Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Stop him with what his bullet proof vest? No i dont understand why he was out of his car, and put him self in such close proximity to a moving 7000lb+ truck with a plow on it?? dont make a whole lot of scene, They obviously knew this guy was tweaked out on some drug or not all there?
How about with his gun, he did fire shots in to the truck before he was killed. That would really be the only way you could stop him. It's hard to do it inside a police car.
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Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

How about with his gun, he did fire shots in to the truck before he was killed. That would really be the only way you could stop him. It's hard to do it inside a police car. Is that your alarm clock I hear, time to wake up now.:p

why does the media not mention he was firing shots? well guess he did not think to much to maybe ay well back and fire? which i don't believe he was firing shots when he was struck anyhow. Sounds like a poor shot, or once again put himself to close?
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

why does the media not mention he was firing shots? well guess he did not think to much to maybe ay well back and fire? which i don't believe he was firing shots when he was struck anyhow. Sounds like a poor shot, or once again put himself to close?
The media mentioned it.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

R.I.P. and condolences to all involved. Tragic, to say the least.

Now - Why the hell were cops tailing the pick up for over an hour?
This is just ****ing pure insanity. Too busy "plowing" down doughnuts?
I know the road conditions were poor - but give me a ****ing break. I could have set up a roadblock with my grandmother in less than 5 minutes with their resources.
The tactical squad must have been really bored, or rusty.
Had they been actually doing their jobs, Ryan Russel would have tucked his 2 yr old son into bed about 3 or 4 hours ago.
Makes me wanna hurl - over an hr following a hot pick up with a plow on it. Incompetent *************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope the SIU gets to the bottom of this.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

why does the media not mention he was firing shots? well guess he did not think to much to maybe ay well back and fire? which i don't believe he was firing shots when he was struck anyhow. Sounds like a poor shot, or once again put himself to close?

The paper said he was going slow, perhaps the guy stopped and the cop got out of his car to try to remove him. I imagine they will not release much info until they are done the investigation.. RIP Officer.

The SIU said in a statement Kachkar was hit by shots fired by one officer

Sgt. Ryan Russell, 35, was taken to St. Michael’s Hospital with no vital signs after he was hit by the snowplow just before 6 a.m. on Avenue Rd.
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Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

well if it was from one officer this dude must have been tweaked as the media says he was hit 4 times once in the head.....i don't believe that either. as he drove for an hour after.
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Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

The sgt. let off some shots during the incident when he was hit by the plow.
Suspect was shot by other cops after he ran down the sgt.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Honestly the first thing that popped into my head when I heard this was why did he get out of his car???? After watching CP24 for about an hour before they reported the death, I think I got the story from the bits and pieces they were saying at different times. They said that the officer was approaching the plow truck, then it started to drive towards him. I believe that it was stopped when the officer actually got out of his car. They then said he fired shots (witness said 3) then he got run over. With 11 years on the job, he has seen and dealt with some crazy stuff and I think that he prob got out of the car because he felt it was safe to do so at the time.

Also in regards to shooting accuracy.... unfortunately not enough officers have very good accuracy. I've heard it's something like 50%. Makes no sense because if your pulling your gun out to use it, your in a life or death situation so you would think that training and getting out to the gun range would be a priority.

Such a worst case scenario. I feel for his family.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

From what I understand, even the CF get very little training with their weapons when they're on standby. Yeah, they'll do some drilling before deployment, but no regular practice. I would institute regular practice for our law enforcement community, because being a cop is not like all those cop movies where they get involved in shootouts every single day. A cop will very rarely pull a gun, and almost never fire it outside of a range. Just look at the news. How often are they involved in actual shootouts here? That's why they do need more practice at the range.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

From what I understand, even the CF get very little training with their weapons when they're on standby. Yeah, they'll do some drilling before deployment, but no regular practice. I would institute regular practice for our law enforcement community, because being a cop is not like all those cop movies where they get involved in shootouts every single day. A cop will very rarely pull a gun, and almost never fire it outside of a range. Just look at the news. How often are they involved in actual shootouts here? That's why they do need more practice at the range.

There is a horrible video on youtube of a cop in the states doesnt fire his weapon soon enough.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Nice, it sounds like he might have a case against the cops for defamation of character too, apart from everything else.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Well how about that. The shooter has been charged with careless use of a firearm in connection with a domestic violence incident. You should be able to sleep easy tonight.

Ya, how about that?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Nice, it sounds like he might have a case against the cops for defamation of character too, apart from everything else.

I know a part of it will be coming out of my pocket (tax dollars), but I sincerely hope that he takes the RCMP to the cleaners for both the brutality and the defamation of character. If the public is too brainwashed to be outraged by bad policing, we need these lawsuits to keep the cowboys toeing the line. We need to get the scum out of our police services and only employ proper public servants.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

There is a horrible video on youtube of a cop in the states doesnt fire his weapon soon enough.

IME, people properly and continuously trained with weapons are less likely to use'em, but are a heck of a lot more effective with'em when they do. Some of that camera and water cannon dollars sure could have been used to properly train our police services.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

IME, people properly and continuously trained with weapons are less likely to use'em, but are a heck of a lot more effective with'em when they do. Some of that camera and water cannon dollars sure could have been used to properly train our police services.

First off, RIP Sgt Ryan

We cannot second guess the situation, we were not there and neither of us is police officer with their training.

Its one thing to do live fire drills and another to acutally use it in the real world.

A firing range is a controlled enviroment, you have time to focus, use correct posture, aim, etc..

A shooting in the real world encompasses many variables, wind, natural light or lack off, line of sight-- if the police officer misses, that bullet travels until it runs out of velocity or hits something--a huge consideration for police officers. Most important, its the emotion of a life and death situation- adreline etc.. that effects the outcome.

No amount of training will prepare a police officer or army personal to react with 100% effieceny in that type of situation.

What I dont understand is why was this truck not taken out, pivot manouver, rammed from behind, smashed into etc... me thinks that police officers were hesitant because of the SIU implications or whatever back politics are in play that we know nothing about.

If its safe to follow around a madman in a plow that is using it as a weapon against people and property within the city limits why was that truck not rammed??
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Its one thing to do live fire drills and another to acutally use it in the real world.

A firing range is a controlled enviroment, you have time to focus, use correct posture, aim, etc..

A shooting in the real world encompasses many variables, wind, natural light or lack off, line of sight-- if the police officer misses, that bullet travels until it runs out of velocity or hits something--a huge consideration for police officers. Most important, its the emotion of a life and death situation- adreline etc.. that effects the outcome.

No amount of training will prepare a police officer or army personal to react with 100% effieceny in that type of situation.

You just presented my usual argument for why I am glad that you cannot carry a concealed firearm in Canada (without a ton of hoops at least).

I'm also curious as to how often police need to qualify with firearms or physical training. From the pay duties I see at my work they sure don't have to run any sort of physical tests after the initial ones.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I'm also curious as to how often police need to qualify with firearms or physical training.
My buddy who is retired from the TPS said they have to qualify at the range once a year, not sure about the physical. He has been retired about 8 years now.
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