Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Complicated for sure. More than 80% of Americans are in favour of things like background checks and assault rifle bans but a small core of republicans with the filibuster refuse to move on it.
They have the right to bear arms so they can protect themselves should the British invade. No one told them they're not coming.
Most estimates put it more in the 60 percentile, however, by their standards that would be an election landslide. It's also more about this quote which has (incorrectly) been attributed to Thomas Jefferson, and several other Founding Fathers: "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." It's what fuels American "militias" and the "Deep State" conspiracy theorists.

As long as the core of Republican voters scream "MAH FREEDUM!!" and quote Charlton Heston, reasonable gun control in the USA will remain a pipe dream. As I implied, above, their election margins are weighed in single percentage points. No one is going to give up a sliver of an advantage for a little thing like the lives of children. Yeah, I'm a cynic when it comes to their politics.
Brake Checking is classified as Stunt Driving here, so would lose that cop his cruiser for 2 weeks.
I thought they were playing games with that here and releasing municipal vehicles or cough, letting the police impound them and then they release them early?
I thought they were playing games with that here and releasing municipal vehicles or cough, letting the police impound them and then they release them early?
You aren't wrong. There have been cases of police "impounding" their own vehicles, in their own yards, thereby skating on any storage fees.
Brake Checking is classified as Stunt Driving here, so would lose that cop his cruiser for 2 weeks.
So's travelling at 50 kmh (30 mph) over the speed limit.
Nonsense all the way around on that one.

I doubt either one signaled their lane changes.
Weaving through traffic.
Following too close.
How much over 80 were they going?
Possibly evading tolls if it's like the 407.

Anybody who tailgates someone at those kind of speeds is eventually in for a world of hurt.
Especially, after the first slowdown.

My first reaction to either one of them would be to back way off, and wait until they committed to a direction, then go another way.

Edit: Speed limit might be 55 in that stretch: I595 Naples Exit
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Here's a police force (opp) playing games. Manipulating the costs of policing, suppressing documents and altering them as the heat increased. The rot goes deep.

I skimmed it.

But it seems to me regular pay should not be included as a related cost. Those officers are routinely scheduled and their salary is already budgeted.

The smoke and mirrors **** is stupid though.
If you're calculating the costs of the "project".. then yes, the regular salary for anyone that was assigned to that project should be included as a cost for that project.
If you're calculating the costs of the "project".. then yes, the regular salary for anyone that was assigned to that project should be included as a cost for that project.
Agree. Even if they were already on staff, time on this project took them away from other projects (and likely led to additional costs to backfill the other projects/work).
If you're calculating the costs of the "project".. then yes, the regular salary for anyone that was assigned to that project should be included as a cost for that project.
Agreed. The fact that "regular hours" were spent there most likely results in overtime hours elsewhere, because those officers are not available for other duties.
Another stinker from the SIU. It's almost like they are trying to see how far they can push the limits of the blue line. If I was driving around at 103 in a 60 just because and caused a crash, I would be getting a pile of paperwork to sort out in court (and highly likely that pile included a dangerous driving charge). Precedent that says police on duty are exempt from speed limits regardless of the situation is beyond ridiculous and will cause more bodies.

The province’s Special Investigations Unit has cleared a Peel Regional Police officer of any wrongdoing in a high-speed crash almost four months ago that sent two people to hospital.

In its report, the SIU said the police cruiser was heading to assist an officer with a traffic stop at Bovaird Street East and Sunnyvale Gate when the crash occurred. The evidence showed the cruiser was going almost twice the speed limit without its emergency lights or siren on when it struck a black 4-door Honda Accord that was attempting to make a left turn. Both vehicles had a green light at the time.

The report indicates that the speed at impact was just over 103 km/h, causing significant front end damage to the police cruiser while sending the Honda Accord spinning and onto its roof.

The report also notes that the situation was not one of urgency and that the police officer had not been dispatched to assist, once again raising the question about the “need for such speed” without the use of emergency lights and/or siren.

The report does conclude that police vehicles used in the lawful performance of a police officer’s duty are exempt from speed limits and that both drivers’ actions ultimately contributed to the cause of the crash.
Another stinker from the SIU. It's almost like they are trying to see how far they can push the limits of the blue line. If I was driving around at 103 in a 60 just because and caused a crash, I would be getting a pile of paperwork to sort out in court (and highly likely that pile included a dangerous driving charge). Precedent that says police on duty are exempt from speed limits regardless of the situation is beyond ridiculous and will cause more bodies.

The province’s Special Investigations Unit has cleared a Peel Regional Police officer of any wrongdoing in a high-speed crash almost four months ago that sent two people to hospital.

In its report, the SIU said the police cruiser was heading to assist an officer with a traffic stop at Bovaird Street East and Sunnyvale Gate when the crash occurred. The evidence showed the cruiser was going almost twice the speed limit without its emergency lights or siren on when it struck a black 4-door Honda Accord that was attempting to make a left turn. Both vehicles had a green light at the time.

The report indicates that the speed at impact was just over 103 km/h, causing significant front end damage to the police cruiser while sending the Honda Accord spinning and onto its roof.

The report also notes that the situation was not one of urgency and that the police officer had not been dispatched to assist, once again raising the question about the “need for such speed” without the use of emergency lights and/or siren.

The report does conclude that police vehicles used in the lawful performance of a police officer’s duty are exempt from speed limits and that both drivers’ actions ultimately contributed to the cause of the crash.
Patently ridiculous. They are not exempt from anything, if lights and siren aren't activated to warn the public, also by precedent. Even when using lights and siren they are legally obligated to come to a stop and make sure that traffic is clear, before proceeding through a red light. Back in the '80s a friend had the front end of his car run over as he was proceeding through a green light, by a fire truck that went straight through the red. The driver of the fire truck was charged. The basic law on that hasn't changed since then.
TPS race report is out. Ramer apologized as it showed exactly what racialized communities have been complaining about for decades. So they have known it's a problem for decades but they wait for a formal report before apologizing? DTP. What a disaster they are.

Ramer said that the problem isn't any individual officer, it is organizational. That seems unrealistic to me. He also talks about how officers are so progressive and work every day to treat people equally. Like f that's an accurate description. You have a multi-year report of how wrong that is. More lip service and meaningless apologies. He says they have a list of action items but unless one of the action items is a purge, it is just a game designed to buy more time and protect the current batch of losers.

Hahaha. Ramer got ripped a new one during question period. A lady said most of his apology was to his members and not the racialized communities (I agree with her). She also said that they did not ask for nor want an apology, they want real change. This is just another step on the same path and is appalling. Her interpretation "I have been beating and killing you for decades. I am sorry about that but we're going to keep doing it."

Ramer talked about what he considers a success story where an officer was overtly racist and went to tribunal and resigned. He considers that successful. Screw that. Finish the tribunal. Register the conviction (assuming evidence was sufficient) and then fire them. That would have been far more successful. He is completely out of touch with his bar for success.

Ramer was asked what happens if he doesn't meet the goals in a year. What would the consequences be. Ramer deflected as a continuous process with no line where success or failure is evaluated. Did nobody prep him for this conference? He is doing a crap job of instilling any confidence in useful change. He is focusing on consultation and try and deflecting anything from concrete goals that would trigger a purge of ineffective employees.

Ramer said "Given all that we have been trying to do over the last many years, I am disappointed that we are still seeing some issues in 2020 data". Holy frack. You are committed to a process you have been committed to many years that is completely ineffective. Your best path forward is just keep doing it and hope for the best? His job may not survive this press conference.


Here's the lady that ripped him giving an interview after. Groups reject TPS apology for discrimination

Beverly Bain. Here is her speech during the press conference. CityNews
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Another stinker from the SIU. It's almost like they are trying to see how far they can push the limits of the blue line. If I was driving around at 103 in a 60 just because and caused a crash, I would be getting a pile of paperwork to sort out in court (and highly likely that pile included a dangerous driving charge). Precedent that says police on duty are exempt from speed limits regardless of the situation is beyond ridiculous and will cause more bodies.

The province’s Special Investigations Unit has cleared a Peel Regional Police officer of any wrongdoing in a high-speed crash almost four months ago that sent two people to hospital.

In its report, the SIU said the police cruiser was heading to assist an officer with a traffic stop at Bovaird Street East and Sunnyvale Gate when the crash occurred. The evidence showed the cruiser was going almost twice the speed limit without its emergency lights or siren on when it struck a black 4-door Honda Accord that was attempting to make a left turn. Both vehicles had a green light at the time.

The report indicates that the speed at impact was just over 103 km/h, causing significant front end damage to the police cruiser while sending the Honda Accord spinning and onto its roof.

The report also notes that the situation was not one of urgency and that the police officer had not been dispatched to assist, once again raising the question about the “need for such speed” without the use of emergency lights and/or siren.

The report does conclude that police vehicles used in the lawful performance of a police officer’s duty are exempt from speed limits and that both drivers’ actions ultimately contributed to the cause of the crash.
That’s ridiculous. Should be fully charged and tossed out of the force. Even though the other driver turned in front of them…a cop speeding that fast is inexcusable, especially with no signals.

I’m a big fan of asshat cops that turn their lights and sirens on to not wait at a red light, and then promptly turn them off after they pass the intersection.
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