Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Why does this make a difference?
It makes a big difference to me. just as child molesters/murders don't deserve to live. I have respect for the men and women that put the lives on the line to protect us. It's obvious you're a cop hater, and I am sure you'll go running to them if anything ever happens to you. It's people like you that make me sick. If you have a problem with my posts just ignore them, don't waste my time.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I wish, that doesn't happen in this city... dealt with many that should be on meds and monitored for ever but are out and about.
Exactly. We use to have mental hospitals that would take care of them, now they are released onto the street to save the almighty tax dollar.
The general public walks around them, the cops have to deal with them and in this case fatally.
My thoughts are with his wife and son.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Oily this thread isn't about you! All he is saying is a life is a life is a life. Everyone is disgusted by this killing.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I have respect for the men and women that put the lives on the line to protect us.

Good for you. Have a cookie. Now...........

I would too if they actually did that here (YRMV). If I go to the fancy new detachment here in Burlington and ask to speak to an officer, I get a funny look, and am told there are no officers actually at the station. Your options are to wait for shift change or go home and wait for someone to call you. Conversely, if I call from home, an emergency might get an officer to my house in 15ish minutes.......maybe. Even being rural-residential, that is unacceptable......especially if they are all "out on the road". One should be a lot less that 15 minutes away. Burlington's not THAT big. A non Emergency is 2-3 hours, and then, you get a "you know, you're really inconveniencing me" attitude. Unacceptable as well. The only time I actually see them out and about is when they're culling traffic, so NO, I don't think any of them that I see on a semi-regular basis are putting a hell of a lot on the line so to speak, at least around these parts.
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Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Good for you. Have a cookie. Now...........

I would too if they actually did that (here - YRMV). If I go to the fancy new detachment here in Burlington and ask to speak to an officer, I get a funny look, and am told there are no officers actually at the station. Your options are to wait for shift change or go home and wait for someone to call you. Conversely, if I call from home, an emergency might get an officer to my house in 15ish minutes.......maybe. Even being rural-residential, that is unacceptable. A non Emergency is 2-3 hours, and then, you get a "you know, you're really inconveniencing me" attitude. Unacceptable as well. The only time I actually see them out and about is when they're culling traffic, so NO, I don't any of them are putting a hell of a lot on the line so to speak, around these parts.

Poor baby can't get attention. Get a life. It's guys like you that whine and cry about cops, but as you say you went to the station, why did you go, to get their help? if they are so bad, don't go asking for any help from them, next time.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Oily this thread isn't about you! All he is saying is a life is a life is a life. Everyone is disgusted by this killing.

I understand a life is a life, but it's different when that life is taken, when the person dying is trying to save others from harm. I believe in capital punishment for cop, child killers and pedophiles.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

its a shame , but why was he out of his car? after knowing he was hitting loads of parked cars....well these risks come with the job! If it was not a cop that got plowed over i wonder if the guy would have gotten any less slugs pumped into him!
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Not buying the mentally unstable shtick. Driver had the right of mind to drive the plow all over the city crashing into things. Sounds to me he knew what he was doing.

and the cop, why was he out of his car, knowing this?? kinda stupid really
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

It's guys like you that whine and cry about cops, but as you say you went to the station, why did you go, to get their help?

I never said they were bad. That's your interpretation. I will say that they're humans, with human faults, not the pie in the sky knights in shining armour that you purport them to be.

don't go asking for any help from them, next time.

Funny, but when I said to the last cop that was here that we (my neighbours) can't count on them to get here in an emergency fast enough, and under certain circumstances would have to take care of ourselves. He shrugged and said you're right, so you finally have some sage advice. Congrats.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

Publicaly funded institutions and services lack zip.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I never said they were bad. That's your interpretation. I will say that they're humans, with human faults, not the pie in the sky knights in shining armour that you purport them to be.

Funny, but when I said to the last cop that was here that we (my neighbours) can't count on them to get here in an emergency fast enough, and under certain circumstances would have to take care of ourselves. He shrugged and said you're right, so you finally have some sage advice. Congrats.
I have gone in to stations in Lindsay, Oshawa, Toronto and Hamilton. Every time I got to speak to an officer, and I was always treated with respect. Every time they answered my questions, took the time to try and help me. I know there are idiots in all professions, but I don't let the idiots taint my view on the entire profession. I have had bad experiences with Durham Police, but still have faith in them.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

and the cop, why was he out of his car, knowing this?? kinda stupid really
He was doing what he has been trained to do. He was trying to stop this idiot before he killed an innocent person, unfortunately he gave his life to do that, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

He was doing what he has been trained to do. He was trying to stop this idiot before he killed an innocent person, unfortunately he gave his life to do that, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Don't mean to be disrespectful but are the exact details of the actual incident known to you?
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I understand a life is a life, but it's different when that life is taken, when the person dying is trying to save others from harm. I believe in capital punishment for cop, child killers and pedophiles.
I agree you sir, but his thread is about Officer Ryan. Can all of us please just save our pettiness for some other topic? I know, I'm to blame as well.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

such a senseless death, regardless of whether he was a cop or not.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I agree you sir, but his thread is about Officer Ryan. Can all of us please just save our pettiness for some other topic?

Thanx for the reality check mate.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

If it was not a cop that got plowed over i wonder if the guy would have gotten any less slugs pumped into him!

Probably not, cops are human too. They wanted payback for one of their own. I'll bet a lot of those cops wished they finished the job, off the record of course. Not saying it's right or wrong or cops should be above this line of thinking but it's true.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

I agree you sir, but his thread is about Officer Ryan. Can all of us please just save our pettiness for some other topic? I know, I'm to blame as well.
Yes I hope we can let this thread be about Sgt Ryan Russell.
Re: TPS Officer from 52 Division Died today:(

He was doing what he has been trained to do. He was trying to stop this idiot before he killed an innocent person, unfortunately he gave his life to do that, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Stop him with what his bullet proof vest? No i dont understand why he was out of his car, and put him self in such close proximity to a moving 7000lb+ truck with a plow on it?? dont make a whole lot of scene, They obviously knew this guy was tweaked out on some drug or not all there?
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