Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
We need better/smarter gangsters.
That gat is an embarrassment. The receiver is still in decent shape, why didn't they 3D print a new handle? (... or maybe they DID print a new handle... just haven't figured out which filament to use)

... and the cops seem to get a gangster a week lately, that has been sampling their opiate product, THEN FALL ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL OF A CAR IN PUBLIC, with a pile o'cash, some dope and a handgun.
Crooks, for the most part, are pretty DUMB
Hell, an hour with a knife and a scrap of 2x4 and you could have a substantially useful grip on that gun. I'm not even sure it would fire twice as is as your hand will be wrapped around the magazine which is largely unsupported. When it kicks, you will put a lot of force through the magazine that it was never designed for.
Hell, an hour with a knife and a scrap of 2x4 and you could have a substantially useful grip on that gun. I'm not even sure it would fire twice as is as your hand will be wrapped around the magazine which is largely unsupported. When it kicks, you will put a lot of force through the magazine that it was never designed for.

It would stovepipe after every shot with zero grip, like when someone limp wrists one.
Quite well over all, actually. Both Canada's violent crime rate and rate of recidivism are orders of magnitude lower than those of the US (as adjusted for population). It would seem that an approach based on rehabilitation, rather than on simply punishment, actually works. The problem with the US is that they can close the barn door, but all the horses have already fled. We need tweaks to our system, not a wholesale crack-down as is proselytized by the "law and order" crowd.

The main issue that we have is the Federal Government's concentration on firearms as a matter of doctrine, instead of looking at the reasons and means. Trump wanted a wall along the Mexico border. It's really Canada that needs a wall, in order to control the flow of illegal arms coming up from the US. Banning weapons that are held by legal owners, who have dealt with the regulations and have submitted themselves to government scrutiny, is the wrong tactic.
Americans lean towards thinking you can beat the bad out of a person. In reality you beat it further in.

Trudeau's firearm issue is a "The sky is falling" deflection away from the dismal state of our government. It ignores the fact that you can kill and main dozens of people with a van just as easily as with a gun.

Desmond Tutu nailed it. "We have to stop just pulling bodies out of the river. We have to go upstream to find out why they're falling in."

Is it just me or are drivers suddenly worse?

Anger stops people from thinking and a lot of people are angry. They're angry because they don't have control over their housing. Interest rates, rent rates, subscriptions, grocery costs and gas costs stomp the final vestiges of owning something stable into the ground. Politicians only have to worry about their next four years.

Add being without hope while being told you deserve equals social dynamite. All it takes is a tiny spark.
Ambiguous wording but this article seems to imply an officer that allegedly assaulted someone (charged with assault and assault with a weapon) may have had their criminal charges dropped by resigning from the police force. wtf. Does anyone else get criminal charges dropped for quitting their job?

As expected, he sucked at the teat for two years after criminal charges were laid. PSA needs to change asap. At the very least, claw back all money if they get a conviction or do not return to work. So much money spent on dirtbags.
Ambiguous wording but this article seems to imply an officer that allegedly assaulted someone (charged with assault and assault with a weapon) may have had their criminal charges dropped by resigning from the police force. wtf. Does anyone else get criminal charges dropped for quitting their job?

As expected, he sucked at the teat for two years after criminal charges were laid. PSA needs to change asap. At the very least, claw back all money if they get a conviction or do not return to work. So much money spent on dirtbags.

Money should be held in escrow or something earning all applicable interest. If they are not guilty they get all monies owed.
Money should be held in escrow or something earning all applicable interest. If they are not guilty they get all monies owed.
I'd rather adjudicate psa charges first. Much lower bar for conviction (you should not need a custodial sentence to get punished at work). If they deserve to be fired, fire them right away and let criminal charges slowly go through system like everyone else.
I have mixed emotions on the whole thing. The skate boarder broke laws and it seems he thought there was a one ticket per day policy. So if I get a ticket for 130 on the highway I can drive off at 130 because I hit my charge per day limit?

TBH I am sick of the e-bike righteousness, blowing stop signs and red lights, weaving through pedestrians on sidewalks. Skateboards aren't too much different.

Far to many people think that they have the right of convenience. If it's convenient for them they have the right to do it.

So what do we want the cop to do? Turn his back, look the other way? This is how we are becoming a bunch of self serving egotists. Eventually the whole planet is polluted.

If we want good cops we need to protect them as well. Did this cop go over the line? Yeah he could have handled it better. What was his previous record? Was it a bad day? If all his days were bad days giving him the gate would make him happier in the long run. It seems the privileged can have all the bad days they want.

Fire and ambulance show up and everyone is glad because they are there to help. When a cop shows up at least 50% (The perpetrators) don't want them there. Is there another job with those stats?

The politicians don't help as they pimp cops out to raise revenue instead of fighting crime.

We lose good people this way. Weasels find a way to work the system and end up running the show.

I am still friends with the high school shop teacher that introduced me to electricity. He retired early because he came close to physically harming a total brat acting up in class. The school lost a teacher that went to bat for his students.

When he saw a particularly bright kid he would call contractors he knew, letting them know he had a good apprentice candidate if they were looking. The system lost a good person because the system caters to the brats.

I wouldn't want to be a cop because they wouldn't give me enough bullets.

P.S. We were having cappuccinos at a cafe on St Clair years ago. The owner saw a couple of kids tip over a mailbox so they could use it for skateboard tricks. He went out and told them to put it back up. When they refused he took their skateboard away telling them they could have it back when they put the box back up. We need that guy for prime minister.
Just to highlight the different treatment depending on the colour of the uniform, a brampton fire captain was charged with murder feb 2, 2023 and has already been fired. In blue, he would have been looking at many years of full pay and increasing pension before possible employment consequences.

“The City of Brampton was made aware that an employee within Brampton Fire and Emergency Services was arrested and charged with second degree murder and one additional charge by the Ontario Provincial Police,” the statement reads.

“This is an ongoing investigation, and the matter has not yet been proven in court.”

The city announced they fired Schwalm in accordance with the Collective Agreement and the Fire Protection and Prevention Act.

A lot of endorsement contracts have cancellation clauses for undue negative attention. Guilt doesn't have to be proven. It'll be in the fine print.

Years ago I was talking to an OPP officer and he related that he had, in responding to a call, caused a collision resulting in injury to a civilian. For complex reasons he was charged with careless driving but the civilian wanted the charge upped to dangerous.

To the cop, the difference was that dangerous driving was a criminal charge and if found guilty he would lose his career plus the collective agreement at that time (It may have changed) would not cover the legal costs of a criminal trial.

Vehicle insurance is null and void if the vehicle was being used in an illegal activity. This is a greyish area.

DUI is a criminal charge but having a crash while under the influence isn't necessarily directly criminal so the victim of the crash would hopefully get full compensation.

The surviving victims (Some crippled for life) of the Yonge Street massacre didn't get any compensation from the vehicle insurer because the injuries were the direct result of a criminal act.

The collective agreement of the Toronto Police Service obviously has different coverage unless the Forcillo / Yatim incident had Forcillo paying his own way. I fully understand the coverage for police as their job description includes dealing with violent people.

Collective agreements often include various insurances so the named party is usually covered for specific events. If you pay for a benefit you get to use it.

It would however look suspicious if a hubby asked for legal expense coverage in case he killed his wife, you know, accidentally of course.
Not ontario but a shining star example in canada. Cop sees a caribou while on duty. Attempts to shoot it from the road using his police issued rifle. Misses the caribou but hits his patrol vehicle. How small is his brain?

Another example of a cop that should be immediately fired as they obviously dont have the mental capacity to do the job safely. Training cant fix stupid. On the upside, he isnt on perpetual paid leave. On the downside, they let him resign. F that. Fired with cause. You were negligent in your job, you used work firearms for personal reasons, you used firearms unsafely and you damaged government property while doing so. How many reasons do they need before a cop is fired with cause?

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Not ontario but a shining star example in canada. Cop sees a caribou while on duty. Attempts to shoot it from the road using his police issued rifle. Misses the caribou but hits his patrol vehicle. How small is his brain?

Another example of a cop that should be immediately fired as they obviously dont have the mental capacity to do the job safely. Training cant fix stupid. On the upside, he isnt on perpetual paid leave. On the downside, they let him resign. F that. Fired with cause. You were negligent in your job, you used work firearms for personal reasons, you used firearms unsafely and you damaged government property while doing so. How many reasons do they need before a cop is fired with cause?

How the F do you hit a stationary object the size of a police SUV that YOU parked in that spot 😆 Also do their magazines and rifles not get checked when they sign off and return them at end of shift. Is there no accountability for missing rounds or did this guy have some goat rounds in his kit?
How the F do you hit a stationary object the size of a police SUV that YOU parked in that spot 😆 Also do their magazines and rifles not get checked when they sign off and return them at end of shift. Is there no accountability for missing rounds or did this guy have some goat rounds in his kit?
According to the report the caribou was trying to steal the squad car?

Screw you Santa. Next year we're going lights and sirens. Enough of this sled and HoHoHo stuff.
Not ontario but a shining star example in canada. Cop sees a caribou while on duty. Attempts to shoot it from the road using his police issued rifle. Misses the caribou but hits his patrol vehicle. How small is his brain?

Another example of a cop that should be immediately fired as they obviously dont have the mental capacity to do the job safely. Training cant fix stupid. On the upside, he isnt on perpetual paid leave. On the downside, they let him resign. F that. Fired with cause. You were negligent in your job, you used work firearms for personal reasons, you used firearms unsafely and you damaged government property while doing so. How many reasons do they need before a cop is fired with cause?

At least it sounds like he'll be dealt with in the same manner as any regular citizen who was caught poaching, while also losing his job.
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At least it sounds like he'll be dealt with in the same manner as any regular citizen who was caught poaching, while also losing his job.
RCMP say one of their officers in northern Manitoba tried to hunt a caribou while on duty.

The Mounties say the officer was driving in a marked vehicle in March of last year on a winter road near Bunibonibee Cree Nation when he came across a caribou.

The Mounties allege the constable used his patrol-issued rifle from his police vehicle and discharged two rounds at the animal, but struck the police vehicle instead.

The caribou was not injured and an investigation that included conservation officers began after the officer returned to the detachment.

Karl Tabares-Chevarie, who is 34, was charged this week with hunting without a licence and using a prohibited firearm in a careless manner.

The Mounties say he resigned and was discharged from the RCMP in June

At least he quit, maybe because he was fed up for some other reason. A flight attendant years back used an emergency slide as a swan song to his job. On the bright side the cop didn't take out a post office to make his point.

The deer wasn't injured so unless the conservation officers were witness how did the facts come out?

I assume there's more to the story. I'd have trouble being stationed in southern Manitoba. Seriously, some of those remote postings are frozen hells.
I assume there's more to the story. I'd have trouble being stationed in southern Manitoba. Seriously, some of those remote postings are frozen hells.
One knows what they are signing up for, you get the **** gigs for awhile.
Not an indictment on the police but man are our laws ever screwed up. Five armed bad guys conducting a home invasion and assaulting a woman and one gets killed by the homeowner. Homeowner now charged with murder. Other guys will probably sue and win for moral anguish from seeing their dirtbag friend get blasted. Cops want a monopoly on shooting bad guys.

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Not an indictment on the police but man are our laws ever screwed up. Five armed bad guys conducting a home invasion and assaulting a woman and one gets killed by the homeowner. Homeowner now charged with murder. Other guys will probably sue and win for moral anguish from seeing their dirtbag friend get blasted. Cops want a monopoly on shooting bad guys.

We should adopt the US system where if someone dies while your commiting a crime then everyone commiting said crime is charged with murder, not the person defending themselves. Wonder how much the poor homeowner is going to end up having to pay lawyers to not end up in jail.
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