Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

It generally is the standard around here but you just rarely ever hear about it.

There really should be no other possibility. It's a job that requires as much perfection and professionalism as possible.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

they should have blasted him right betwen the eyes..He's holding a case, how do they know it isn't a bomb he can detonate. And who are the idiot public hanging around waiting to find out if it is a bomb. Too many risks taken all around by a handcuffed police force and a stupid public

The video is of the last few seconds of the encounter. You have no idea what happened before the video... and no idea of the actual risks involved.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back.. the insanity that happens at walmart. the boys went after the officers and attempted to liberate one of their service weapons wounding the officer in the process, i am surprised the body count in the family is only one dead and one wounded.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

The video is of the last few seconds of the encounter. You have no idea what happened before the video... and no idea of the actual risks involved.

A guy at the airport holding a case was trying to forcibly enter an area in the much more do you need to know. Head shot....
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back.. the insanity that happens at walmart. the boys went after the officers and attempted to liberate one of their service weapons wounding the officer in the process, i am surprised the body count in the family is only one dead and one wounded.

Shpws the idiots cops have to deal with I can't believe they didn't shoot all of them
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

they were using tactics of not going for body blows against the armoured police and rolling when hit by the tazer to break the wires.

In other words they likely had experience in "dealing with police."
Re: Do you have to notify police you are recording them during an interaction....

Re: Do you have to notify police you are recording them during an interaction....


Everything in this video is pretty incredible. Police officer doing speed enforcement on foot at night. Teenager speeding 123 in a 50 and coming to a pretty clean stop.

3 month car impounded, driver's license disqualified and $1500 fine.

And you all thought we had it bad with S172.
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