

So because someone else committed a crime, an innocent man is put in a coma? And you still havent told me how if he approaches a suspect who has his hands in his pocket with his gun and badge drawn the cop gets shot? Oh and the post facto information was a stabbing not a again how does the cop get shot?
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Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

See, when people like cops go and abuse their power against citizens it makes the news.

The disabled guy was pretty much given a beat down because the cops did not like his attitude.

The cops beat him up, for no reason, because they fully well beleived that nothing would come off it. That is very scary and cause for concern.

Worst case is pretty much what just happened. Two years with pay-- thats full pay. A bleamish on their record and still get to keep the job and pension, no chance at promotion, probely get stuck doing some crappy rotation,but thats about it.

Here is what i dont understand about cops in general.

Its pretty much common sense that in an organization as large as the TPS, there will be some bad apples. Just numbers, any organization, that large, will have people that abuse their authority, steal, cheat, game the system etc...

Rafi- you worked loss prevention at the retail level as you mentioned before, how much loss is employee related??

Now, most companies work hard at outing these clowns and hiring new employess-resources that confirm with company values. Now, you can never get rid of all the bad apples but you can weed out their numbers. All companies do this and its in their best interest to do so.

Now police, will protect their own employees- both the union and management are guilty of it. WHY?? why do they do this? it makes no sense to me from a business perspective or ethical-moral perspective or from a "law and order" perspective either.

They enforce the laws but when there own are caught, they set up the blue wall.

And the police supporters wonder why public is losing trust etc..
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

It's a lot simpler than that, it's a matter of preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. We all do it in our daily lives but we don't all risk confrontations with violent people like the police do. When cops assume the worst so they can make it through the day, it looks a lot more violent than what you or I do to get through the day.

What? So assume that everybody is guilty? Assume that a Beat, assault, shoot on site is warranted for any and every suspect?
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

At least 80% of theft is by employees. Totally not fair cause we have to pay the price for added security, loss prevention, etc. All things that employees bypass anyways.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

These cops were convicted but not yet sentenced so I don't where the posts about them getting off the charges are coming from. Also it was a lawyer that made the statement about appealing the charges which is no surprise, if your lawyer ever makes a statement saying you were guilty I recommend firing him asap.

With that said I hope these guys get fired but I don't expect a hefty sentence for simple assault.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

I was LP at the LCBO, believe it or not but it may even be a higher percentage. Most theft at most retail places is by employees and not customers.
I was LP at the LCBO, believe it or not but it may even be a higher percentage. Most theft at most retail places is by employees and not customers.
No not disbelief, just thought it was funny how high the internal theft rate was.
Re: Two Toronto police officers found guilty of assaulting a disabled man

I was LP at the LCBO, believe it or not but it may even be a higher percentage. Most theft at most retail places is by employees and not customers.

Don't you find it funny that employees can walk in and out whenever they want, but it's the customers who have their receipts checked and whatnot.. Well, it's a similar situation here... There is a strict double standard at work here. People in positions of huge public trust abuse the position and break the law but get away with a slap on the wrist (if the incidents get too public to get swept under a rug), while a civilian who commits the same crime would be looking at jail time.
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