Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters

Nicole Baute

A York Region police officer confronts a protester on Day 2 of the G20 summit in a video posted on YouTube.
A G20 incident caught on video that shows a York Regional Police officer telling a protester he is no longer in Canada and has no civil rights is under investigation.

The video shows several activists standing outside of the G20 security perimeter at King St. W. and University Ave. on June 27 while their bags are searched by a group of police officers. The mood is pleasant until a young man in a black T-shirt and cap refuses to hand over his backpack.

Just outside the St. Andrew subway station, a male York Regional Police officer wraps one arm around the protester and tells him: “You don’t get a choice, get moving.”

“Why are you grabbing me, man?” says the unidentified protester, who in another G20 video gives a brief monologue about animal rights. “I didn’t do anything.”

The officer’s badge number, 815, is clearly visible in the video. The officer with that number, Sgt. Mark Charlebois, said in an email that he would love to speak but couldn’t because the matter was before the Ontario Independent Police Review Director.

“If I was sensitive, I would likely be crying all the time with the comments about me,” he said.

No one from the OIPRD was available to comment.

York police media officer Sgt. Gary Phillips said the incident was the subject of a citizen’s complaint.

In the video, a woman’s voice from behind the camera points out that the protesters are not within 5 metres of the cordoned-off zone — the area in which Torontonians were led to believe, erroneously, that they could legally be searched by police officers at whim.

The male protester insists that, as a Canadian, he has the right to refuse the search. But the officer disagrees.

“This ain’t Canada right now,” he says.

While the crowd laughs in disbelief, the officer continues to tell the protester he has two choices: leave, or open his bag. The protester continues to refuse to do either. “I just don’t like to have my civil rights violated,” he says eventually.

“There is no civil rights here in this area,” the officer replies. “How many times do you gotta be told that?”

“I was upset that police officers could make those kinds of statements in a democracy,” says Derek Soberal, co-filmmaker of the film Toronto G20 Exposed, who re-posted the video on his YouTube site.

The video has been viewed more than 40,000 times.

What is going on in this country!!!

Wow that is messed up. Like...I consider myself pretty cynical That cop has some hairy balls man.

I was overseas when all these clueless clowns decided to start destroying downtown Toronto.
Anyone that was there participating in ANY form deserved to be treated as a threat. Even if you are being "peacefull" you are still supporting those escalating the scene, and getting in the way of police being able to focus their efforts on the true trouble makers.

Anyone there that took a little bit of physical coercing to do what the police needed them to do, should realise maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lots of smack talk headed in the direction of the cops it seems.
It was pretty disgracefull to be overseas and seeing that on the news when I was eating dinner after a dismounted patrol through a country that has some REAL issues...

We are damn lucky to be in Canada, so appreciate it.

BTW, I usually don't agree with police conduct and think they are at times too assertive, such as the latest RCMP kicking the guy in the head as he was following the orders given... Who would have thought a middle aged or older man would move a little slower than the 20 year old thugs??

Really? I'm still enjoying my freedom and civil rights.

Meh. Not saying the cop did the right thing but all this non-sense about cops violating our rights has got to stop. Being a cop is not an easy task, hell even watching some of the videos i'd love to start pounding on some of those protestors there also, cuz they are all there just to piss the cops off. I was actually there and witnessed first hand what some of these idiots did. Now imagine you're a cop and you have all these little high punks all around you ****in around, you'd lose your mind and sometimes say **** as in this case.

I was overseas when all these clueless clowns decided to start destroying downtown Toronto.
Anyone that was there participating in ANY form deserved to be treated as a threat. Even if you are being "peacefull" you are still supporting those escalating the scene, and getting in the way of police being able to focus their efforts on the true trouble makers.

Anyone there that took a little bit of physical coercing to do what the police needed them to do, should realise maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lots of smack talk headed in the direction of the cops it seems.
It was pretty disgracefull to be overseas and seeing that on the news when I was eating dinner after a dismounted patrol through a country that has some REAL issues...

We are damn lucky to be in Canada, so appreciate it.

BTW, I usually don't agree with police conduct and think they are at times too assertive, such as the latest RCMP kicking the guy in the head as he was following the orders given... Who would have thought a middle aged or older man would move a little slower than the 20 year old thugs??

So let me get this straight your overseas in Afghanistan fighting for their freedom, but you don't want that same freedom in Canada?

What the hell are you talking about? Since when is being a peacefull protestor escalating anything let alone violence? Do you treat peaceful civilians as enemy combatants as well? You should have been proud of the scenes in Toronto, because under the old regime of the country you were in they would have all been shot, or is that what you want a totalitarian regime like the one your fighting.

We are damn lucky o be in Canada, a country that allows freedom of speech and freedom to protest and crtisize the government. Or have you forgotten that.

Meh. Not saying the cop did the right thing but all this non-sense about cops violating our rights has got to stop. Being a cop is not an easy task, hell even watching some of the videos i'd love to start pounding on some of those protestors there also, cuz they are all there just to piss the cops off. I was actually there and witnessed first hand what some of these idiots did. Now imagine you're a cop and you have all these little high punks all around you ****in around, you'd lose your mind and sometimes say **** as in this case.

Stop with the BS's enough already. Yes, being a cop is a tough job, but it is still a job that they sign up for knowing full well what the limits of their authorities are. If you can't do the job under those limits then quit. You want to pound on those protectors? For what exactly? Expressing their right o freedom of speech and freedom to protest?

So what if some of them are being disruptive? Do we lump everybody that was there in with the bad apples? What happens if a cop comes over to you beats you down and strip searches you? You were there right, you must have been doing something illegal. Why should you be treated any different from any of her other "punks" that were there?


BTW rmemedic, any "cop" that touched any of the protesters should be fired, then charged then thrown in jail for assault. Unless of course the protester actually did something wrong and from what I've seen the people actually damaging stuff never got harassed by cops. rmemedic, part of living in Canada is NOT to be harassed by cops or assaulted by cops. You are way out of line saying "Anyone that was there participating in ANY form deserved to be treated as a threat".
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

you don't need a plate flipper.... i use my sneaker... just lie on the tank and get both feet around your plate =) works like a charm

+1 .......

I was overseas when all these clueless clowns decided to start destroying downtown Toronto.
Anyone that was there participating in ANY form deserved to be treated as a threat. Even if you are being "peacefull" you are still supporting those escalating the scene, and getting in the way of police being able to focus their efforts on the true trouble makers.

Anyone there that took a little bit of physical coercing to do what the police needed them to do, should realise maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lots of smack talk headed in the direction of the cops it seems.
It was pretty disgracefull to be overseas and seeing that on the news when I was eating dinner after a dismounted patrol through a country that has some REAL issues...

We are damn lucky to be in Canada, so appreciate it.

BTW, I usually don't agree with police conduct and think they are at times too assertive, such as the latest RCMP kicking the guy in the head as he was following the orders given... Who would have thought a middle aged or older man would move a little slower than the 20 year old thugs??

Dude, get off your high horse. Where this guy was stopped was several blocks away from the perimeter. People can't freely walk on a public street in a major city in Canada?

Dude, get off your high horse. Where this guy was stopped was several blocks away from the perimeter. People can't freely walk on a public street in a major city in Canada?

He doesn't quite grasp what his rights (or anyone else's, for that matter) are when dealing with police.

Over the holidays, I had a small guitar in my truck in a case. the case is camo and looks to be the type where a rifle sperated in to two pieces (like a sniper rifle) would fit in. Came to a ride check, officer saw the case and asked what was in there, told him a guitar. Cop asks where I'm from, (this was in my home town) and I said Simcoe, but I'm posted to Petawawa. He said "strange, I've never seen you in town before." Told him that's because of my job and tour. Cop didn't believe a word of my story, had me pull to the side, got me out of my truck and stand to the front of it, partner came in behind me and he pulled the case out of my truck to find... A guitar!
Couple more questions and an ID check (pulled out my military ID) to be sure I wasn't a liar and I was let go... Little bit extreme I think, and it was deffinately embarassing since it was on a very popular street about 2 blocks from my house...

Sad that I'll be nervous if I get pulled over with my guns actually in the back of the truck, even tho I transport and store exactly as the law requires.

Dude, get off your high horse. Where this guy was stopped was several blocks away from the perimeter. People can't freely walk on a public street in a major city in Canada?

Sorry about that...(damn I even posted in it) delete or merge as needed.

ok well I guess I didn't understand the situation in the first post...

But yes, if you are part of that group running around smashing ****, burning police cars and causing mayhem, you deserve what you have coming to you.
And those people there "protesting" in the same place, even tho they aren't being physically violent need to be moved out, as the large crowd adds to the mob mentality of those that are being violent and is in a way supporting them. Police were out numbered so yes, I can understand them being on edge the way they were.

It's a disgrace people complaining about wanting the country to be better go in and start to destroy things.
I have no issue with people protesting properly, but when it comes down to trashing people's property to make a point that goes too far. Police wouldn't have intervened if things were done peacefully.

But, I wasn't there so what do I know? I just think if someone was involved and happened to get roughed up a bit they deserved it. It's usually some guy that lives in his mom's basement and is a tough guy until he gets pushed around a little.

Don't think it's right for the police to take away people's dignity or rights, but they have a job to do and their safety to consider. Just because they choose a career that has danger doesn't mean they should be ok with being assaulted... Just like us being overseas. I know the risks and accept them but will take every precaution to save me or my buddy... I doubt many people on this board have needed to point a firearm in someone's face to get their point across.
In a situation with the police being outnumbered in a crowd that was shifting around, they had the right to be a little agressive.
I know when me and my buddies saw it we all wished we were back there to straighten it out...

And I fully expect to get flamed for thinking some people do deserve an *** kicking.
Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

From what the cop says, I interpret it as, if it were the criminal, it would have been okay to put them in a coma. The statement should have indicated that the officer was using excessive force and will be charged accordingly for his actions.
This type of police action is just plain brutality and should not be condoned under any circumstances. Police should always ensure that the individual that they are pursuing is identified before taking action and that action needs to be appropriate with the situation at hand.
Poor kid and his family.

Re: Innocent Man In Coma After 'Hard Shove' By Police Officer

In before the "usual suspects" waltz in and state that the cop had no idea whether the wrong guy he creamed didn't have a gun, so he was justified in "knocking him down".
Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers

Video of firebomb attack:

January 20, 2011 – 9:20 pm

Ian Thomson moved to a rural homestead in Southwestern Ontario to lead a quiet life investing in a little fixer-upper. Then his neighbour’s chickens began showing up on his property. He warned his neighbour, then killed one of the birds.

The incident began six years of trouble for Mr. Thomson that culminated early one Sunday morning last August when the 53-year-old former mobile-crane operator woke up to the sound of three masked men firebombing his Port Colborne, Ont., home.

“I was horrified,” he said. “I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know what was happening. I had no idea what was going on.”

So Mr. Thomson, a former firearms instructor, grabbed one of his Smith & Wesson revolvers from his safe, loaded it and headed outside dressed in only his underwear.

“He exited his house and fired his revolver two, maybe three times, we’re not sure. Then these firebombing culprits, they ran off,” said his lawyer, Edward Burlew.

His surveillance cameras caught the attackers lobbing at least six Molotov cocktails at his house and bombing his doghouse, singeing one of his Siberian Huskies. But when Mr.

Thomson handed the video footage to Niagara Regional Police, he found himself charged with careless use of a firearm.

The local Crown attorney’s office later laid a charge of pointing a firearm, along with two counts of careless storage of a firearm. The Crown has recommended Mr. Thomson go to jail, his lawyer said.

His collection of seven guns, five pistols and two rifles was seized, along with his firearms licence. Mr. Thomson said he lives in fear that his attackers will return and has taken to arming himself with a fire extinguisher.

“I don’t have enemies,” said the soft-spoken man, who now studies environmental geosciences full-time at Brock University after being injured in a workplace accident. “I don’t know that many people. I’m a quiet man. I just want to go back to my life and be able to live out my days in relative peace.”

Mr. Thomson’s is the latest in a series of high-profile cases in which people have been charged after defending their homes and businesses against criminals. Central Alberta farmer Brian Knight became a local hero after shooting a thief who was trying to steal his ATV. He pleaded guilty to criminal negligence earlier this month. In October, Toronto shopkeeper David Chen was acquitted of forcible confinement charges after he tied up a repeat shoplifter and demanded he stop raiding his grocery store.

Their cases are renewing calls for Canada to introduce a version of the “Castle Doctrine” found in many U.S. states, which allows citizens to defend their property with force.

“I hear some people, some being police officers, some being Crown attorneys, some being ordinary people, say we don’t want vigilantism, to which I can only give an emphatic pardon me?” Mr. Burlew said. “When you’re under attack, it’s not a vigilante act.

Vigilantism talks about vengeance and retribution. This is about saving your life and saving your property.

“I’m sure that will be recognized at trial, but why would a citizen, where it’s so obvious that what he was doing was protecting himself during a continued attack, be put to the expense of a trial? It’s demeaning.”

Canada allows people to claim self-defence for using force, including guns, to protect their life as long as the force is reasonable and they believe they have no other options.

“If the public are wondering can you run out of your house and [fire a handgun at an intruder], the bottom line is, according to the laws of Canada, no, you can’t,” said Constable Nilan Dave of the Niagara Regional Police Service, which charged Mr. Thomson.

“That’s why the courts are there, to give a person an opportunity to explain their actions.”

Mr. Burlew, a Toronto-area lawyer whose practice mainly consists of firearms-related charges, said he is trying to hire a psychiatrist to prove that Mr. Thomson feared for his life when he grabbed his revolver. A target shooter and hunting-safety instructor, Mr. Thomson had the skill to shoot his attackers if he’d wanted to, Mr. Burlew said, but missed on purpose.

Police said no one was injured in the shooting and the attackers got into a car and sped off. They charged Randy Weaver, 48, of Port Colborne, and Justin Lee, 19, of Welland, with arson in December, alleging the men and a third suspect “intentionally set the home on fire while the homeowner was inside.”

Mr. Thomson’s neighbour, who had received a suspended sentence for uttering threats against Mr. Thomson in 2007, has not been charged in connection with the attack on his house.

Mr. Thomson said he has added extra security to his home after the firebombing and hardly sleeps anymore. The charges, he said, have destroyed him.

“This is just an absolute nightmare, this whole thing,” he said. “People need to know that this is what can happen to you and which side of the victim line do you want to stand on?

Lying down dead or in court? That’s the way it seems it has to go.”

National Post
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ok well I guess I didn't understand the situation in the first post...

But yes, if you are part of that group running around smashing ****, burning police cars and causing mayhem, you deserve what you have coming to you.

That's the part you fail to see. The people who were burning police cars didn't get what's coming to them. Then again, it's widely speculated they were planted cop "provocateurs" (as has been proven to be done in several other protests). It's too convenient that they were left untouched, and the (what apeared to be long in tooth) cop cars just happened to be "abandoned" there.
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don't steal.... from the police

Mountie charged with taking loose change
Last Updated: January 19, 2011 6:10pm

A Mountie in Burnaby, B.C., has been charged with theft for allegedly taking loose change from a desk drawer in a community policing office.

The officer, who has been on the force for two years, allegedly took some change on "numerous occasions," RCMP said in a release.

An investigation was launched when another officer reported the missing change in the fall of 2010.

“While the theft does not involve a lot of money, the fact is as police officers we’re in a position of trust, and any breach of that trust is taken very seriously," Sgt. Rob Vermeulen said in a release.

Cst. Derrick Holdenried, 37, has been suspended from duty. He will appear in Vancouver court Feb. 14.

Holdenried also faces a separate internal code of conduct investigation.

he crossed that blue line.
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