Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

So you think it's alright to steal from others?

Is it alright for others to steal from you if they can rationalize it to themselves?

i look at this country as a big cage, us, well were just the animals that live in it. so long as there is a government that keeps the people poor and under the thumb of the man.

then i have to get what i get to live. listen dude this is a short walk from the beginning to the end.

i don't steal, but when i have to deal with joe public on a daily bases. then you learn pretty damn quick that you got no freinds.
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Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Sounds like you may have been stealing from people for years as well.

no i don't steal, why do say that.

cause you got the mind set of a thief.

for you to read more into what i said. maybe your a thief
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Re: don't steal.... from the police

OK...too many cop bashing let's decide what to do with them all....I mean...we're posting articles from all over the world and articles from 2009 (in this post). This is obviously just a reason to bash cops....

I do believe we'll need to merge them all into one large "I hate cops" thread and let you FTP folks vent. Posting new threads every day simply to bash cops isn't really needed.

Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

i look at this country as a big cage, us, well were just the animals that live in it. so long as there is a government that keeps the people poor and under the thumb of the man.

then i have to get what i get to live. listen dude this is a short walk from the beginning to the end.

i don't steal, but when i have to deal with joe public on a daily bases. then you learn pretty damn quick that you got no freinds.

Let us know the next time you have a bike you want to sell, and how much you want for it. If someone from Joe Public here thinks you're asking too much, it's clear that you accept that it is ok for them just to take it from you. After all, they too have to, in your words, have to "get what they get to live".

you my friend, and I are never going to agree on $hit. your so for the law and i'm so against it

This is why we have laws - because some people just don't understand right and wrong without them.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Almost everyone in here is on my ignore list, so I don't really have anything to add.

Glad turbo found the rest of the story regarding the footage so at least both sides of the story are there.

Dude, I told u before, u are just missing out
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

See, this is what I love about the GTAM...everyone is right and stays that way.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

no i don't steal, why do say that.

cause you got the mind set of a thief.

for you to read more into what i said. maybe your a thief

That reply should be put on a poster.............. promoting education.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

A horrible, horrible outcome.

I agree with the spirit of your whole post, I'm not interested in parsing this incident, don't want to invest the time to come up with a strong opinion one way or the other.

On the face of it, this incident doesn't have the swinkter tensing gravitas of the biker shooting or kick in the head or the whole G20 dealio.

Of course I could be swayed.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

A good friend of mine had a similar situation unfold at his house.

He owns a large nursery and floral service company and actually has a LEGAL use for hyroponics(crazy, I know)

A couple of neighbourhood teenagers must have noticed what they THOUGHT was a grow op and they tried to hijack it on a long weekend.

Unfortunately, my friend stayed home while his wife took the kids to the cottage and he was home when these teenagers broke in.

He caught them in the basement, and tied them up with duct tape then called the cops.

It took the cops 4 hours to arrive, and he ended up getting charged with forced confinement because of the amount of time these guys were restrained.

He beat the charges in the end, but the charges on the teenagers were dropped as well.

Now he says anyone caught will become hyroponic plant fertilizer.

Just one story of many, all very sad about persons right to protect their property.

Whats the proper course of action? hide in a corner and give the cops a suspect description? hoping that they will catch them??
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

That reply should be put on a poster.............. promoting education.

you think i'm stupid cause i don't quit write the way i think.

but hey, i'll eat steak tonite. how bout you.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

When I was a child I used to watch Sesame Street and always thought the cops were the good guys who looked out for normal citizens and protected us from the bad guys. Then when I was 10 I watched them beat up a 14 year old kid in my neighbourhood for riding his dirt bike (which was more/less acceptable back then). From that day forward I looked at cops differently, and as time goes on my thoughts and views towards the police only gets reinforced.

I wish I could change things so they were the heros I thought they were when I was 10....but reality is they are only an organized gang that abuses the system and normal people in the system, and are nothing more than pawns working for our greedy politicians to gather revenue. Sad.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Let us know the next time you have a bike you want to sell, and how much you want for it. If someone from Joe Public here thinks you're asking too much, it's clear that you accept that it is ok for them just to take it from you. After all, they too have to, in your words, have to "get what they get to live".

This is why we have laws - because some people just don't understand right and wrong without them.
i never daid i steal, i said i get what i get to live.

thid is regular cop ****, try to sway the attention
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Re: don't steal.... from the police

OK...too many cop bashing let's decide what to do with them all....I mean...we're posting articles from all over the world and articles from 2009 (in this post). This is obviously just a reason to bash cops....

I do believe we'll need to merge them all into one large "I hate cops" thread and let you FTP folks vent. Posting new threads every day simply to bash cops isn't really needed.


I agree, im no fan of the "law" but the bashing is getting a little bit too much, even for me.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

you think i'm stupid cause i don't quit write the way i think.

Im sure you write exactly the way you think.
Im looking beyond spelling and grammer errors to see a thought process that is lacking.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

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Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Whew, now we are Robert Picton territory.

I know I'd end up in jail, but if someone tried to firebomb or break into my house, I would pull the shotgun out.

And you would be entitled to if you did it while they were actually in middle of committing the act. You can use deadly force to repel a potentially deadly attack on you, and a firebomb attack on the house that you are standing in at the time could arguably qualify as being such.

Where things get stickly is when you pull the shotgun out and shoot at them AFTER they had already done the deed and are running away. At that point, they no longer pose a threat to your life or limb, so the use of deadly force is no longer an available legal option for you. So many people have been charged over the years for shooting at the backs of people already running away and posing no further threat.

Which brings us back to Thomson. When did he open fire on the attackers? During the commission of the firebombing or after when they were already running away. The home surveillance video he handed over to police will work to either absolve him or convict him.
Re: don't steal.... from the police

OK...too many cop bashing let's decide what to do with them all....I mean...we're posting articles from all over the world and articles from 2009 (in this post). This is obviously just a reason to bash cops....

I do believe we'll need to merge them all into one large "I hate cops" thread and let you FTP folks vent. Posting new threads every day simply to bash cops isn't really needed.

Well said Paul, bashing for bashing sake is tiresome, but there is more Police brutality these days, that or people are getting fast on the draw of their camera phones.
How about a section called "COPS the Good the Bad and the Ugly" that should cover it? If you make a section just for the FTP crowd it will turn into a circle jerk.
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Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

As far as I know, he fired in the air, not at the attackers.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Which brings us back to Thomson. When did he open fire on the attackers? During the commission of the firebombing or after when they were already running away. The home surveillance video he handed over to police will work to either absolve him or convict him.

I understand that the law has to be what it has to be.
But if I were a criminal committing crimes of serious bodily harm, death and grievious property damage and ignorant of the law to boot, I wouldn't expect much grace from the victims of my dastardly deeds.
I'd take it as the cost of doing business if I were shot while commiting the crime or during retreat.
The fact that the police are going after the victim is just wrong. Maybe put him on paid leave, but that's as severe as the punishment should be.

Isn't it the height of arrogance, entitlement and unsportsmanlike conduct to expect to be unassailled after fire bombing a persons dwelling?
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