Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Burn, baby, burn.
I wonder when a politician will have the stones to cleanup the police services act. I am ok with even a minor revision that lets PSA charges proceed asap and punishment if guilty be administered asap without waiting for criminal charges to be completely dealt with. Seal the results until after criminal trial is complete if that's what needs to be done to get it through. Dragging the trial out for years while they make six figures has to stop.
I wonder when a politician will have the stones to cleanup the police services act. I am ok with even a minor revision that lets PSA charges proceed asap and punishment if guilty be administered asap without waiting for criminal charges to be completely dealt with. Seal the results until after criminal trial is complete if that's what needs to be done to get it through. Dragging the trial out for years while they make six figures has to stop.
There should be a review of the evidence and if they warrant going to trial then the pay should held back. If they beat the charges then feel free to give them back pay.

Not happy with the conditions? Don’t be a cop.
I wonder when a politician will have the stones to cleanup the police services act. I am ok with even a minor revision that lets PSA charges proceed asap and punishment if guilty be administered asap without waiting for criminal charges to be completely dealt with. Seal the results until after criminal trial is complete if that's what needs to be done to get it through. Dragging the trial out for years while they make six figures has to stop.
They won’t. The police union is too strong and their members can play the card well.

I would love to see an overhaul, and start with the SIU not allowing ex-police to be the investigative members but a third party that doesn’t have interest.

Suspended without pay? Tough call. If the guy is innocent then it’s tough to live without income and could lose everything as most people aren’t good enough to survive without a steady paycheque.

Suspended with pay? Then how do you recoup the costs? You don’t….the officers are very rarely found guilty (as per point #1).
They won’t. The police union is too strong and their members can play the card well.

I would love to see an overhaul, and start with the SIU not allowing ex-police to be the investigative members but a third party that doesn’t have interest.

Suspended without pay? Tough call. If the guy is innocent then it’s tough to live without income and could lose everything as most people aren’t good enough to survive without a steady paycheque.

Suspended with pay? Then how do you recoup the costs? You don’t….the officers are very rarely found guilty (as per point #1).
What? Tell them to go flip burgers. Sitting at home getting paid 6 figures is ********.
What? Tell them to go flip burgers. Sitting at home getting paid 6 figures is ********.
Agreed. But the 6 figures is with OT. So if you’re not working, I don’t know what their base is.

But I do agree. Didn’t consider the option they could just work elsewhere during the ‘investigation’
Agreed. But the 6 figures is with OT. So if you’re not working, I don’t know what their base is.

But I do agree. Didn’t consider the option they could just work elsewhere during the ‘investigation’
FYI. 1st class Constable makes $104,491.87/year. I believe that’s about the 4th year mark in terms of employment.
They won’t. The police union is too strong and their members can play the card well.

I would love to see an overhaul, and start with the SIU not allowing ex-police to be the investigative members but a third party that doesn’t have interest.

Suspended without pay? Tough call. If the guy is innocent then it’s tough to live without income and could lose everything as most people aren’t good enough to survive without a steady paycheque.

Suspended with pay? Then how do you recoup the costs? You don’t….the officers are very rarely found guilty (as per point #1).
Pay should not be tied to the criminal charges. It should be tied to the police act charges. If guilty of the police act charges that have been laid out, he should be fired with cause. Afaik, the bar for guilty in PSA is balance of probability not beyond a reasonable doubt. A hugely lower bar (and one probably met before they even consider laying criminal charges). Pushing the PSA adjudication until after all criminal trials/appeals are complete is disgusting. If they are worried about tainting the jury pool, adjudicate the PSA charges and seal them until the trial is complete.

Your job doesn't require a criminal conviction to be fired and neither should theirs.
I wonder when a politician will have the stones to cleanup the police services act. I am ok with even a minor revision that lets PSA charges proceed asap and punishment if guilty be administered asap without waiting for criminal charges to be completely dealt with. Seal the results until after criminal trial is complete if that's what needs to be done to get it through. Dragging the trial out for years while they make six figures has to stop.
I'm fine with the PSA being kept just the way that it is. What needs to happen, is that the reasons for putting off trial dates need to be monitored more closely for reasonableness. Obvious delaying tactics need to be nipped in the bud. No one should be able to just ride out criminal charges until retirement. To me that goes equally for the average citizen and cops.
FYI. 1st class Constable makes $104,491.87/year.

Salary and Benefits​

The following table represents the salary structure for Toronto Police Service Constables, as of January 2021.

Toronto Police Service Base Salary

Cadet in Training$65,811.67
4th Class Constable$73,142.64
3rd Class Constable$83,599.34
2nd Class Constable$94,047.70
1st Class Constable$104,491.87

If she had shot at him as he approached her, there would likely have been no punishment.
Without the video there would like have been no punishment either (even the minor slap she got). 100% deployment of body cams can't come soon enough. If a civilian started blasting away at someone walking away, they would be criminally charged and convicted, they wouldn't get a small fine and pretend it didn't happen.
Without the video there would like have been no punishment either (even the minor slap she got). 100% deployment of body cams can't come soon enough. If a civilian started blasting away at someone walking away, they would be criminally charged and convicted, they wouldn't get a small fine and pretend it didn't happen.
You may remember that a civilian WAS charged, a firearms instructor at that, for firing his gun away from people who were firebombing his house.
They won’t. The police union is too strong and their members can play the card well.

I would love to see an overhaul, and start with the SIU not allowing ex-police to be the investigative members but a third party that doesn’t have interest.

Suspended without pay? Tough call. If the guy is innocent then it’s tough to live without income and could lose everything as most people aren’t good enough to survive without a steady paycheque.

Suspended with pay? Then how do you recoup the costs? You don’t….the officers are very rarely found guilty (as per point #1).
Let the union cover the costs. If the officer is not convicted, then the union is reimbursed.
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