Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

OK, a couple of questions.
Is that you who was videoing?
What was the outcome?
Did he ever say what was the problem?

I think he could be up on harassment charges. If you were truly doing nothing wrong. He has no right to hassle you. Just because he lives there.
If he ran your plates for no reason, I believe that is illegal. Even an officer needs a reason to search a person by licence plate.
You just can't go searching random people just because you want to.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

lol typical OPP

"Do you have a badge number sir?"

"No I don't and get off my grass"

Aren't they supposed to tell you their badge number when asked?
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Why was he sitting at home if he's on duty? Shouldn't he be....I don't know pa-Trolling?...Maybe he was just justifying why he was snoozing at home.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

What a tosser. I hope he comes across this post too. What a ******* loser. Probably got bullied at an early age or something so he projects it onto everyone else because he lives a miserable life. Must suck being a prick.

Next time ask for his full name and relentlessly demand his badge number. He HAS to give it to you if he's in uniform since he's a public servant.

Feel bad for your friend to be neighbours with this clown. I most likely would have 86d myself by now if I had to live beside him.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Any non Facebook link?

OP: If it was already up on youtube let me know and I'll delete my re-up.

EDIT: If anyone can post that on the OPP twitter feed it would be interesting to hear the official response! lol.
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Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

this is a great idea.

I recommend everyone setup video in their cars, front and rear windows.

This is the only way to scare these &**holes into actually following the laws they're sworn to uphold.

it's up to the public to make a change. they wanna lie and bully, well then citizens will have video and audio proving they're lies and behaviour towards the public.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

What a tool.... if that is his house, I feel sorry for his neighbours..... capital D I C K
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Did your friend come out and ask him to get of the lawn?
What's he doing at his house, with his partner, on duty?
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Based on what I see, this is an opp harassing his neighbour, using his position of authority to do so. This is abuse of his position. It is different if the motorcyclists were in gang colours but I do not see gang colours. Never mind the resources, partner and second cruiser...

And the cops can't understand why no one trusts them, as a tax payer I would like to hear the opp spin on this one. Why should the general public have to live in fear?
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

wheres a good place to order video for your car windows ?? good quality not too expensive
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Obviously since this is a M/C forum there is a M/C bias but what about the other 98% of the population the police are supposed to protect? The self-importance of the 2% that ride is laughable.

People post about their new exhausts, how loud they can get and still be barely legal. Surprize!!! 98% of the people don't like you. BTW it would be a pretty good bet that 98% of the loud pipe types don't race their bikes on a legal track.

One noise maker on a loud bike can disturb five or ten thousand people just wanting some quiet time.

I see a bunch of V-twins and what appear to be aftermarket pipes. Add to that, the OP's friend rents his place while the cop and other area residents probably own their homes and have vested interests in the place.

A person has to have a pea for a brain if they can't relate loud pipes and aggressive riding to some form of retaliation and lack of sympathy.

Some twit on this forum actually suggested we motorcycle blockade Queen's Park to get public support for improved insurance treatment. Brilliant thinking. Annoy 98% of the people that you hope will help you.

Did the cop do anything illegal?

He recorded plate numbers. It may be illegal to run them through the system without cause but to accuse someone of writing something down is groping for it. However the expense of calling in backup troops is hard to justify.

I have to worry about people throwing out gravel in country corners because of the A-Hs pumping their self importance. If you're important you don't need loud pipes.

Flame away, flatulence is flammable.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Next time ask for his full name and relentlessly demand his badge number. He HAS to give it to you if he's in uniform since he's a public servant.

You mean like the cops who beat up random people during G20 summit? Not only did they refuse identity, they took off all name badges and refused to identify each other. Welcome to Toronto.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Obviously since this is a M/C forum there is a M/C bias but what about the other 98% of the population the police are supposed to protect? The self-importance of the 2% that ride is laughable.

People post about their new exhausts, how loud they can get and still be barely legal. Surprize!!! 98% of the people don't like you. BTW it would be a pretty good bet that 98% of the loud pipe types don't race their bikes on a legal track.

One noise maker on a loud bike can disturb five or ten thousand people just wanting some quiet time.

I see a bunch of V-twins and what appear to be aftermarket pipes. Add to that, the OP's friend rents his place while the cop and other area residents probably own their homes and have vested interests in the place.

A person has to have a pea for a brain if they can't relate loud pipes and aggressive riding to some form of retaliation and lack of sympathy.

Some twit on this forum actually suggested we motorcycle blockade Queen's Park to get public support for improved insurance treatment. Brilliant thinking. Annoy 98% of the people that you hope will help you.

Did the cop do anything illegal?

He recorded plate numbers. It may be illegal to run them through the system without cause but to accuse someone of writing something down is groping for it. However the expense of calling in backup troops is hard to justify.

I have to worry about people throwing out gravel in country corners because of the A-Hs pumping their self importance. If you're important you don't need loud pipes.

Flame away, flatulence is flammable.
You make some very valid points, BUT...
Without knowing ALL the facts, it appears the cop is massively abusing his authority in an attempt to intimidate his neighbour, up to and including having his colleagues divert resources in a show of force, all for his own personal beef with the guy next door. And your rights as a citizen don't change if you're a homeowner or tenant.
I'm pretty sure if he was called by a regular citizen for a similar occurence in another neighbourhood, at best he would tell the bikers to keep it down.
Yes, many motorcyclists are their own worst enemy and yes, they're the first to scream about their "rights" but never give a thought to their obligations. That doesn't justify what we saw in the video.
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