Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
"Though personal firearms are allowed at the convention, the NRA said guns would not be permitted during the session featuring Trump."

Cops stood outside the classroom for about 40 minutes while the shooter shot the children... Now admit that not breaching the door was "the wrong decision"

MSNBC is reporting that almost 40% of the town's budget goes to policing. Seems to me that money could be better spent. Maybe on hiring some real police.
I saw that footage too, posted by someone else on Twitter and Instagram. I checked the channel's website and couldn't find it anywhere.

Cops probably threatened to taze everyone at the TV station if they didn't take the video down.
Cops probably threatened to taze everyone at the TV station if they didn't take the video down.
Looks like it might have been captured from live TV but I would feel more confident in what it shows if the station *did* have it online, given how easy it is now to fake such things.

*EDIT* - This is the clip that I saw that includes the question as to whether police officers went in to get their own children out first.

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I'm speechless.

To think a trained law enforcement officer, let alone a platoon of them would standby in fear knowing children were being held at gunpoint is something I can't fathom.

If this is true and they were cowards, I can't imagine the fear they will face every day for the rest of their lives.
It looks like the unfathomable is true.

Cops cowered outside while 10 year old kids were being killed, dying without medical help, suffering with injuries or waiting in absolute terror.

If I was a parent of one of the kids in that school, I can't imagine.

I don't know if there is a penalty for incompetence or cowardice in Texas.
I hope the news nedia is brave enough to splash around as many pictures and bios of the cowards as they have of the victims.
It looks like the unfathomable is true.

Cops cowered outside while 10 year old kids were being killed, dying without medical help, suffering with injuries or waiting in absolute terror.

If I was a parent of one of the kids in that school, I can't imagine.

I don't know if there is a penalty for incompetence or cowardice in Texas.
I hope the news nedia is brave enough to splash around as many pictures and bios of the cowards as they have of the victims.
I was talking to a municipal cop after the shooting. They do yearly training. As soon as two cops are on scene, in they go. They'd prefer to work as groups of three but two will do. Minimizing unimpeded time is job number one.
It looks like the unfathomable is true.

Cops cowered outside while 10 year old kids were being killed, dying without medical help, suffering with injuries or waiting in absolute terror.

If I was a parent of one of the kids in that school, I can't imagine.

I don't know if there is a penalty for incompetence or cowardice in Texas.
I hope the news nedia is brave enough to splash around as many pictures and bios of the cowards as they have of the victims.
The head of the school police hasn't shown his face since the incident and likely won't have a job very soon. It's apparently an elected position. The School Resource Officer who wasn't on-site, when he should have been, is likely to also be cashiered. As to the rest it depends on whether, "I was just following orders." will be considered a valid excuse for inaction. It likely will be.

Christ. It would have been a better outcome if they had just handed their weapons over to the parents and gotten out of their way.
... As to the rest it depends on whether, "I was just following orders." will be considered a valid excuse for inaction. It likely will be.
Not good enough for me, pretty sure there isn't a parent on the face of the earth who would accept that excuse.

I lived in a Latìno working class community for years, La Famila is the single most ìmportant thing in their culture. I'll bet every cop associated with this has left town, or planning their immediate exit.
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Not good enough for me, pretty sure there isn't a parent on the face of the earth who would accept that excuse.

I lived in a Latìno working class community for years, La Famila is the single most ìmportant thing in their culture. I'll bet every cop associated with this has left town, or planning their immediate exit.
It's not on the families though. There will be a scapegoat. Maybe a couple. For the rest it will be business as usual.
The head of the school police hasn't shown his face since the incident and likely won't have a job very soon. It's apparently an elected position. The School Resource Officer who wasn't on-site, when he should have been, is likely to also be cashiered. As to the rest it depends on whether, "I was just following orders." will be considered a valid excuse for inaction. It likely will be.

Christ. It would have been a better outcome if they had just handed their weapons over to the parents and gotten out of their way.
It didn't work at Nuremgberg.
Waiting to see what the final narrative is before passing judgement. But it sounds really bad so far.

I'd heard at one point, that they'd requested some kind of a shield and backup, before busting down the door.
If someone ran in and was killed, the perp would have whatever weapons and communications the officer was carrying.

There were also reports that one police officer's kid was killed.
Someone also posted this:
Sadly gun stocks have shot up. (no pun intended)
Sadly gun stocks have shot up. (no pun intended)
They always do. Either people think new laws will restrict access so they buy it up.

Or they see that those sworn to protect them aren’t going to do poo and need to take their own protection into their own hands.
Sadly gun stocks have shot up. (no pun intended)
I think it's hard for the average Canadian to wade into the US gun debate. It's complicated for a lot of reasons, many of which don't exist here.

I doubt much will change in our lifetime.
Complicated for sure. More than 80% of Americans are in favour of things like background checks and assault rifle bans but a small core of republicans with the filibuster refuse to move on it.
They have the right to bear arms so they can protect themselves should the British invade. No one told them they're not coming.
Complicated for sure. More than 80% of Americans are in favour of things like background checks and assault rifle bans but a small core of republicans with the filibuster refuse to move on it.
They have the right to bear arms so they can protect themselves should the British invade. No one told them they're not coming.

It’s to protect themselves from their own government.
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