Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: What about COPS on the phone?

While we're at it...I don't see why firefighters should be allowed to speed on the way to a fire and jump red lights's just not fair.
Re: What about COPS on the phone?

Especially the forum experts on being cops. Go try it for even one day and see what you have to deal with. Yes there are some bad ones but not all of them are. Same can be said for any profession. I work with ******** daily and nice people too. The whole **** the police attitude is sad and so very when you're a teenager type of mentality.

Re: What about COPS on the phone?

While we're at it...I don't see why firefighters should be allowed to speed on the way to a fire and jump red lights's just not fair.

Yeah I'd like them to go slow so there's no chance of anything but a total loss when they get to my house. :rolleyes:
Re: What about COPS on the phone?

Especially the forum experts on being cops. Go try it for even one day and see what you have to deal with. Yes there are some bad ones but not all of them are. Same can be said for any profession. I work with ******** daily and nice people too. The whole **** the police attitude is sad and so very when you're a teenager type of mentality.


Clueless indeed.

Police cannot have the privilege of taking it out on others just because they had a bad day.
The power they are given ruins lives. sad truth is that now, they are ruining more lives than they are "saving".

1% are decent individuals who recognize a warning is often needed rather than a BS tickets. or don't lie in court to backup a ticket they handed out just because they were on a power trip. or actually do real police work rather than hiding and handing out "speeding" tickets.
and I'm not even gonna start on the police not ticketing other officers… it's more of a fraternity than anything else.
Umm actually I know someone who's a peel cop who got a 15 over from an opp because the opp was having a bad day. my friends won't even stop you u til 20- 21 over usually (school zones are different) none of them like traffic and are all actively seeking out different depts for "real police work"

So why should you get a warning? That's the cop being nice if you do. How about don't drive like a twat and you'll be fine and no that wasn't specifically directed at anyone. Example: numbnuts on hwy 10 a couple weekends ago doing 173 in an 80. That's the kind of crap cops have to deal with all the time. That's why we have hta172 (and no I don't agree and think that law should be removed as do my cop friends and gf) so call me clueless all you like. I'm rather informed and just because you've had a bad experience with a cop doesn't make all of them bad. Carry on and have a nice day
Ah, the "I have a cop friend" situation. Friends of cops don't see what cops are actually like to the public. All they know is that they are treated well (until they're not) by their cop friends. Why is this? Because if cops didn't treat their friends with kid gloves, they'd have nobody except family. Usually this includes priveleges and the turning of the head from crimes and misdemeanors that their friends might commit. I've had the lecture from several of my cop friends, and the "as long as you're with me you'll be alright" promise on many occasions (usually involving bad driving or some misdemeanor). It's easy to overlook the hypocrisy when you're the one benefiting from it. Power corrupts.
So power corrupts.. Feel free to give us a VIABLE alternative. So I guess your saying the ones YOU know and hang out with are also power corrupted, ****** bags. I guess if they give you "the lecture" then they are ok. You can't have it both ways, ALL cops are bad, except the ones YOU hang out with. Priests and teachers "sometimes" molest kids so I guess they too are ALL bad, so lets do away with cops, teachers, priests, and most other professions as well all because there are a FEW who don't do their jobs.

SO let's hear your solution..

Ah, the "I have a cop friend" situation. Friends of cops don't see what cops are actually like to the public. All they know is that they are treated well (until they're not) by their cop friends. Why is this? Because if cops didn't treat their friends with kid gloves, they'd have nobody except family. Usually this includes priveleges and the turning of the head from crimes and misdemeanors that their friends might commit. I've had the lecture from several of my cop friends, and the "as long as you're with me you'll be alright" promise on many occasions (usually involving bad driving or some misdemeanor). It's easy to overlook the hypocrisy when you're the one benefiting from it. Power corrupts.
Ah, the "I have a cop friend" situation. Friends of cops don't see what cops are actually like to the public. All they know is that they are treated well (until they're not) by their cop friends. Why is this? Because if cops didn't treat their friends with kid gloves, they'd have nobody except family. Usually this includes priveleges and the turning of the head from crimes and misdemeanors that their friends might commit. I've had the lecture from several of my cop friends, and the "as long as you're with me you'll be alright" promise on many occasions (usually involving bad driving or some misdemeanor). It's easy to overlook the hypocrisy when you're the one benefiting from it. Power corrupts.

Ahhh..the jaded human-resources-in-a-cop-shop friend. Works both ways.

Every interaction I've had with a cop in this country in the past 17 years has actually been a positive one...even the one where he let me off two infractions with a warning. Maybe one day I'll have a bad experience, like when a french cop threw me into some barricades at a parade. Dunno, maybe I'm just odd, or maybe it's my attitude or something.
Yeah. Your anecdotes trump my long working experience, my long direct personal experiences and my friend who worked to manage the contracts and RDRI for a whole detachment. Or not.

Clueless. So clueless, that you don't even know what you don't know.

You want a solution? Put a group in place which is *not* staffed by police which can investigate complaints, and give them power to fire or severely curtail the bad cops. What we have right now is the Blue Shield which bends over backwards to protect the bad ones and keep them employed at all costs. That would be a start. My friend may have stayed in HR if she had any way to have made a difference in her job. As it is, HR staff within the forces are everybody's chew toy.
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Yeah. Your anecdotes trump my long working experience, my long direct personal experiences and my friend who worked to manage the contracts and RDRI for a whole detachment. Or not.

Clueless. So clueless, that you don't even know what you don't know.

You want a solution? Put a group in place which is *not* staffed by police which can investigate complaints, and give them power to fire or severely curtail the bad cops. What we have right now is the Blue Shield which bends over backwards to protect the bad ones and keep them employed at all costs. That would be a start. My friend may have stayed in HR if she had any way to have made a difference in her job. As it is, HR staff within the forces are everybody's chew toy.


Da vinci said: "In life there are those who see, those who see what they are shown, and those who do not see"

on this topic, most are in the "see what they are shown" or "do not see" category. sad.
Shaman- if you are so anti cop and they are all corrupt. Do something about it! Become one. Run for government. Put yourself in a position to affect change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Da vinci said: "In life there are those who see, those who see what they are shown, and those who do not see"

on this topic, most are in the "see what they are shown" or "do not see" category. sad.


Here's a fact, they hire the dumbest people on earth.
The majority of cops are just like this idiot, "Mr know it all" brainwashed robots with no life experience.
The type of person that would rather make three mistakes than admit to one. Give up the nickelsack punk!!!

For those that say :why don't you try it and see how hard it is...: blah blah blah.....any security person that works in a nightclub is better trained to deal with unruly individuals, and they see more action than most cops for 1/4 of the pay.
Bottom line, the whole system is corrupt, and it runs far higher than our puppet Harper.
Yeah. Your anecdotes trump my long working experience, my long direct personal experiences and my friend who worked to manage the contracts and RDRI for a whole detachment. Or not.

Clueless. So clueless, that you don't even know what you don't know.

You want a solution? Put a group in place which is *not* staffed by police which can investigate complaints, and give them power to fire or severely curtail the bad cops. What we have right now is the Blue Shield which bends over backwards to protect the bad ones and keep them employed at all costs. That would be a start. My friend may have stayed in HR if she had any way to have made a difference in her job. As it is, HR staff within the forces are everybody's chew toy.

And your anecdotes trump my international working experiences on several different continents and direct experiences and my friends and work colleagues experiences? See....we can do this all day. I suppose it could be that I don't take my ball home and cry when someone tells me I can't go fast on public streets on my bike though? It could be that I took down my Che Guevara poster when I was 18? Or maybe I don't actively look for confrontations with authority and eschew the whole bad biker thing as a load of pathetic balls? Maybe I'm just ****ing lucky. Who knows what it is, but whatever it is I have a vastly different experience to you with the law on this continent even when I've fallen afoul of it.
And your anecdotes trump my international working experiences on several different continents and direct experiences and my friends and work colleagues experiences?

Sure seems that way, except that you seem to misunderstand the idea of "anecdote" when it comes to my relation with the authorities. I'm not going to type it all in again, go back through the archives where I detail some of the work I've done with them (3 years of working with them directly in a role of authority factors highly).

For the rest of it: just make stuff up and post it up all you want, and I'll just ignore it.
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Sure seems that way, except that you seem to misunderstand the idea of "anecdote" when it comes to my relation with the authorities. I'm not going to type it all in again, go back through the archives where I detail some of the work I've done with them (3 years of working with them directly in a role of authority factors highly).

For the rest of it: just make stuff up and post it up all you want, and I'll just ignore it.

Aha...the "this doesn't fit with what I want to hear so I'll conveniently ignore it" line of reasoning....careful with that, that's how Iraq got invaded.
Aha...the "this doesn't fit with what I want to hear so I'll conveniently ignore it" line of reasoning....careful with that, that's how Iraq got invaded.

No, it's more like... "this is a weak and obvious troll, so I'm spitting the hook out."
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