MANDEL: Suspended cop's reality show fraud case nears an end
Robert Konashewych and ex-mistress Adellene Balgobin have pleaded not guilty to fraud; Balgobin also pleaded not guilty to breach of trust.
MANDEL: Suspended cop's reality show fraud case nears an end
Robert Konashewych and ex-mistress Adellene Balgobin have pleaded not guilty to fraud; Balgobin also pleaded not guilty to breach of trust.torontosun.com
Oh it was just a bad mistake.He was convicted.
Correction? Would that not be, suing the taxpayer.More stink wafting off the Dafonte Miller mess. Cops that arrived on scene and arrested the victim argued that they had no reason to take formal statements as informal statement made by an off-duty cop was sufficient to conclude their investigation. The cops argued there was no pro-police bias. Wtaf. You have one guy beaten within an inch of his life by a roid head and you don't even conduct an investigation?
Officers found guilty of discreditable conduct by OIPRD. They have 30 days to appeal. Then sentencing will occur. Beating took place in 2016. PSA needs to change.
Statistically they will get a few months demotion and continue on doing their job poorly for 120K a year until they retire. They didn't shine a light on police disfunction so the chance of termination approaches zero. Given that Miller is suing the police, I expect them to hand out an even lighter sentence than usual so they can argue that losing an eye barely matters and settlement should be minimal at best.
Toronto, Canada and Global Breaking News – CP24
Most recent News News business news stories and video from CP24www.cp24.com
More stink wafting off the Dafonte Miller mess. Cops that arrived on scene and arrested the victim argued that they had no reason to take formal statements as informal statement made by an off-duty cop was sufficient to conclude their investigation. The cops argued there was no pro-police bias. Wtaf. You have one guy beaten within an inch of his life by a roid head and you don't even conduct an investigation?
Officers found guilty of discreditable conduct by OIPRD. They have 30 days to appeal. Then sentencing will occur. Beating took place in 2016. PSA needs to change.
Statistically they will get a few months demotion and continue on doing their job poorly for 120K a year until they retire. They didn't shine a light on police disfunction so the chance of termination approaches zero. Given that Miller is suing the police, I expect them to hand out an even lighter sentence than usual so they can argue that losing an eye barely matters and settlement should be minimal at best.
Toronto, Canada and Global Breaking News – CP24
Most recent News News business news stories and video from CP24www.cp24.com
It's sad that public entities are spending so much on settlements to avoid exposing the dirtbags within. If you looked at it objectively, airing dirty laundry is a good thing as that leads to less dirty laundry. Having an unlimited budget to suppress government employees looking bad cannot continue forever.They will settle with Miller... They settle most of them because they don't want the cases, and their wrongdoings, to be exposed in a court room. There's no admission of guilt in a settlement.
Hopefully Miller suit involves the shitbag family of cops.. personally.
Does it matter? Either taxpayers pay directly or insurance pays and then jacks up premiums and the increased premiums are paid by the taxpayers (and insurance companies don't lose so expect premiums to be in the ballpark of settlements plus overhead plus profit). These aren't one-off events, there is a constant flow of settlements.Is it taxpayers or insurance paying for police settlements/lawsuits?
In the USA convicted felons can't possess firearms or in most states, vote. Here???![]()
Hamilton officer given suspended sentence, probation for assault on Indigenous man | Globalnews.ca
Hamilton Police const. Brian Wren now has a criminal record following an assault on Patrick Tomchuk during an arrest at a Mountain gas station in May 2022,globalnews.ca
That may be on the chopping block for the current US Supreme Court, in the coming year, due to this judgment. Federal officials are going to have to appeal the judgment if they want to maintain the limitations on felons. As it was a ruling by a Federal judge, the Supreme Court may be the only possible venue for appeal. Given their recent track record, I don't hold out much hope.In the USA convicted felons can't possess firearms or in most states, vote. Here???
Rambo would have done it but Rambo isn't reality.![]()
Deputy acquitted of all charges for failing to act during deadly Parkland school shooting
A Florida sheriff’s deputy was acquitted Thursday of felony child neglect and other charges for failing to act during the 2018 Parkland school massacre, concluding the first trial in U.S. history of a law enforcement officer for conduct during an on-campus shooting.www.ctvnews.ca
Two dogs ate it. I thought early in their training they were taught not to eat anything unless their handler gives it to them. They must have missed that day.That's 100% on the cop. Maybe keep both eyes on your dog when he's up close and personal with fentanyl?
I really don't care a lot about the "service to the community" of an admitted serial sexual abuser.