Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
SIU looks for criminal acts.. not HTA offences. Not saying what happened or the outcome are right.
Seems ripe for a dangerous charge if it was a normal member of the public. That's a criminal charge that directly applies to cruising around over 100 km/h in town and getting into a crash.
If one member gets a HTA charge the rest collectively decide that they will not be laying any HTA charges that they can avoid for a time and that is bad for the bottom line.
The brass just shrug their shoulders. Boys will be boys.
If one member gets a HTA charge the rest collectively decide that they will not be laying any HTA charges that they can avoid for a time and that is bad for the bottom line.
The brass just shrug their shoulders. Boys will be boys.
Raginduck was correct. SIU is prevented by mandate from laying HTA charges. They have an intentionally very narrow scope to give them as many outs as possible while pretending to provide oversight. That is a political problem, not a policing problem.
Raginduck was correct. SIU is prevented by mandate from laying HTA charges. They have an intentionally very narrow scope to give them as many outs as possible while pretending to provide oversight. That is a political problem, not a policing problem.
I was commenting more on police MO here.
If there is a media story about some cop getting a traffic charge watch their agencies public media site. Suddenly their numbers for HTA offenses will drop to near zero. It might be that all the motorists saw the light and learned how to responsibly or perhaps that all traffic enforcement just ceased.
I was commenting more on police MO here.
If there is a media story about some cop getting a traffic charge watch their agencies public media site. Suddenly their numbers for HTA offenses will drop to near zero. It might be that all the motorists saw the light and learned how to responsibly or perhaps that all traffic enforcement just ceased.
Perfect. Great time for a purge. If they want to behave like that, they can try to find a private sector job.
Perfect. Great time for a purge. If they want to behave like that, they can try to find a private sector job.
Given the number of well qualified people I've known who have applied for police positions in Toronto and Peel, and been turned away largely because of the sheer number of other applicants, I don't think that it would be too difficult to refill those positions.
Given the number of well qualified people I've known who have applied for police positions in Toronto and Peel, and been turned away largely because of the sheer number of other applicants, I don't think that it would be too difficult to refill those positions.
Based on the conference today, it's pretty clear that Ramer is not the savior. He has been with TPS for 42 years and can't see the issues. Problem starts right at the beginning. They need to recruit more smart/socially capable officers and fewer meatheads. Sadly when you built the whole recruiting system to keep the IQ down, you can't expect a great workforce when they get deployed.
Here is the Uvalde police swat team
Uvalde is a town of 13,000... AND THEY HAVE A SWAT TEAM... and the Uvalde police force takes 40% of the towns budget.
The Uvalde swat team practiced active shooter scenarios... in the actual school where they had an active shooter.

Stopping parents from running into the school was the right thing to do... but then trying to stop the active shooter would have been the RIGHT thing...but here we are.
Today we have police spokesmen justifying their actions by saying '... but they could have been killed or injured."
The stink is quickly becoming overpowering. Video came out showing cops in the school with rifles and ballistic shields 20 minutes in (so the next 40 minutes were completely pointlessly wasted).

Following that revelation, the top cop in Texas said they could have ended it 3 minutes after it started but they completely failed in their duties. I suspect all off these cops now fear for their lives. They take 40% of the towns budget and in the most critical incident that happens in a year they f*cked the dog for an hour. We'll see what happens. Criminal negligence charges (and convictions) for almost the entire force seem quite reasonable as a start.

Police had enough officers and firepower on the scene of the Uvalde school massacre to have stopped the gunman three minutes after he entered the building, and they would have found the door to the classroom where he was holed up unlocked if they had bothered to check it, the head of the Texas state police testified Tuesday, pronouncing the law enforcement response an “abject failure.”

I don't care if you have on flip-flops and Bermuda shorts, you go in,” Col. Steve McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said in blistering testimony at a state Senate hearing.
TPS race report is out. Ramer apologized as it showed exactly what racialized communities have been complaining about for decades. So they have known it's a problem for decades but they wait for a formal report before apologizing? DTP. What a disaster they are.

Ramer said that the problem isn't any individual officer, it is organizational. That seems unrealistic to me. He also talks about how officers are so progressive and work every day to treat people equally. Like f that's an accurate description. You have a multi-year report of how wrong that is. More lip service and meaningless apologies. He says they have a list of action items but unless one of the action items is a purge, it is just a game designed to buy more time and protect the current batch of losers.

Hahaha. Ramer got ripped a new one during question period. A lady said most of his apology was to his members and not the racialized communities (I agree with her). She also said that they did not ask for nor want an apology, they want real change. This is just another step on the same path and is appalling. Her interpretation "I have been beating and killing you for decades. I am sorry about that but we're going to keep doing it."

Ramer talked about what he considers a success story where an officer was overtly racist and went to tribunal and resigned. He considers that successful. Screw that. Finish the tribunal. Register the conviction (assuming evidence was sufficient) and then fire them. That would have been far more successful. He is completely out of touch with his bar for success.

Ramer was asked what happens if he doesn't meet the goals in a year. What would the consequences be. Ramer deflected as a continuous process with no line where success or failure is evaluated. Did nobody prep him for this conference? He is doing a crap job of instilling any confidence in useful change. He is focusing on consultation and try and deflecting anything from concrete goals that would trigger a purge of ineffective employees.

Ramer said "Given all that we have been trying to do over the last many years, I am disappointed that we are still seeing some issues in 2020 data". Holy frack. You are committed to a process you have been committed to many years that is completely ineffective. Your best path forward is just keep doing it and hope for the best? His job may not survive this press conference.


Here's the lady that ripped him giving an interview after. Groups reject TPS apology for discrimination

Beverly Bain. Here is her speech during the press conference. CityNews
Ouch. In the press conference, Ramer specifically said that race based data could not be used to investigate individual officers. The Privacy Commissioner has said that is incorrect. Seems like another attempt by Ramer to avoid police policing themselves.

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario has issued a statement to “clarify” comments made by Toronto's interim police chief last week as the service released new data that show Black and racialized residents face disproportionate use of force.

At the time, interim Chief James Ramer said the data couldn't be used to investigate the actions of individual officers because the Anti-Racism Act and the privacy commissioner require them to be anonymized.

In its statement, the commissioner's office says it has not indicated that the laws in place prevent police from using the data to “inform the supervision, training and discipline of its police officers.”
Another winner. Stealing evidence and using stolen debit/credit cards to make purchases. Again suspended with pay for the foreseeable future. PSA needs reform asap.

Another 3 year paid leave of absence while tge wheels of police self-justice grind.

I don't know which crime is worse, stealing someone's credit card or stealing $300k in paid leave.
Another 3 year paid leave of absence while tge wheels of police self-justice grind.

I don't know which crime is worse, stealing someone's credit card or stealing $300k in paid leave.
It's not stealing if we give it to them. Politicians stealing from taxpayers through past weakness and current inaction is probably a more accurate description.
... and don't those years of paid absenteeism still count towards their pension? and when/if this is brought to trial they are an X+3 additional years veteran of the police service.

OPP officer sentenced for steering $500,000 in business to tow truck operator featured on reality TV​

Another reason to stop road side seizure. Stop the War on Ontario Drivers Caroline Mulroney!

OPP officer sentenced for steering $500,000 in business to tow truck operator featured on reality TV​

Another reason to stop road side seizure. Stop the War on Ontario Drivers Caroline Mulroney!
Small surprise to those of us who were saying that something like this would happen. They now also need to investigate if the HTA 172 charges were at all founded, and if the officers did profit from this.

OPP officer sentenced for steering $500,000 in business to tow truck operator featured on reality TV​

Another reason to stop road side seizure. Stop the War on Ontario Drivers Caroline Mulroney!
Suspended sentence :rolleyes::mad:, what a surprise...and still suspended with pay. Seems to me police corruption and brutality is encouraged in this country.
Here's a forum relevant one. Super drunk ahole cop did a hit and run on a motorcycle in 2019. Beat DUI with a charter challenge, other charges are still pending and he is still suspended with pay. PSA needs to change.

A York Regional Police officer who was originally charged with drunk driving and dangerous driving causing bodily harm after hitting a motorcyclist had his impairment charge dropped after a successful charter application, as his trial on the remaining charges got underway.

Const. Nathan Coates is charged with hitting Stuart Sweeney while Sweeney rode his motorcycle down Hwy. 7, near York Durham Line, on Sept. 29, 2019 after 7:15 p.m..

Following the crash, in which the Crown suggest Coates crossed the centre line, the Stouffville-based officer is alleged to have fled the scene, only for his Nissan Pathfinder to break down mere kilometres away.

It was at this point that police say he was located by an off-duty tow-truck driver who called police, explaining that Coates was drunk, according to the charter application.

"This guy’s hammered," the document quotes the man as saying.

Coates would later blow 148 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, it further alleges.

These facts have not been tested in court due to the successful charter application.

On June 1, Justice Jonathan Dawe agreed with Coates' defence that the 14-year veteran of the service was treated unfairly by York Regional Police following his arrest because no demand for a breath sample was made prior to Coates speaking to a lawyer.
"In my view, it was not only 'practicable' for (the officer) to make his demand (for a breath sample) before Mr. Coates spoke to duty counsel, but it was essential that he do so to ensure that Mr. Coates could properly obtain legal advice about whether he had to comply with the demand," Dawe wrote in his pre-trial application decision. "I am not satisfied that the Crown has met its burden of establishing that (the officer’s) breath demand, or the warrantless seizure of Mr. Coates' breath sample that followed it, were lawful."

On June 6, Coates' trial got underway, with three of the original four charges remaining, including failure to remain, causing bodily harm while operating a vehicle, and dangerous driving causing bodily harm.

It began with Sweeney testifying how Coates’ vehicle 'aggressively' swerved into his lane across Hwy. 7’s centre line before striking the side of his 2019 Harley Davidson, sending Sweeney skidding into a ditch.

The court also heard an emotional 911 call in which Sweeney, from Pickering, complains to the operator that he could not feel his arm and that his leg was badly damaged.

Sweeny, who used to play triple-A hockey, would later have his left leg amputated above the knee.

In one exchange, Coates’ defence questioned Sweeney if it was possible that he had high beam on or whether it might have been he who crossed the centre line.

"I do not ride with my high beams on," Sweeney told the court, also denying that he crossed the centre line.

The collision happened following a baseball tournament at Milliken Mills Park in Markham.

Coates' teammates from the baseball tournament also appeared in court, each one suggesting they had all been drinking after losing the big game. One man suggested Coates brought a bottle of rum to the game.

The trial also heard lawsuits have been filed against the City of Markham, the baseball association and Coates, who is currently on paid suspension from the police force.

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, Coates, who is from Oshawa, will face a professional standards hearing at York Regional Police.

The trial continues.
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