Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I really don't know why people still can't come to grips with the idea that the "enforcement" system is populated by brutal sociopaths with a totalitarian mindset. I guess the common man's IQ just won't let him/her see the peril to their lives until it's got them in its grips.

I think you are stretching the bag with bad apples a bit here. I know people (leo) who despise their coleagues when crap like that goes on. They are not proud of them, nor would they associate themselves with such activites. I have no clue what would be the percenatge of bad apples within the force.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

It’s not every day you see a protester at a funeral.

But as the funeral procession for Sgt. Ryan Russell went by Tuesday there was a man holding up a sign that stated “Soldier’s Die, Electricians Die and People Die” on one side and “No Police State” on the other.

it's been weighing on this guys mind... lol he got arrested and snowjobbed for it
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

It has a ways to go before a majority of the general public takes up a major interest in this issue. Thats not me be an appologist, that my unbiased observation.
Before you go on another rant about how feeble minded I am, That I dont know what im taking about, look around you at the mass general it really weighing that heavily on their minds?

never did say it was a majority view. . .yet. and it never will be if people pooh-pooh the significance of malfeasance like what happened at the g20, so why don't you do your part?

Law enforcement would have to follow the laws and act professionally in all ways. They would have to change or drop laws so that they followed the Charter of Rights again. They would have to concentrate on real safety hazards rather than concentrate on revenue. They would have to stop the use of pain compliance (read: torture) devices like the taser. They would have to justify their employment numbers with real criminal charges being laid. They would have to act on political corruption and prosecute theft rather than sweeping it under the rug. They would have to investigate breaches of professionalism and public trust with an external, impartial agency. They would have to drop the swagger. They would have to stop all the criminal activity they undertake in personal life and charge their buddies rather than overlook their unlawful activities. I have other demands but that seems like a good start.


generally speaking, they need to hold themselves accountable, like they respected the rule of law, and that they extra authority that they have been granted are not greater entitlements but actually great responsibilities. . .

there are lots of people with a keen understanding of the law, who are willing to violate others' rights and liberties, and break the law doing it. . .and they'll work for a lot less money than police officers--unfortunately they happen to be guests of the state for the time being. . .
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

it's been weighing on this guys mind... lol he got arrested and snowjobbed for it

The police kind of proved his point. Arrested and detained for doing nothing illegal.

I feel bad for the death of a police officer but his death carries no more weight than a soldier or firefighter or anyone who dies while serving society. That funeral was a political spectacle which in my opinion dishonours the dead more than a sign.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Can't encourage breaking the law but, if you're going to do it, might as well do it style. Just wheelie through the on and off ramps at the camera spots. Must I state this is a joke? It is, honest.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

The 407 people track entries by people who obscure license plates. If a pattern shows for a particular vehicle, the 407 people pass the information on to the OPP, and the OPP will set up and wait for you at your usual entry time and location. Then the hurt begins.
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I think you are stretching the bag with bad apples a bit here. I know people (leo) who despise their coleagues when crap like that goes on. They are not proud of them, nor would they associate themselves with such activites. I have no clue what would be the percenatge of bad apples within the force.

I would actually think it's relatively low.. However, even those cops who despise scum like that do nothing to weed out the bad apples. In any case I'm not really blaming the individual cops as much as the services and the politicians behind'em. They are the ones dictating service policies.
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I think you are stretching the bag with bad apples a bit here. I know people (leo) who despise their coleagues when crap like that goes on. They are not proud of them, nor would they associate themselves with such activites. I have no clue what would be the percenatge of bad apples within the force.

The thing is its not individuals acting like this on their own accord. It's an institutional thing...these officers are ordered to undertake these disgusting and ridiculous actions. You think some run of the mill everyday constable rounds up 3 or 4 of his buddies to do this?

I also have a friend is LEO and he is looking to get out ASAP because he is damn near ordered to be an "ahole" and to "force" the law on people....he has told me on numerous occasions that "He didn't sign up for this".
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I would actually think it's relatively low.. However, even those cops who despise scum like that do nothing to weed out the bad apples. In any case I'm not really blaming the individual cops as much as the services and the politicians behind'em. They are the ones dictating service policies.


Cops are constantly on the public about reporting crime and are on mission to end the "Stop Snitching" nonsense thats rampant in bad neighbourhoods. How can they do that when the biggest wall is the BLUE one?
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

The 407 people track entries by people who obscure license plates. If a pattern shows for a particular vehicle, the 407 people pass the information on to the OPP, and the OPP will set up and wait for you at your usual entry time and location. Then the hurt begins.

What if said lunatic enters at random ramps and random time?
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

whats up with 1st degree murder? he had intent?? should have been second degree but dont really matter he will be out in the same time! Look out next thing banned in ON is snowplows!
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.


Cops are constantly on the public about reporting crime and are on mission to end the "Stop Snitching" nonsense thats rampant in bad neighbourhoods. How can they do that when the biggest wall is the BLUE one?

It would almost seem like certain things only apply to us and they don't apply to them. :cool:
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Why is the 407 so damn expensive???
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

you don't need a plate flipper.... i use my sneaker... just lie on the tank and get both feet around your plate =) works like a charm
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Ask Mike "Kill the Cow for the Milk" Harris :cool:

lol it's great having it but I went on it for the first time last October and I went from the West End in Toronto to Whitby and I payed $14. Rediculous.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

lol it's great having it but I went on it for the first time last October and I went from the West End in Toronto to Whitby and I payed $14. Rediculous.

It's owned by a private corporation. They'll gouge what people will be willing to pay, with zero social accountability. If Harris, Harper and the gang had it their way, all of our public services would be in the hands of such corporations. The excuses would range from low price to efficiency, but we'd end up paying a heck of a lot more.
Re: Stand Off at Yonge and Gerrard

The view leaves something to be desired. Once you've seen the first 100 crackheads of the day, the rest are just boring.

I don't miss downtown one bit, thanks for reminding me why. lol
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Why is the 407 so damn expensive???

lol it's great having it but I went on it for the first time last October and I went from the West End in Toronto to Whitby and I payed $14. Rediculous.

It's owned by a private corporation. They'll gouge what people will be willing to pay, with zero social accountability. If Harris, Harper and the gang had it their way, all of our public services would be in the hands of such corporations. The excuses would range from low price to efficiency, but we'd end up paying a heck of a lot more.

2 reasons I can think of.

The idiots in the GTA are willing to pay for it because they don't know any better. I can drive on I-90 from Buffalo to Syracuse (about 200km) for under $7. The 407 is, by a wide margin, the most expensive toll road in North America and I avoid it like the plague. I as well have likely only been on it a dozen times since it opened, and not once in the past 5 or 6 years.

The highway system in Toronto is a good 20 years behind population growth. I believe it is true that people in Toronto now have the longest commute times in North America. I used to drive from a bit west of Milton to near Pearson every day for two summers, that drive burned me out and that was BEFORE Milton tripled in population. That drive would be 35 minutes on a Sunday, but it took me 1h5m but traffic didn't slow down until Mississauga Rd. Now traffic slows down at James Snow in Milton.. that drive would probably be 1h30m now. For some people, depending on where they live, spending $15-$20 a day on 407 bills is worth it to shorten their daily commute by an hour or more. The 401 is now 3 lanes in each direction from Cambridge to Woodstock, the 401 is also only 3 lanes between Milton and the 410 where it expands to Express and Collectors. Even the expansion being done now between Mavis and the 410 is not nearly enough... it should be no fewer than 5 lanes starting in Cambridge. The highways in Toronto are so overwhelmed they may be beyond saving.
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