Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
The government has little say in what happens to inmates inside the prison system. They were notified of the transfer.. not involved in it happening.
They can go on about creating new laws and such to keep him in max security.. but I think the charter and courts will put a damper on whatever they try to do.

Mixed emotions on P.B. It's different for the families that are directly involved as closure is a sensitive issue for them.

For me, he needs to be locked up for life. If medium security saves the taxpayer a buck or two and keeps him locked up I'm OK with it as long as he doesn't start living in Club Fed.

As far as security goes, P.B. should feel safer locked up. There are people that would like to meet him in a dark alley should he escape. There would be no shortage of volunteers with pruning shears.
This is more politicians than police but I don't know which thread to post it too. Paraphrased, "We catch so many people speeding on this stretch of road that we have lowered the speed limit to compensate". WTF. Change the road design not the numbers on the signs. 85th percentile speed will be almost unchanged by this exercise.

This is more politicians than police but I don't know which thread to post it too. Paraphrased, "We catch so many people speeding on this stretch of road that we have lowered the speed limit to compensate". WTF. Change the road design not the numbers on the signs. 85th percentile speed will be almost unchanged by this exercise.

What they meant was:
"We catch so many people speeding on this stretch of road that we have lowered the speed limit to increase our compensation"
I was thinking the same thing. Surprised they didn't go lower. I heard 30 km/h is safe for pedestrians.
They did a speed study near us and the recommendation was to raise the speed limit. The people pushing for the study lost their minds as they were after a speed limit reduction. So the report gets ignored and council does what they want anyway.

Sent from the future
They did a speed study near us and the recommendation was to raise the speed limit. The people pushing for the study lost their minds as they were after a speed limit reduction. So the report gets ignored and council does what they want anyway.

Sent from the future
You can't let science interfere with politics and the noise of karens.
A late friend was a classic alcoholic but died young due to his smoking a couple of packs a day. As an only child, if he had his demons under control, he would have inherited a house in the Kingsway, a waterfront cottage, thriving small business with an owned building, and some investments. His dad saw where the son was headed and the estate went different ways.

His marriage (fortunately no kids) failed. Bender, she leaves, he straightens up, she comes back and he starts drinking again. She only went through the revolving door three times. I heard that she remarried and did well.

Fortunately his DUI car crashes were only property damage.

He spent his last years in a brand new subsidized apartment near the beach in Burlington. He was the first occupant and the place was a pigsty a month after he moved in. AA helped periodically but his brain was wired to self destruct.

This was back when addictions were sins not diseases. Now everything is a disease or condition and the working stiffs have to pay for the problems as they also face inflation, stupid real estate, foreign takeovers, government mismanagement etc.

There are very few people on the planet that had it made, never a problem. Somehow we got through it. If anyone can figure out the sequencing of the problem of addiction please step up. The problem is getting worse.

Nazi Germany had a solution for people that didn't fit the mold but the world didn't like it.
Don’t worry the liberals have adopted it; it’s called MAID
Don’t worry the liberals have adopted it; it’s called MAID
Sadly, the best thing many could do to improve the financial future of their kids is take out the biggest life insurance policy they can afford to pay for two years and then check out after two years have passed but before you miss a payment. It's pretty sad when that can be the best option for so many.
Sort of but no. There is no way in hell sitting government would let a minister step down. They are pretending this isn't another screwup amd therefore there is no reason to resign. Probably reassigned in next shuffle (completely unrelated to the at least three times he has caused a huge mess of course).
Mendocino, will be gone soon.... banished to rule the Toads of the Short Forest, and every newt in Eglinton-Lawrence.
Probably much more to come, as well.
Wonder what life is like in max security prison for a convict who was a cop and a raper?

Wonder if he prefers Motul or Rotella?
We've had this one before. More details released. Thief steals booze from LCBO. Cops arrest thief and take him to booking but fail to mention seized booze. Cops steal the booze. Booze has trackers and they get caught. PSA charges on hold until resolution of criminal charges. Both suspended with pay. F that. PSA needs to change. They need to be immediately terminated and their name broadcast to every police service in Canada. They chose to break the laws they were paid very well to enforce, they are unfit for duty and always will be.

We've had this one before. More details released. Thief steals booze from LCBO. Cops arrest thief and take him to booking but fail to mention seized booze. Cops steal the booze. Booze has trackers and they get caught. PSA charges on hold until resolution of criminal charges. Both suspended with pay. F that. PSA needs to change. They need to be immediately terminated and their name broadcast to every police service in Canada. They chose to break the laws they were paid very well to enforce, they are unfit for duty and always will be.

So the arrest of the thief will also likely go away. Cops complain about the "revolving door" but tend to be rather quiet over incidents like this one, that also result in failed prosecutions.
So you CAN get fired if you're a cop. You don't even have to break the law. Just bring your Overlords into disrepute and bingo, you're gone.

So you CAN get fired if you're a cop. You don't even have to break the law. Just bring your Overlords into disrepute and bingo, you're gone.

Quite sad really. The decision very clearly shows she was fired for airing dirty laundry. Its a shame that the police adjudicators don't consider illegal activities nearly as serious. They are mostly excused as par for the course. Wrist slap and continue working.
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Quite sad really. The decision very clearly shows she was fired for airing dirty laundry. Its a shame that the police adjudicators don't consider illegal activities nearly as serious. They are mostly excused as part for the course. Wrist slap and continue working.
With government jobs having above average incomes, security and extra benefits it isn't hard to understand how a weasel can take advantage of the chicken coop. Squeal on a superior officer and get blacklisted.

The military is so bad they are turning to civilian courts. Most civil servants just want to do their jobs but the weasels climb the ladder by working the optics.

How bad does it get? Both David Milgaard and Guy Paul Moran were originally convicted of murder because the police intimidated witnesses to lie. How many other Milgaards and Morans are there?

Did the crooked cops get punished? Who paid the compensation to the wrongfully convicted?

In Milgaard's case the real murder was arrested the day after Milgaard was exonerated. They knew and did nothing.

Most cops are decent but by harbouring criminals within their own ranks the dirty themselves.
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