Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: don't steal.... from the police

LOL, dude, thats a tiny drop in a bucket.

True, but if the chief of police's son is shaking people/business owners down, it doesn't bode well on the rest of the rest of the force........even if you throw them a bone and grade them on a Bell Curve.

Stop with the BS's enough already. Yes, being a cop is a tough job, but it is still a job that they sign up for knowing full well what the limits of their authorities are. If you can't do the job under those limits then quit. You want to pound on those protectors? For what exactly? Expressing their right o freedom of speech and freedom to protest?

So what if some of them are being disruptive? Do we lump everybody that was there in with the bad apples? What happens if a cop comes over to you beats you down and strip searches you? You were there right, you must have been doing something illegal. Why should you be treated any different from any of her other "punks" that were there?

Why not many people here do that with the cops. It can't be ok for one group and not another.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

In before the "usual suspects" waltz in and state that the cop had no idea whether the wrong guy he creamed didn't have a gun, so he was justified in "knocking him down".

Hey, did you see any CANADA geese there? cause if there was he would have also got a good swift kick in thr face

Why not many people here do that with the cops. It can't be ok for one group and not another.

Don't be daft, when people on here do it, its opinion and empty rhetoric. But when a cop does it while on the job he is violating civil liberties and in doing so committing an illegal act. You see the difference now??
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

WTF what the hell kind of training are cops getting. That cop is brain damaged.

Why not many people here do that with the cops. It can't be ok for one group and not another.


So you're saying that it's okay to say that everyone who showed up in and around that area (for whatever reason) during the G20 conference was disruptive and deserved to get beaten? Read that aloud and tell me that doesn't sound like the stupidest thing you've ever heard.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Things are going to reach a boiling point and the police will find out they aren't the only ones with guns.
Re: don't steal.... from the police

True, but if the chief of police's son is shaking people/business owners down, it doesn't bode well on the rest of the rest of the force........even if you throw them a bone and grade them on a Bell Curve.

Every watch training day?? some say it was fiction, others say it was non fiction...........
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Canada allows people to claim self-defence for using force, including guns, to protect their life as long as the force is reasonable and they believe they have no other options.

“If the public are wondering can you run out of your house and [fire a handgun at an intruder], the bottom line is, according to the laws of Canada, no, you can’t,” said Constable Nilan Dave of the Niagara Regional Police Service, which charged Mr. Thomson.

“That’s why the courts are there, to give a person an opportunity to explain their actions.”

There's so much wrong with what was said here....
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

WTF what the hell kind of training are cops getting. That cop is brain damaged.

No.. The victim is the one with brain damage.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Wait, wait..... the cop was responding to a "possible violent individual" call, he had no way of knowing if the suspect was not a serial killer on the FBI's most wanted list. It was a "tragic accident"

Moreno636 is correct. The G20 fiasco, set back police realtions in this city by at least 20 years. Thats why the police and their supporters would just wish that everyone forgot about it.

The push on selective traffic enforcement etc... People I have known for 10-15 years, huge police supporters in the past are changing their tunes. Im not talking about your FTP lets run from them Timmies crowd here. These folks are professionals, law abiding citizens, about as straight arrows as they come.

Police management and politicans better wise up to these problems and resolve them or else that make beleive world were its "us against them" the police live in will become a reality.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

One positive and 2 negatives here..
Positive: He had the right tools to protect himself and his family from these thugs.
Negative: He didn't hit any of them
Negative: He got charged by that useless gang that can't protect your person or your property, but will protect the criminals if you try to defend yourself

I was in a less severe incident where they were threatening me with charges after defending myself (no weapons), but the attacker had a record a mile long and they knew that I knew, so nothing panned out of it.
Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

Wow he sent that kid flying. What a ****** bag. geez.

I hope the family financially rapes that officer.
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Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

i wonder if the doughnut eating POS would have triped before he hit the kid, if they would have charged the kid for some stupid crime.
Re: Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

I heard about this on am640 this morning. It is too messed up to comprehend. What is wrong with the police there. Its called discretion. He didn't shoot them and prevented property damage or death in his actions. It could have ended so much worse had the guy not been on the ball as much as he was.
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