Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

On the flip-side of the recent police threads...

Check out the story of Basil Parasiris....
Cops break into his home (search warrnt deemed illegal)
He defends against what he thinks is home invaders
Kills 1 cop, wounds another in the process
Found innocent of shooting the cops
Now he is being sued for 1.25 million... for the cop's funeral expences, over time and sick leave.

So... cops make mistakes that get themselves killed and hurt... and they expect the home owner to pay for the damages their actions caused!?
But, when they make mistakes and others suffer because of them... they do everything possible to not except responsibility for their actions.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Almost everyone in here is on my ignore list, so I don't really have anything to add.

Glad turbo found the rest of the story regarding the footage so at least both sides of the story are there.

shut up graves. nobody gives a damn about who is on your ignore list. you seem to enjoy pointing it out.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

On the flip-side of the recent police threads...

Check out the story of Basil Parasiris....
Cops break into his home (search warrnt deemed illegal)
He defends against what he thinks is home invaders
Kills 1 cop, wounds another in the process
Found innocent of shooting the cops
Now he is being sued for 1.25 million... for the cop's funeral expences, over time and sick leave.

So... cops make mistakes that get themselves killed and hurt... and they expect the home owner to pay for the damages their actions caused!?
But, when they make mistakes and others suffer because of them... they do everything possible to not except responsibility for their actions.

Illegal warrant? One judge saw fit to issue the no-knock (surprise them before they flush the evidence down the toilet) warrant in what was to be a drug raid. The trial judge simply disagreed about the no-knock part.

In any case, are you sure this is the poster boy you want to champion?

His door was taken down as part of a series of drug raids that resulted in drug and weapons convictions against 5 others. Drugs, documentation believed to be records of drug trafficking, 13 cellphones, and a number of prohibited weapons were found in his home. Hell, afterward during interrogation he even admitted to having trafficked in drugs for the previous 3 years.

He was able to raise reasonable doubt that he didn't know he was shooting at cops in the dark and thus avoid criminal conviction on the murder charge. I don't have any problem with the jury verdict and can understand why they arrived at it, but it still doesn't make him gold.

The jury never ever heard the reasons for the police raid, never heard about the drugs or weapons found, or heard about the preceding 9 month investigation and informant evidence. It was apparently considered too prejudicial against the defendant in the criminal case. But no such restriction will apply in the civil case. And he was eventually convicted and jailed on the weapons charges.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Your bias is showing........again.

When it's someone you like (a cop) you afford them every legal right under the sun, whether they're guilty or not, and come up with any number of highly implausible theories as to why. When it's someone you don't like, it's guaranteed you'll say they're lucky they found a loophole in the law, because they're obviously guilty. I'd say put a sock on it, but it's painfully obvious you already have.

Awaiting your champion of justice, the HTA, and the Canadian Way reply.

In the meantime, here's a little job for your crack research team:

1) How many no-knock warrants were served on the wrong house in the last 10 years in the US of A?

2) How many of the "victims" received fair compensation for the damages/duress?
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Your bias is showing........again.

When it's someone you like (a cop) you afford them every legal right under the sun, whether they're guilty or not, and come up with any number of highly implausible theories as to why. When it's someone you don't like, it's guaranteed you'll say they're lucky they found a loophole in the law, because they're obviously guilty. I'd say put a sock on it, but it's painfully obvious you already have.

I don't much care for drug trafficking. Even so I understand and can even accept why someone like Parasiris might shoot at a cop in the dark during a night-time no-knock raid on his house. How does that fit into your theory about me? :rolleyes:

And instead of the constant stream of petty personal attacks, why don't you address the subject of discussion? Or are you simply not able to rise to that occasion?
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

The cops entered his house without identifying themselves even after a judge refused them the the no-knock clause in the warrant. The cops broke the law and got their butts shot up. Other than them retaliating by trying to bury him in legal costs with the funeral cost/overtime civil suit, there's nothing to discuss
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

The cops entered his house without identifying themselves even after a judge refused them the the no-knock clause in the warrant. The cops broke the law and got their butts shot up. Other than them retaliating by trying to bury him in legal costs with the funeral cost/overtime civil suit, there's nothing to discuss

The warrant was refused? Not by the one who originally and legally signed it. The trial judge may have later ruled the warrant invalid after the fact, but that is not the same as saying the warrant was refused. Police said they did identify themselves. Parasiris claims to not have been able to hear them over his wife's screaming.

The warrant, authorized by Gaby Dumas, a justice of the peace, gave Laval police the green light to use a dynamic entry - meant to surprise the person being investigated - to carry out their search for evidence.
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Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Hope the old dude wins his case if the story is correct.

rafiki, what do you mean by old dude? He's only one year older than me. Please, be more sensitive with the old dude remarks:(
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Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

rafiki, what do you mean by old dude? He's only one year older than me. Please, be more sensitive with the old dude remarks:(

Sorry next time I will say older dude, didn't want you guys to think I was siding with the young punks. Am I going to get reemed by the young guys on here now cause I said young punks???
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

I don't think any judge will convict the guy knowing the story. There is also a reasonable person test in Canada. Any reasonable person believing their life is in danger will do whatever including shooting someone with a weapon to protect their life. Not sure if the reasonable person test can be applied in this situation since this happened in the heat of the moment etc...

I side with the older dude. What the **** would you do if someone was throwing bombs at your house? Call and wait for the police... If you know it's going to take them 10 min to get there and by that time guys with bombs can enter your house and shoot you?

Worst case scenario the old guy loses his gun license for careless storage.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Am I going to get reemed by the young guys on here now cause I said young punks???

Fruedian slip or big hint?
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Police said they did identify themselves.

LOL. Show me one case where the police even hinted after the fact that there's even a remote possibility that they might not have identified themselves. Priceless.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

The cops entered his house without identifying themselves even after a judge refused them the the no-knock clause in the warrant. The cops broke the law and got their butts shot up. Other than them retaliating by trying to bury him in legal costs with the funeral cost/overtime civil suit, there's nothing to discuss
For that kind of money, he should have shot at least two of them.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

I side with the older dude. What the **** would you do if someone was throwing bombs at your house? Call and wait for the police... If you know it's going to take them 10 min to get there and by that time guys with bombs can enter your house and shoot you?

Worst case scenario the old guy loses his gun license for careless storage.

I wouldn't intentionally miss! I also would not have turned over the video or made any statements to the police.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

I wouldn't intentionally miss! I also would not have turned over the video or made any statements to the police.

+1.. In case something like this (God forbid) ever happened to me, I'd call a lawyer and while on the phone, I'd shut down the security system and make sure that the lawyer gets the footage first. "I'm sorry constable, but the surveillance system is down. [technically true] You will have to talk to me through my lawyer, Mr./MS _______________, at ___-___-____"
I've seen what happened to a person who cooperated with the police in a case of an accidental death (for which he wasn't responsible one bit as he wasn't even within 400km of the accident, but he still got treated as a murderer). I wouldn't wanna go through that by any means, so it's always gonna be "I'm sorry constable, here's my lawyer's contact info."
It may be sad, but these days, your average citizen is better off if he gets educated on his Charter rights, police procedures and the court process.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

He did. killed one and injured another.

No.. The half-frag was taken away from him by another cop.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

accident...yea right and richard kashcar made an improper lane change..
me an some of my friendswe were going to go to rusell funeral.. and when bill blare was going to give his speach. we were going to stand up and give the "hile hitler"sign and walk out like the german did. wonder how long we would have lasted.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

accident...yea right and richard kashcar made an improper lane change..
me an some of my friendswe were going to go to rusell funeral.. and when bill blare was going to give his speach. we were going to stand up and give the "hile hitler"sign and walk out like the german did. wonder how long we would have lasted.

A thousand years?
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