Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Not Ontario related but at least North America. It is nice to see a police department trying to make themselves more visible instead of continuing the trend of making police vehicles more and more invisible. I understand that some undercover vehicles are required but black on black as the standard scheme for patrol vehicles is idiotic. Cops will have no trouble catching idiots even with the cruise lights on.

When you see police start making regular patrol cars less obvious, you immediately know that deterrence has been removed from their vocabulary. Looking at you, Peel and Toronto.
Police 101. Now they have charged the victim. Drop your complaint or you're getting a record for not Respecting Ma Authority (even though we were plain clothes and you backed away as soon as we identified ourselves).

Wow, that is pretty messed up and difficult to watch. The guy is clearly backing away once he sees they are cops. Cop that pushes him comes off like an unhinged psycho. Completely unnecessary.
Person:My stolen jetskis are at an international shipping depot in Brampton
Police: don't worry, we got this
Person:Should I park there overnight to make sure they don't leave?
Police:We'll make sure, we got this
Person: why the f are my jetskis in New York?
Police: whoops, I guess we don't got this.

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Person:My stolen jetskis are at an international shipping depot in Brampton
Police: don't worry, we got this
Person:Should I park there overnight to make sure they don't leave?
Police:We'll make sure, we got this
Person: why the f are my jetskis in New York
Police: whoops, I guess we don't got this.

That is really disappointing. All the due diligence in the world can't help if police then drop the ball. They were handed a win on a silver platter and might well have found more than just the jet skis.
That is really disappointing. All the due diligence in the world can't help if police then drop the ball. They were handed a win on a silver platter and might well have found more than just the jet skis.
When fails are this big, you wonder if there is a connection between police and bad guys. It wouldnt take much foot shuffling to let the goods escape and it would be easy enough to blame a slow process. Yes, they needed a warrant to search but if police wanted to, they could have blocked the gate until that warrant was obtained. Since they didn't know a container number, popping a bunch of containers in vicinity of the ping to look for jet skis seems justified. If they happened to stumble upon another dozen containers of vehicles, go back for an expanded warrant.
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A license suspension by the HTA is not really actionable, so they charge him with more HTA and his driving privileges are suspended... NOW he has a court order to not drive, and if he gets caught again he goes to jail... something you can't do with the HTA, if he drives again he can be charged CRIMINALLY, for disregarding a court order.
Necessary paperwork for escalation of charges.
A license suspension by the HTA is not really actionable, so they charge him with more HTA and his driving privileges are suspended... NOW he has a court order to not drive, and if he gets caught again he goes to jail... something you can't do with the HTA, if he drives again he can be charged CRIMINALLY, for disregarding a court order.
Necessary paperwork for escalation of charges.
Sadly that doesn't happen. He already had no license and a prohibition. Suspending the license he doesn't have is a waste of time imo. Suspended/prhibited drivers are almost invincible from substantial legal consequences. If you get caught while prohibited, it should be straight to jail. Many of these dirtbags have a half dozen lifetime driving prohibitions. If you are goin to ignore one, why bother with the paperwork to give you more to ignore? There is zero upside other than the back pats and bonuses for getting more convictions
Sadly that doesn't happen. He already had no license and a prohibition. Suspending the license he doesn't have is a waste of time imo. Suspended/prhibited drivers are almost invincible from substantial legal consequences. If you get caught while prohibited, it should be straight to jail. Many of these dirtbags have a half dozen lifetime driving prohibitions. If you are goin to ignore one, why bother with the paperwork to give you more to ignore? There is zero upside other than the back pats and bonuses for getting more convictions
If the prohibition is part of a recognizance order, then there will be an additional hearing on breach of recognizance. That could mean jail time.
If the prohibition is part of a recognizance order, then there will be an additional hearing on breach of recognizance. That could mean jail time.
Could doesnt mean much these days. If nobody is seriously hurt it is very unlikely they spend any useful amount of time locked up.
If you get caught while prohibited, it should be straight to jail.
There's nothing in the HTA that will put you in jail. The HTA doesn't have the power, jail is for criminals, not bad drivers.
If your bad driving reaches the point of criminality, they charge you with criminal charges and you go to jail.
Let's not forget the VAST majority of HTA charges are heard by a JP, that may or may not have any law training... sending people to jail is usually reserved for real judges, that are lawyers and are SUPPOSED to know the law.
What you seem to want is along with a prohibition of driving privileges, you want a court order to not drive, which would require a change of the law of the land. As it is now, the MOT can remove your granted concession to drive by way of a license suspension, but they don't have the power to say you're a criminal if you don't obey, only the courts get to label it criminal AND you would get a chance to challenge the decision... in court. Key word in all this is "prohibited", the driver is prohibited, not ordered by the law of the land... change "prohibited" to " court ordered not to drive" and YOUR problem is solved... and it'll be in appeal court by Monday
There's nothing in the HTA that will put you in jail. The HTA doesn't have the power, jail is for criminals, not bad drivers.
If your bad driving reaches the point of criminality, they charge you with criminal charges and you go to jail.
Let's not forget the VAST majority of HTA charges are heard by a JP, that may or may not have any law training... sending people to jail is usually reserved for real judges, that are lawyers and are SUPPOSED to know the law.
What you seem to want is along with a prohibition of driving privileges, you want a court order to not drive, which would require a change of the law of the land. As it is now, the MOT can remove your granted concession to drive by way of a license suspension, but they don't have the power to say you're a criminal if you don't obey, only the courts get to label it criminal AND you would get a chance to challenge the decision... in court. Key word in all this is "prohibited", the driver is prohibited, not ordered by the law of the land... change "prohibited" to " court ordered not to drive" and YOUR problem is solved... and it'll be in appeal court by Monday
"Driving in contravention of a condition" implies that there was, in fact, a criminal charge at some point.
NOW he has a court order to not drive, and if he gets caught again he goes to jail...

And is out on bail in the morning.
So he can get caught driving that night and go to jail....

I believe there's something similar on the back of bottles of shampoo.
There's nothing in the HTA that will put you in jail. The HTA doesn't have the power, jail is for criminals, not bad drivers.
If your bad driving reaches the point of criminality, they charge you with criminal charges and you go to jail.
Let's not forget the VAST majority of HTA charges are heard by a JP, that may or may not have any law training... sending people to jail is usually reserved for real judges, that are lawyers and are SUPPOSED to know the law.
What you seem to want is along with a prohibition of driving privileges, you want a court order to not drive, which would require a change of the law of the land. As it is now, the MOT can remove your granted concession to drive by way of a license suspension, but they don't have the power to say you're a criminal if you don't obey, only the courts get to label it criminal AND you would get a chance to challenge the decision... in court. Key word in all this is "prohibited", the driver is prohibited, not ordered by the law of the land... change "prohibited" to " court ordered not to drive" and YOUR problem is solved... and it'll be in appeal court by Monday

That's not true.
There are numerous hta offences that have penalties that can include jail time.
careless driving.. up to 6 months
driving under suspension.. up to 6 months
careless driving causing.. up to 2 years
That's not true.
There are numerous hta offences that have penalties that can include jail time.
careless driving.. up to 6 months
driving under suspension.. up to 6 months
careless driving causing.. up to 2 years
Also, it was specifically the possibility of jail time that changed HTA 172 so that a defence of necessity was possible, for the speeding portion.
"Driving in contravention of a condition" implies that there was, in fact, a criminal charge at some point.

I'm thinking it means a condition/restriction on a licence.. 'ignition interlock required' is my first guess.. but it could also include not wearing glasses.

There's not enough info in the WPS's post to make anything out of it... the list of charges would give you a better idea.
I'm thinking it means a condition/restriction on a licence.. 'ignition interlock required' is my first guess.. but it could also include not wearing glasses.

There's not enough info in the WPS's post to make anything out of it... the list of charges would give you a better idea.
If it was a media outlet then I would say that's the case, because media don't tend to use such terms properly. When it's a police force press release, I expect such terms to carry something closer to their meaning in legalese.
Ok.. I guess I phrased that wrong. There's a few charges in the HTA that can get you jail time on CONVICTION... that's not what Mr. Greyghost is after, he want's anyone that is charged with drive while disqualified to face a reverse onus bail hearing. That ain't gonna happen.
Ok.. I guess I phrased that wrong. There's a few charges in the HTA that can get you jail time on CONVICTION... that's not what Mr. Greyghost is after, he want's anyone that is charged with drive while disqualified to face a reverse onus bail hearing. That ain't gonna happen.
I'd be happy with either. Right now we functionally can drive (or do almost anything else) with impunity. The first criminal charge changes your life, the rest are almost immaterial. Reverse onus bail for driving while suspended/prohibited seems very justified. Hell, conduct a quick pre-trial where the dashcam/bodycam video is shown along the the paperwork that they weren't allowed to be driving. Then leave them in jail until trial. They obviously dgaf about conditions and will not follow them so releasing with conditions is basically condoning the behaviour.
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