Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

The 407 deal ranks in the top 10 government screw ups of all time IMO along with our insurance acts, senate appointments and the Homolka pardon. That said, the gold bullion must sail to Spain or the rates will go up. What you don't pay gets added to my tab and I don't appreciate it.

There are alternate routes. Yes they are inconvenient.

Using a flip up as you have described isn't much different than shop lifting and should be treated as such. If you are caught I don't know if the charge is HTA or criminal (Think about that on your resume or crossing the border). Maybe Turbodish can lend his expertise.

BTW the 407 is so hated I'm sure this has been discussed before. A search may help.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

well, at last you admit you contribute nothing to the discussion

now we know why you have not posted any real posts--because once you did, it was obvious you don't know what you're talking about. first of all, the new mayor needs to justify his support of tps. good old rob ford has a lot of motivation, since the tps budget is his purview, the tps is answerable to him. that makes him politically accountable when the tps screws up. when they look bad, they make him look bad, because he controls the taxdollars that go to the tps.

we the taxpayers of toronto like it when the police uphold our rights, not violate them. we can't fire bill blair or cops directly, but we can fire rob ford when he doesn't take police criminality seriously.

as for ignoring the trust of the people, just how many crimes do you think are solved and/or prevented without the trust of the community? do you really think that victims would speak to police if they couldn't entrust them to do what is right? how successful do you think door-to-door questioning would be if people didn't trust the police?

what law-abiding citizen would open their door to police if they thought that the police could either arrest them without cause, violate their civil liberties, or worse, assault them?

they are mandated to be in service of the public, and to lose the trust of that public is a good example cutting off one's nose to spite their face.

|No, I made no real posts because you respond like a *********.

Post was in a form of a question, yet I clearly dont know what im talking about?

You seem to have it all figured out. We will see how many officers are held accountable for their actions.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

You would be looking at:

Confiscation of the device.

Confiscation of the plate, which is the property of the Ministry of Transport.

Subsequent towing of the vehicle, which is no longer legal to operate on a highway.

... and a charge under HTA section 13 or section 191, for using a device that obstructs your plate.

In other words, don't do it. Use the 401, 403, etc.. Using the 407, but not paying for it, is theft.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

|No, I made no real posts because you respond like a *********.

Post was in a form of a question, yet I clearly dont know what im talking about?

You seem to have it all figured out. We will see how many officers are held accountable for their actions.

be part of the solution then. if people don't raise a stink, don't object when the apologists and groupies unquestioningly support police behaviour, then yes, the negative attitude towards police accountability will win out.

but as i said before, if the public loses trust in the police, loses trust in the system that it will root out criminality, then all leo's and police services will lose out.

the fewer officers that are held accountable, the worse it will be, and should be.

i have many friends, neighbours, and acquaintances who are leo's. . .i will have no problem telling them to their face how the actions of some of their brothers have damaged public trust. . .
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

Shaman, I have the following questions for you:
1) Was that the protest where at least 3 cops put on their black bloc uniforms and tried to incite the peaceful protesters into rioting?
2) Does that mean that our police services have in the past and most likely will in the future dress up as black bloc and commit violent acts in order to disrupt peaceful protests?
3) Does that explain why the black bloc guys who burned down old police cruisers and demolished stores didn't get arrested by their colleagues but peaceful protesters did?
Please answer these questions, as I thirst for knowledge :cool:
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

1) Was that the protest where at least 3 cops put on their black bloc uniforms and tried to incite the peaceful protesters into rioting?


2) Does that mean that our police services have in the past and most likely will in the future dress up as black bloc and commit violent acts in order to disrupt peaceful protests?
Yes. In fact, they were forced to admit that they had done so (the dressing up, if not the violence).

3) Does that explain why the black bloc guys who burned down old police cruisers and demolished stores didn't get arrested by their colleagues but peaceful protesters did?
Please answer these questions, as I thirst for knowledge :cool:
I suspect strongly that this is the case.
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

Thank you, Shaman. The fact that those people are protecting our persons, property and Charter rights makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside :cool:
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I really don't know why people still can't come to grips with the idea that the "enforcement" system is populated by brutal sociopaths with a totalitarian mindset. I guess the common man's IQ just won't let him/her see the peril to their lives until it's got them in its grips.
Re: Police ordered to stop Montebello protest.

I really don't know why people still can't come to grips with the idea that the "enforcement" system is populated by brutal sociopaths with a totalitarian mindset. I guess the common man's IQ just won't let him/her see the peril to their lives until it's got them in its grips.

We're taught things at a very young and impressionable age that is hard to shake even when all evidence points to the contrary. Ever heard of "religion"? I rest my case.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

be part of the solution then. if people don't raise a stink, don't object when the apologists and groupies unquestioningly support police behaviour, then yes, the negative attitude towards police accountability will win out.

but as i said before, if the public loses trust in the police, loses trust in the system that it will root out criminality, then all leo's and police services will lose out.

the fewer officers that are held accountable, the worse it will be, and should be.

i have many friends, neighbours, and acquaintances who are leo's. . .i will have no problem telling them to their face how the actions of some of their brothers have damaged public trust. . .

It has a ways to go before a majority of the general public takes up a major interest in this issue. Thats not me be an appologist, that my unbiased observation.
Before you go on another rant about how feeble minded I am, That I dont know what im taking about, look around you at the mass general it really weighing that heavily on their minds?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

With your extremist attitude towards law inforcement, im honestly interested to hear what your solution would be to this issue. What would it take for law inforcement to gain your trust once again?

I know this wasn't directed at me but...

For me it would take seeing law enforcement actually follow the laws before I would give them my trust again.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

You would be looking at:

Confiscation of the device.....

.....In other words, don't do it. Use the 401, 403, etc.. Using the 407, but not paying for it, is theft.

Could it be taken as theft of services and therefore a criminal charge if 407 ETR decided to make an example of someone?
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

I've seen some creative ways they can flip plates. The question is, are u willing to risk it?
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario


Using a flip up as you have described isn't much different than shop lifting and should be treated as such. If you are caught I don't know if the charge is HTA or criminal (Think about that on your resume or crossing the border). Maybe Turbodish can lend his expertise.

BTW the 407 is so hated I'm sure this has been discussed before. A search may help.

Define criminal and who is the bad guy here, the biker for the flip plate or the gangsters that own the 407 and have no problem charging bikes with the same rate as SUV's and cars.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

Define criminal and who is the bad guy here, the biker for the flip plate or the gangsters that own the 407 and have no problem charging bikes with the same rate as SUV's and cars.

No one forces you to use the 407. In the entirety of its existence I've been on it perhaps a dozen times; perhaps slightly more. You can object to the fact of its existence but your protest is to not use it, rather than stealing access to it.
Law enforcement would have to follow the laws and act professionally in all ways. They would have to change or drop laws so that they followed the Charter of Rights again. They would have to concentrate on real safety hazards rather than concentrate on revenue. They would have to stop the use of pain compliance (read: torture) devices like the taser. They would have to justify their employment numbers with real criminal charges being laid. They would have to act on political corruption and prosecute theft rather than sweeping it under the rug. They would have to investigate breaches of professionalism and public trust with an external, impartial agency. They would have to drop the swagger. They would have to stop all the criminal activity they undertake in personal life and charge their buddies rather than overlook their unlawful activities. I have other demands but that seems like a good start.
Re: plate flippers in police state ontario

No one forces you to use the 407. In the entirety of its existence I've been on it perhaps a dozen times; perhaps slightly more. You can object to the fact of its existence but your protest is to not use it, rather than stealing access to it.

I pay to use it 100% in my cage.

They would get more business/revenue from the two wheel crowd if they offered a reduced rate, perhaps it's a silent protest the plate flippers are using against the 407.
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