Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

i wonder if the doughnut eating POS would have triped before he hit the kid, if they would have charged the kid for some stupid crime.

Or if the victim sensed the attack and defended himself. I was in a situation like that, where I sensed a guy was gonna rush me from the side.. He got a knee in the solar plexus and an elbow to the jaw before I even knew what was happening. It was just a reflex action on my part. Would the victim have been charged with assault, or shot or beaten down by the bobbies?
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

The guy handed in the video. Obviously he was old school, thinking the police are right minded.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

The guy handed in the video. Obviously he was old school, thinking the police are right minded.

That time seems to be long gone. These days you don't wanna call'em if something happens. They either won't show up (most cases) or if they do, they'll find something to charge the victim with.
The day when the law abiding citizen should be more afraid of the police than unofficial thugs has officially arrived and it's a sad one.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

In the cops' defense, I think the "suspect" twitched before he got creamed. Cop was probably thinking of a creamed donut, bad timing.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

moral of the story:

Don't use gun. Use bomb.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

A lot of people look at me like I am insane when I tell them this kind of thing can and is going to happen. But it's true... one of the worst things done to us as citizens in Canada is the taking of our ability to defend ourselves. And it's mixed up in gun laws. This story shows exactly why the U.S. citizens won't give up their guns.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

In this particular case, (assuming all the facts are laid out in the article), I hope cooler heads prevail, and common sense kicks in.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

A good friend of mine had a similar situation unfold at his house.

He owns a large nursery and floral service company and actually has a LEGAL use for hyroponics(crazy, I know)

A couple of neighbourhood teenagers must have noticed what they THOUGHT was a grow op and they tried to hijack it on a long weekend.

Unfortunately, my friend stayed home while his wife took the kids to the cottage and he was home when these teenagers broke in.

He caught them in the basement, and tied them up with duct tape then called the cops.

It took the cops 4 hours to arrive, and he ended up getting charged with forced confinement because of the amount of time these guys were restrained.

He beat the charges in the end, but the charges on the teenagers were dropped as well.

Now he says anyone caught will become hyroponic plant fertilizer.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Thank you all for your opinions-I really just wanted to know what the penalties were but apparantly the issue became clouded in a personal debate of the moral issue of it's use.I should have just asked what the penalties were and left it at that.So if anyone can let me know clearly what the penalties are for sure without passing moral judgement that would be appreciated.
For those that need to issue their moral opinions perhaps you should consider a job with the police force or the clergy.Your platforms would at least have a sympathetic audience and you would get to talk down to all those nice people who choose to be there.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Just go buy a harley, i run the 407 all the time on my bagger and never get charged. "lol'
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

a couple pigs on hand, harder to dig up the evidence.

haven't they done enough damage????


So you're saying that it's okay to say that everyone who showed up in and around that area (for whatever reason) during the G20 conference was disruptive and deserved to get beaten? Read that aloud and tell me that doesn't sound like the stupidest thing you've ever heard.

About as stupid as some of the comments here about cops.

About as stupid as some of the comments here about cops.

I agree, but cops being stupid have a lot more dire consequences than random idiots who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not that casting generalizations is desireable in either case or anything, mind you.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

The whole thing is tragic, but he was identified (mistakenly as it LATER turned out) by a witness as being part of a fight and stabbing. When police approached him he pulled a hoodie over his head and started a lengthy foot chase. What would you expect the cops to think? Or do you think that they should have just said to themselves, "he's running away, obviously can't be the one we're after because a guilty person would have stopped for us immediately".
Harris had been mistakenly identified by a witness as part of a group that shortly beforehand had been involved in a stabbing. Paul and another deputy then saw Harris from across the street with three of his friends, and at that point people's stories begin to differ. The deputies shouted--something; they later said they had identified themselves as police, but least one witness says they didn't.
In any case, Harris took off running and the deputies gave chase.
On May 10, 2009, Chris Harris, now 30, was walking through an alley in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood when a woman pointed him out to two King County sheriff's deputies as a suspect involved in a bloody bar fight that re-erupted at a nearby convenience store.

The deputies, working as Metro Transit cops and dressed in black fatigues, chased Harris for 2 ½ blocks.

At the time, witnesses gave conflicting accounts: One said the deputies didn't identify themselves until after Harris had started running away; others said they yelled "police" immediately.

Harris slowed to a walk at Fourth Avenue and Lenora Street, outside the Cinerama Theatre. As he turned to face the deputies, he was shoved hard in the upper chest by Deputy Matthew Paul. Harris was thrown backward eight feet, crashing headfirst into the cinema's concrete wall and crumpling to the sidewalk.
After reviewing the chase and apprehension of Harris, prosecutors found no basis to charge Paul with a crime. After an internal investigation cleared the deputy of wrongdoing, the King County Sheriff's Office called the incident "a tragic accident."
Paul avoided charges because of the strict laws that protect officers who use force in "good faith" that it's against a bad guy--most notably RCW 9A.16.040(3), which states: "A public officer or peace officer shall not be held criminally liable for using deadly force without malice and with a good faith belief that such act is justifiable pursuant to this section."
At trial, King County will attempt to show Harris was largely responsible for his own injuries because he ran from deputies. Harris' contribution to his injuries, if any, could impact the amount the county would ultimately have to pay him or his wife.
In pre-trial pleadings, an attorney for the county, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Kristofer Bundy, described Harris' choice to run from the pursuing deputies as "extremely foolish and negligent."
"If he had not ran, the officers would have been able to speak with him and quickly determine that he was not the violent felon that they thought he was," Bundy told the court. "Therefore, Mr. Harris would not have been injured if he had not run."
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

The whole thing is tragic, but he was identified (mistakenly as it LATER turned out) by a witness as being part of a fight and stabbing. When police approached him he pulled a hoodie over his head and started a lengthy foot chase.

How the hell do you get that (stated as usual) from this?

The deputies shouted--something; they later said they had identified themselves as police, but least one witness says they didn't.

At least one witness. That means two or more here on Earth. Unbelievable.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Was wondering who'd be first to take the bait lol:3
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