Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.

As much as one can rationalize and justify covering the plate, you have to ask what if a lot more people did it? In that scenerio it would only be a matter of time before laws and penalties were adjusted to vicious levels.
Examples abound where the poor judgement of some put a drag on everybody. And that's just to the letter of the law, not taking into account the spin-off culture of overzealous cowboy policing.

So, ya, if YOU cover the plate somewhere down the line it's going to affect me.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Seems like all police actions are justified if there is 'probable cause'.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

$125 fine....tooo

And as I recall, OPP will provide your vehicle information to 407ETR so they can bill you for being on the highway without a transponder or recognizable license plate. This is over and above the HTA fine, and may be applied to each and every trip attributed to your vehicle where they can demonstrate that you attempted to evade the toll charge in your now-identified vehicle.
IMPORTANT: a $50.00 FLAT TOLL CHARGE PER TRIP is billed to any light vehicles without a transponder
whose rear licence plate is not visible to, or recognizable by our toll system.
Re: Overcriminalization

Just read George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, written in the 1949. He saw exactly where we are headed. It's a 300 page paper back that can be P/U for $3 in a used book store, probably free on the web.
One of the new charges at the G20 this last summer was 'Conspiracy to commit mischief',
if that isn't 'thought crime' I don't know what is.
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I am a teacher. It is like policeman, doctors, and parents one of the toughest (actually second toughest) jobs. That why most people I meet say they could very do it. The same goes for law enforcement.

Are there bad apples in every profession? Sure. Do you have problems that are caused by people abusing their position? Absolutely. Are they usually the exception? Damn right.

Because of the times that we live, teachers and SROs (School Resource Officers, AKA school on-duty police) work side by side. Service industries have to work together to fill the gaps left due to lack of parenting (I suppose I should leave that for another time).

Policemen have long periods of mundane and short bursts of intensity. But to see how our SRO is constantly dialed in to his job shows you how good he is, and how stressful the job is. How many of you out there could dial in, show patience, be diligent yet compassionate, and know when to drop the hammer and be tough?

How many of you out there who are talking trash out there about the law enforcement profession (and any service industry profession) could step in and do the job as effectively?

I draw a parallel between my career as a nation caliber athlete. You hear many fans in a bar screaming at the TV screen calling the guy a bum when he misses the big catch...then I look at the guy doing the yelling and think, "this guy doesn't have the athleticism to be in that position, much less make the play." Then I walk out of the bar.

Does this answer the question of what we should do about the bad apples? No. Do I wonder how many of those critical of policeman (or any service industry jobs) could do the job?

You bet.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Just don't take the highway. If everyone who can't afford $15 daily trips avoided the highway only the rich would take it and there aren't enough rich taking the 407 to keep the company in business.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

What does your sermon have to do with OUR government passing secret illegal laws for one weekend's event? With OUR cops abusing their authority and assaulting people? Nothing. And your fat guy yelling at the TV in a bar analogy is flawed. Just because someone doesn't have the desire/temperament/prowess to be a cop doesn't mean they have no say in how their employees (the cops) treat their employers (the general public).

Kenmore, eh? Is there a forum over there you post on I can join and make a post on how owning guns is unnecessary, and the 2nd Amendment is an anachronism?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Are there bad apples in every profession? Sure. Do you have problems that are caused by people abusing their position? Absolutely. Are they usually the exception? Damn right.

So what's the problem Jimbo? Some people are abusing their position. They're drawing attention to themselves and we're talking about it. So I'm no Jerry Rice, come back when you're sober, we'll talk hopscotch.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Just don't take the highway. If everyone who can't afford $15 daily trips avoided the highway only the rich would take it and there aren't enough rich taking the 407 to keep the company in business.

Exactly...its supply and demand. If there is a demand at $15 then they will continue to supply.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

If he escapes, he can find the rest of his house burned down. Sniping a Molotov in an attacker's hand with a pellet gun is easier said than done.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Over here they get well compensated for it, and with those pay scales, they can train the cream of the crop. Of course there are the occasional dregs, but the service policies encourage bad behavior and don't do anything to weed out the scum.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

We need Castle Law Doctrine and protection of the fundamental human right of law abiding citizens to protect ourselves in any manner they see fit. IMHO those scumbags checked their rights at the door the moment they entered the man's property with ill-intentions.

As for shooting while the scumbags were retreating? How exactly would the man know the threat was over?

I'll leave with those famous words:

"I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6"
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

That's a point I already made, but it's good to be reiterated. They could have been retreating to the truck to get more firebombs or handguns. Better to deal with'em when they're present and visible than to have'em regroup and attack my home when I can't see'em.. It's not like he could have counted on the police to protect him.
Re: Overcriminalization

I think the canadian cops will be going that extra mile to get their records to shine for a promotion and what not. Obviously the easy targets will be those who are least likely to afford legal representation. We gotta fill up those new super prisons we have planned.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

That's a point I already made, but it's good to be reiterated. They could have been retreating to the truck to get more firebombs or handguns. Better to deal with'em when they're present and visible than to have'em regroup and attack my home when I can't see'em.. It's not like he could have counted on the police to protect him.

Sorry I did see you made the point first, in my blind anger at our legal system I forgot to give you credit ;p

+ 1 on the lack of police protection, IMHO the police are there to clean up the mess. They can't be everywhere, nor are they efficient which is why we as citizens need to emphasize our fundamental right to protect ourselves and laws need to reflect who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.
Re: Overcriminalization

Career criminals (unless they're real stupid), already know their basic rights and know how to keep their mouth shut. Your average trusting citizen doesn't so he's a soft target. That's why I try to stay informed and think before I act when dealing with the police. Even though I have nothing to hide, I routinely refuse searches, say the bare minimum and even deny entry without a valid (to me) reason.
Re: Overcriminalization

The fact that weed is still illegal is just ridiculous.
Re: Overcriminalization

The fact that weed is still illegal is just ridiculous.

I'm not a smoker, never have never will, but ... I don't disagree. In the suggestion that I have for a "maximum allowable number of laws" - i.e. something has to come off the books for every new law put into effect ... this is something that can go away, in my opinion.
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