Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

More importantly I'd hope you take a look at some of the US States where Hudak has taken much of his platform from (specifically regarding organised labour) and see what the quality of life is down there for the vast majority. Is that what you want?

I surely don't, but I also don't like how police budget is generally untouchable in Ontario ... goes for OPP, TPS and I am sure the list is long ..... what I still don't get is why OPPA is against Hudak when he clearly gave them a pass ... or do they not trust Hudak that he will come through. Do they know something we do not?
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Some of the posters in this thread are seemingly confused.

Ya, it's what the members want and everybody else to pay for. Classic. Nice smoke screen tho. BIG difference lol
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Don't punish the people of ontario because you want to punish the opp.

the opp are over paid.
hudak is a twat.

right to work doesn't help anyone. The poor will still be poor. the rich will still be rich. the middle class won't exist very long.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Hudak wouldn't touch the Police. He'll need them to maintain law and order if he gets elected...
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I surely don't, but I also don't like how police budget is generally untouchable in Ontario ... goes for OPP, TPS and I am sure the list is long ..... what I still don't get is why OPPA is against Hudak when he clearly gave them a pass ... or do they not trust Hudak that he will come through. Do they know something we do not?
Vested sick days will be gone within his first 100 days. Cuts to healthcare (EMS included) as well. OPPA works closely with all of those. Alot of organised labour has start campaigning against Hudak because of his general belief that organised labour is a bad thing.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Oh the hypocrisy

The opp association is working FOR the opp, hudak is working FOR the taxpayer.

Does that clear things up?
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Oh the hypocrisy

The opp association is working FOR the opp, hudak is working FOR the taxpayer.

Does that clear things up?

You need to realize that Ontario is more than just taxpayers.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The police can run all the ads they want. It's ridiculous how their budgets increase every year when the rates of violent crime continue dropping year after year since leaded gasoline was phased out.

Taxpayer anger? How about the fact that police get paid close to $70 an hour to stand around in a yellow jacket acting as a traffic pylon around construction sites. And get this, the rate they charge? The police pick the rate they get paid!!
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Oh the hypocrisy

The opp association is working FOR the opp, hudak is working FOR the taxpayer.

Does that clear things up?

Ummmm.....officers pay taxes.
If you think officers are paid too to your local representatives in office. Over 95% of ALL police contracts are freely negotiated between employer and employee. Much better than any other organised labour.
Why are so many down on the OPP? You get a ticket for speeding in a school zone or something? Really......who you gonna call when you are scared ******** or a family member is for whatever reason? I know call them.....when they arrive tell them they are over some have here....behind a keyboard.

And just to within the OPP (commissioned officers)are not members of the OPPA. That means those who ultimately manage the OPP are no association members.
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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

If rates of violent crime are going down then budget increases are not needed.

Also, the job of traffic pylon does not require a police officer. It can be done by a highschool kid for free as part of their community service requirement.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Ummmm.....officers pay taxes.
If you think officers are paid too to your local representatives in office. Over 95% of ALL police contracts are freely negotiated between employer and employee. Much better than any other organised labour.
Why are so many down on the OPP? You get a ticket for speeding in a school zone or something? Really......who you gonna call when you are scared ******** or a family member is for whatever reason? I know call them.....when they arrive tell them they are over some have here....behind a keyboard.

they won't show up.

city cops show up.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I want to be a police officer.. So I can stand around for $68 an hour and make sure those lazy construction workers don't get any lazier when everyone knows if they weren't so lazy and shames to their parents they could be building condos instead. Which I could of course stand outside of, for $68 an hour in my yellow jacket to make sure the condo is safe. From stuff.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Maybe it is time we have a government that runs the province. The associations/unions and their membership are loath to respect that they have employers/bosses that dictate their actions and pay. For two many years Ontario has let "the inmates run the asylum".
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

yes I know that should have been too not two. My bad.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I want to be a police officer.. So I can stand around for $68 an hour and make sure those lazy construction workers don't get any lazier when everyone knows if they weren't so lazy and shames to their parents they could be building condos instead. Which I could of course stand outside of, for $68 an hour in my yellow jacket to make sure the condo is safe. From stuff.
$68/hour? Crap that beats my $57 I get on overtime while I'm sleeping an afternoon shift away.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Ummmm.....officers pay taxes.
If you think officers are paid too to your local representatives in office. Over 95% of ALL police contracts are freely negotiated between employer and employee. Much better than any other organised labour.
Why are so many down on the OPP? You get a ticket for speeding in a school zone or something?

Looks like we got a new Sheriff in town. Ummmmm.....if I'm working at OPG or Bruce I'll take the zillion $/hr. even tho I pay for electricity. D'fuq!?

The contracts are negotiated on the payers behalf by somebody who doesn't have the payers best interest at heart. I don't need a speeding ticket in the school zone to know that.
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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Ummmm.....officers pay taxes.
If you think officers are paid too to your local representatives in office. Over 95% of ALL police contracts are freely negotiated between employer and employee. Much better than any other organised labour.
Why are so many down on the OPP? You get a ticket for speeding in a school zone or something? Really......who you gonna call when you are scared ******** or a family member is for whatever reason? I know call them.....when they arrive tell them they are over some have here....behind a keyboard.

And just to within the OPP (commissioned officers)are not members of the OPPA. That means those who ultimately manage the OPP are no association members.

Because it's become a game. The CBA of all police force have clauses that if one force gets xyz of income, or benefits, they automatically receive the same or better. There is no option or alternative or choice unlike the free market. If the province or municipality get's tough, arbitration just sides in their favor so, us, the tax payers are stuck with one of the highest compensated police forces in North America. Go south of the boarder and see what kind of salary and benefits the state troopers are bringing in. Is the job any different? Arguably.

The game is rigged. They know it and they exploit it. There is no way to accommodate budget challenges for the province or municipalities so, these costs are going to continue to rise no matter what. The PCs would like to do something about that.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Ummmm.....officers pay taxes.
If you think officers are paid too to your local representatives in office. Over 95% of ALL police contracts are freely negotiated between employer and employee. Much better than any other organised labour.
Why are so many down on the OPP? You get a ticket for speeding in a school zone or something? Really......who you gonna call when you are scared ******** or a family member is for whatever reason? I know call them.....when they arrive tell them they are over some have here....behind a keyboard.

And just to within the OPP (commissioned officers)are not members of the OPPA. That means those who ultimately manage the OPP are no association members.

"Who ya gonna call when you're scared?" Really?
The sooner people realise that they are on their own the better. Learn to defend yourself. Police will be there after the fact to take notes and write the report.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

"Who ya gonna call when you're scared?" Really?
The sooner people realise that they are on their own the better. Learn to defend yourself. Police will be there after the fact to take notes and write the report.

I agree. Problem is the law wont let you defend yourself.. They wont even let you clobber some one who is breaking in to your house.

Remember the store owner last year who got charged because he held a thief until the cops came

The law is rigged as much as the cba

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I agree. Problem is the law wont let you defend yourself.. They wont even let you clobber some one who is breaking in to your house.

The law needs to be changed. Nobody is addressing that, as far as I know. This is one of the main freedoms they have in the states and many other countries.
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