Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

And what about those that weren't protesting that were treated like **** because they happened to be in the area, some because that is where they live.

What do you define as "treated like ****"?

I dont buy that anyone was trying to avoid trouble down there but found it.

I was stopped this weekend because I was acting "suspicious". Somehow I managed to escape the situation without taking a beating, getting arrested, or event a ticket. Just like every other time.
Thinking back they could have nailed me with a lot of ****.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Well, there was the woman who was just trying to get home to her husband and ended up spending hours in a cage. If some cowboy tried to pull that **** on my wife, I'd make it my life's mission go make his life as miserable as possible within the confines of the law. Of course, I'd sling enough crap for his whole division, hell, his whole service to get covered in. If somebody had diarrhea and discharged it all over my bathroom wall, I'd clean up the walls; I wouldn't slap a piece of wallpaper all over the crap. It's time for our police services to learn that.
When I was a high school kid, I went to a protest. I had no weapons and no illegal items on me. That didn't stop a little troll with Napoleon complex from throwing my jacket on the ground, stepping all over it all while making threats. He got lucky that I was younger, more naive and that he did that to me directly and not to a member of my family.
I have cop friends and I am related both by blood and by marriage to a whole bunch. They're all amazed (and not in a good way) at what sort of **** corrupt members of our services get away with, with impunity.
By the way, all that talk of black bloc anarchist lost credibility in my books after those protests in Quebec where the only black bloc members inciting violence were police officers, on the clock. If you wanna arrest those anarchists who burned stores and police cruisers, start going over the TPS expense reports. Chances are that they expensed the gasoline and the rags.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I was stopped this weekend because I was acting "suspicious". Somehow I managed to escape the situation without taking a beating, getting arrested, or event a ticket. Just like every other time.
Thinking back they could have nailed me with a lot of ****.

Are you really comparing a normal police stop with what went on during the G20?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Are you really comparing a normal police stop with what went on during the G20?

What went on during the G20 tyhat couldnt possibly have happened buring an encounter on any other day with a cop?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

What went on during the G20 tyhat couldnt possibly have happened buring an encounter on any other day with a cop?

Are you trying to be obtuse or do you have no idea what went on downtown during the G20?

The cop you ran into didn't have special powers or instructions to toss anyone found in a public area in a cage and sort it out later. The police instituted martial law.

People were arrested while waiting for public transit at Queen and Spadina. Legal protesters were arrested for protesting peacefully in the designated protest area of Queens Park. People were arrested for having a black T-shirt on even if they were no where near the protests or the designated fenced off area.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Are you trying to be obtuse or do you have no idea what went on downtown during the G20?

The cop you ran into didn't have special powers or instructions to toss anyone found in a public area in a cage and sort it out later. The police instituted martial law.

People were arrested while waiting for public transit at Queen and Spadina. Legal protesters were arrested for protesting peacefully in the designated protest area of Queens Park. People were arrested for having a black T-shirt on even if they were no where near the protests or the designated fenced off area.

I have a hard time believing a lot of those situations were as simple as that.

A lot of people managed to make it out of down town without being arrested or abused. I wonder how they pulled that off.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I have a hard time believing a lot of those situations were as simple as that.

A lot of people managed to make it out of down town without being arrested or abused. I wonder how they pulled that off.

It's simple. There weren't enough cops to arrest every Torontonian, no matter how much the ones in charge of event security would have liked to have those resources.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I personally think a lot of protestors deserve a kick in the head.

Comparing the G20 "corruption" and "brutality" to that which takes place in other countries and what has happened in our past is a slap in the face to those who really suffered through it.

All the G20 protestors knew what they were getting into. If no one showed up to protest they wouldnt have anything to ***** about.

comparing corruption and brutality that takes place in other countries to ours is meaningless and a specious argument.

we have our established constitution and laws. if behaviour in our country meets the standard of corruption and brutality as defined by our laws, then it is. you can't justify police illegality by saying that it's peanuts compared to other countries. . .worst logic ever.

the protestors here were not firing on police with guns or burning down government buildings--gee, that kind of protesting happens in other countries, so i guess our police services were pansies for not manning up and taking the easy time they had??? silly comment.

and as for a kick in the head, i guess you mean like that defenseless guy in b.c. who was practically prone on the ground. . .nice.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

comparing corruption and brutality that takes place in other countries to ours is meaningless and a specious argument.

we have our established constitution and laws. if behaviour in our country meets the standard of corruption and brutality as defined by our laws, then it is. you can't justify police illegality by saying that it's peanuts compared to other countries. . .worst logic ever.

the protestors here were not firing on police with guns or burning down government buildings--gee, that kind of protesting happens in other countries, so i guess our police services were pansies for not manning up and taking the easy time they had??? silly comment.

and as for a kick in the head, i guess you mean like that defenseless guy in b.c. who was practically prone on the ground. . .nice.

Why would protestors getting a kick in the head have anything to do with the guy in BC?

Seems like your trying twist my words to turn me into more of an *** because of opinions clash. Nice.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

comparing corruption and brutality that takes place in other countries to ours is meaningless and a specious argument.

we have our established constitution and laws. if behaviour in our country meets the standard of corruption and brutality as defined by our laws, then it is. you can't justify police illegality by saying that it's peanuts compared to other countries. . .worst logic ever.

I never once used it to justify their actions.

Your in no position to judge my logic, you dont even understand it.
Your to busy trying to belittle me because you dont agree.

This **** happened months ago, get over it.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Why would protestors getting a kick in the head have anything to do with the guy in BC?

The vast majority of the protesters weren't doing anything illegal yet you think they deserve a kick in the head. Guy in B.C. wasn't doing anything illegal yet he got a kick in the head. See the similarity?

see the similarity?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

The vast majority of the protesters weren't doing anything illegal yet you think they deserve a kick in the head. Guy in B.C. wasn't doing anything illegal yet he got a kick in the head. See the similarity?

see the similarity?

I think a vast majority to protestors need a kick in the head to hopefullt jar loose a more logical thought process.

I didnt comment on the guy in BC getting kicked in the head, so it really shouldnt be used for or against any of my opinions or posts.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I never once used it to justify their actions.

Your in no position to judge my logic, you dont even understand it.
Your to busy trying to belittle me because you dont agree.

This **** happened months ago, get over it.


we as a society should not 'get over it', until the criminality in the police services are rooted out and they are held accountable. plain and simple. once all of the perps in the police force are dealt with, then it will be over.

your logic appears to be: protesters = wrong, police action = correct, irrespective of the laws that govern all. let's just ignore the charter of rights and freedoms (specifically section 2), our constitution, and the rule of law.

if i'm so wrong, please feel free to explain your logic to us feeble of mind. . .

protesters arrested for violating ginned up emergency legislation that was later proven to be unconstitutional, does not equal criminality.

police abuse of powers that leads to violations of charter rights, and also physical assault and unlawful detention IS criminal.

i have no problem with protesters who broke ACTUAL laws to be arrested and prosecuted. now do the same for the bad apples in the police force, plain and simple. rule of law applies to everyone.

the fact that over 1000 arrests occurred that weekend, with only ~70 charges not dropped or stayed, would lead anyone to believe that the police services exceeded their mandate, something that the courts (on our tax dollars, again) had to correct. somehow they got it wrong over 90% of the time. . .pretty dismal track record for those cops
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

This **** happened months ago, get over it.

See, thats what you dont understand and most likely never will.

The G20 fiasco really left a lot to be desired. Lots of folks got arrested for no reason. Most of them were not "black block" types. Many were professional, even those doing a sit in peaceful protest were arrested on the esplande.

People saw what the police did, how they acted, how they made up laws etc...

Stuff like this will not be swept under the rug. People will remeber.

It was a big deal.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I think a vast majority to protestors need a kick in the head to hopefullt jar loose a more logical thought process.

I didnt comment on the guy in BC getting kicked in the head, so it really shouldnt be used for or against any of my opinions or posts.

the same freedom that allows you to spout asinine comments like the "vast majority of protestors [sic] need a kick to the head" is the one that makes their protest and demonstrations legal.

to insinuate that your 'thought process' is any more 'logical' or valid than theirs is b.s., unless you imply that you need a kick in the head too for expressing your opinions. . .

as others have said, the vast majority of protesters that were arrested on that sunday were not doing anything illegal (as PROVEN by the arrest numbers), so get over yourself. . .
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

See, thats what you dont understand and most likely never will.

The G20 fiasco really left a lot to be desired. Lots of folks got arrested for no reason. Most of them were not "black block" types. Many were professional, even those doing a sit in peaceful protest were arrested on the esplande.

People saw what the police did, how they acted, how they made up laws etc...

Stuff like this will not be swept under the rug. People will remeber.

It was a big deal.

i've been writing this for awhile:

where were the mass arrests on saturday, when the black bloc were rampaging through the streets of toronto?

why did tps wait until sunday to sweep up protesters, long after the bloc had left?

taxpayers pay police to serve and protect, yet it didn't happen. all we ended up with was a trashed downtown core (saturday), and a massive violation of civil liberties (sunday)

very, very few people i know would have had a problem with the thugs on the police side going toe-to-toe with the thugs on the other side. why didn't that happen? arrest the criminals that were parading in front of live television cameras on saturday, for everyone to see.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

your logic appears to be: protesters = wrong, police action = correct, irrespective of the laws that govern all. let's just ignore the charter of rights and freedoms (specifically section 2), our constitution, and the rule of law.

if i'm so wrong, please feel free to explain your logic to us feeble of mind. . .

Thats not my logic, just what you want it to be.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

See, thats what you dont understand and most likely never will.

The G20 fiasco really left a lot to be desired. Lots of folks got arrested for no reason. Most of them were not "black block" types. Many were professional, even those doing a sit in peaceful protest were arrested on the esplande.

People saw what the police did, how they acted, how they made up laws etc...

Stuff like this will not be swept under the rug. People will remeber.

It was a big deal.

Yes they will remember, because if it wasnt this it would just be something else.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

i've been writing this for awhile:

where were the mass arrests on saturday, when the black bloc were rampaging through the streets of toronto?

why did tps wait until sunday to sweep up protesters, long after the bloc had left?

taxpayers pay police to serve and protect, yet it didn't happen. all we ended up with was a trashed downtown core (saturday), and a massive violation of civil liberties (sunday)

very, very few people i know would have had a problem with the thugs on the police side going toe-to-toe with the thugs on the other side. why didn't that happen? arrest the criminals that were parading in front of live television cameras on saturday, for everyone to see.

Who trashed down town?

Those arrested did absolutly nothing wrong, those who didnt get arrested did.

Where you actually there? Not what i saw thats for sure.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Those arrested did absolutly nothing wrong, those who didnt get arrested did.

Well, that's perfectly logical.. They're not gonna arrest their fellow police officers, while on the clock, performing their assigned duties.
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