Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

Some twit on this forum actually suggested we motorcycle blockade Queen's Park to get public support for improved insurance treatment. Brilliant thinking. Annoy 98% of the people that you hope will help you.
You mean like any other protest and half the public events in this city? The other day I was driving down Bloor and some church had a random impromptu parade out of nowhere, blocking the street for about half an hour. Didn't even have a police presence blocking the street (someone from the church literally just walked out of the church into traffic and dropped a single traffic cone in front of a car).

I honestly thought those people that protested down the Gardiner should've all been arrested but that's just me.

Roads get blocked all the time here. Doesn't seem to be a big deal.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm an avid rider, have been for long time. To be honest, some of my fellow riders are an embarrassment. As the time goes on, it appears to only be getting worse. That could be because of all the social media etc... it's more visible and reaches larger audience... I don't know.

Riding does not give you any special rights or status. You are taking yourselves too seriously.

I absolutely do not condone what that cop did, but wouldn't be surprised if entire neighbourhood is thanking him for it.

Being a rider should not a priori mean being anti-social.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm no law expert, but based on the video, there didn't seem to be any laws broken. Just another case of NIMBY(ism), is my best guess. Not giving his badge number, pretty sure that's not procedure, especially in uniform. Ontario's tax dollars hard at work.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm no law expert, but based on the video, there didn't seem to be any laws broken. Just another case of NIMBY(ism), is my best guess.

That seems to be trending these days especially in urban and sub urban areas. I'm not looking forward to NIMBYism coming to my back yard.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm no law expert, but based on the video, there didn't seem to be any laws broken. Just another case of NIMBY(ism), is my best guess. Not giving his badge number, pretty sure that's not procedure, especially in uniform. Ontario's tax dollars hard at work.

Interesting point. A cop once inferred that if he was in uniform there was an expectation by the public of him being on duty and therefore he also carried his sidearm. I was also under the impression cops didn't advertise where they lived.

As far as the plates he could run the number to see if there were any snags. If not he drops the issue. No further info required, not even a name.

Where he overstepped the line IMO is the misuse of public funds by calling in the troops when there was no indication of illegal activity.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

So if a cop doesn't have a name or a badge, if he were to dissappear, no one could say a cop went missing because he technically wasn't there to begin with right? I'm sure there are cops on here that defend everything cops did at g20. People over police anyday and everyday. If everyone walked around with a gun and a taser and had the same attitudes that police have towards the public, there would be a hell of a lot more caution used before a policeman over reacted.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

that wasn't even that bad...especially given the fact that its his house too. I hate cops more than most, but almost anyone would be concerned with tatted cruiser dudes posted up outside their house, (just stereotyping like most sheeple, I'm on your side). He just has more power to go about and flex his muscle.

He was actually a lot more cool and laid back than that ******* paramedic in the other video who had no real power but was going around like he's big ****.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

The officer was simply being overly cautious because of the large number of bikes parked outside his house. Based on the conversation, it seems to be the first time they were all parked outside there.

Officer in this scenario has little muscle as well, if he really had connections he would have the city pass a by-law to erect 'No Parking' signs in front of his house.

The officer recording plate numbers is probably the least invasive thing he could've done. If he wanted to really play ball, he would have asked each driver for their license & registration and do an impromptu roadside equipment safety clinic and fill up his ticket book.

The only fodder the bikers have was the officer's refusal to give his badge number. They may or may not get an apology for that.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I believe that is illegal. Even an officer needs a reason to search a person by licence plate.

Incorrect, an officer can run your plate at anytime.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

The officer IS required to provide his Cadre, (Badge number) and name other than that he is under no obligation to provide anyone with anything. Shame on him for not doing so.

The city, municipality, county, region does indeed technically own 33' from the center line of ANY roadway. It appears therefore in the video the officer was indeed on public property.

A Police officer may run ANY plate of a vehicle, as long as they aren't doing so for "personal gain or motives" IE selling the plate owners info to an entity or to "pick up a cute girl" The bikes were on a public roadway. You see this all the time, the passenger in a Toronto car is typing as they are stopped at a red light. Do you think he is updating his FB page? LMAO he is running the plate of vehicles around him. You would be surprised how many suspended drivers I used to get via this method.

Now having said that we also see only what the video shows us... Let's all recall back to a now infamous video of the riders in NY. When the "short version" was released people were calling for the head of the cager and demanding eh be charged with attempted murder. Then the ENTIRE video was released and guess what the riders were the ones at fault and many were charged with various offences. Videos like stats can be "manipulated or skewed" to show what the person wants them to portray, not always the whole story.
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Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm a full supporter of the police as there are some really good ones out there still. As for this video... even if there's more to it he's a dick. He indeed needed to give his badge number when asked. As for personal motive... He wrote plates because they were in front of his house. If it were anywhere else he wouldn't have likely bothered. Cops like this guy are what gives the bad image/name to the rest.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

if you really want this to work in y(our) favour...send it to every media outlet possible with a detailed story of how you we're harassed. contact your local OPP dept. and ask for contact information for the staff sergeant...send this to the staff sergeant and make sure you emphasize how unsafe and threatened you feel. and last but not least your Local MP (member of parliment) and make sure they are well aware of the harassment you and your friends have faced. At the end of the day harassment is harassment and you can take legal action at the very least we should come together as a community and rid this scumbag of a civil servant position.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

btw count me in for any sort of action you plan on taking
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

if you really want this to work in y(our) favour...send it to every media outlet possible with a detailed story of how you we're harassed. contact your local OPP dept. and ask for contact information for the staff sergeant...send this to the staff sergeant and make sure you emphasize how unsafe and threatened you feel. and last but not least your Local MP (member of parliment) and make sure they are well aware of the harassment you and your friends have faced. At the end of the day harassment is harassment and you can take legal action at the very least we should come together as a community and rid this scumbag of a civil servant position.

Don't bother with the MP, they have NOTHING to do with the OPP, or Policing in Ontario. If one wanted to write a politician, start with local council, then maybe your MPP.
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I'm a full supporter of the police as there are some really good ones out there still. As for this video... even if there's more to it he's a dick. He indeed needed to give his badge number when asked. As for personal motive... He wrote plates because they were in front of his house. If it were anywhere else he wouldn't have likely bothered. Cops like this guy are what gives the bad image/name to the rest.

I agree 100% if there was nothing more to the story or the video. Pre everyone getting all upset about their "rights" in this country, (including cops), as a copper we took care of our own. A cop who did crap like this, if they continued along a path like this and caused us all grief, then they got what we used to refer to as a "blanket party" you waited to get them alone then someone threw a blanket over them, (usually tackling them in the process) then the boots and fist flew for at most 60 seconds. This generally was enough of an attitude correction that was ever But not nowadays with unions and workplace Sometimes, it was even a supervisor who "recommended" corrective action...
Re: Cop with bad attitude - Motorcycle related

I agree 100% if there was nothing more to the story or the video. Pre everyone getting all upset about their "rights" in this country, (including cops), as a copper we took care of our own. A cop who did crap like this, if they continued along a path like this and caused us all grief, then they got what we used to refer to as a "blanket party" you waited to get them alone then someone threw a blanket over them, (usually tackling them in the process) then the boots and fist flew for at most 60 seconds. This generally was enough of an attitude correction that was ever But not nowadays with unions and workplace Sometimes, it was even a supervisor who "recommended" corrective action...

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