Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The hold a thief law was changed because it was pleasing to the Harper government. Now you can apprehend a thief after the fact. Legally. But you're still not allowed to get away with smashing their head off the car doorframe, need a uniform for that.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Vested sick days will be gone within his first 100 days. Cuts to healthcare (EMS included) as well. OPPA works closely with all of those. Alot of organised labour has start campaigning against Hudak because of his general belief that organised labour is a bad thing.

Sorry, but that is what I would do if you voted for me .... vested sick days would be the first to go, I would take them away for any government gigs. But still Hudak will not cut any police, I guess that is not enough for them, eh???
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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The law needs to be changed. Nobody is addressing that, as far as I know. This is one of the main freedoms they have in the states and many other countries.

I'd vote for whomever is ready to do this.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

OPPA has the same right as any other union/association to make their political views known. They don't have the right to use their uniforms when doing so.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

OPPA has the same right as any other union/association to make their political views known. They don't have the right to use their uniforms when doing so.

I think it's pretty clear - and the OPPA makes it very clear - that they represent the uniformed cops. They of course use their propaganda to call them all selfless heroes at the same time.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I think it's pretty clear - and the OPPA makes it very clear - that they represent the uniformed cops. They of course use their propaganda to call them all selfless heroes at the same time.

They are allowed to do that. It's what they do and who they represent. As I said what they are not allowed to do, is use their uniforms, equipment, etc. when doing that.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The OPPA represents the selfless heroes that committed the largest civil rights violation in Canadian history during the Toronto G20.

Arresting and holding people without charge, detaining people walking outside of the "zone" and searching their bags without arrest or charge just because, clobbering people after first removing their name tags and ID numbers. Kettling is another fun police activity, penning people in the middle of an intersection and ordering them to disperse and when they try to do so, they are forced to approach the police and are then detained without charge.

Selfless heroes one and all!
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

for those who haven't seen them...

add # 1
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

add # 2


clearly they are wearing uniforms.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The ads aren't so bad when watched in silence. But the production is amateurish and would have been best served by emailing their members with a link internally rather than as a public broadcast.

Ad 2 is entertaining. Melanistic guy getting arrested by melanistic cop. Should be a low-Mel cop for a more realistic portrayal of Hudak.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Some very angry folks in here. Perhaps anger isn't the correct word....jealous perhaps that some folks who were able to pass through a stringent screening process make more than them. You guys should really focus your anger (if thats what it is) towards that 1% who make far more than any of you or your family will ever make...and pay your neighbour min wage for a 40hr work week with no benefits all the while they slide under the radar. It's amazing how the PC campaign is marketed as being in the best interest of the middle/working class.....when it ain't. Outside of the'll have fewer rights as a worker.....make less as a result....have less access to education to actually try to better your chance at a decent living.....but oh wait....the good news is your employer will make more. Oh ya....according to Hudak that employer will also ...out of the goodwill of his/her heart.....reinvest in the local community.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I am sure everyone can agree that govt salaries have grown much faster that in the private sector, especially in the last few years. That is simply unsustainable in the long run without going further and further into that not correct?
Things have got so out of wack there are people with multiple degrees in technical feilds such as science , engineering etc, with significant experience and would love to have the benefits and salary of say a teacher......even though 10 years ago things were very different.

Was that stringent Screening process the one that allowed applicants with drug offences to get in the police program? Good luck getting a job for a good company with a drug conviction.

"At the same time, an internal memo obtained by CBC News reveals the RCMP has changed its policy on drug use "to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug trafficking, etc." "

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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I for one, am glad the OPP is doing something about it, Tim H. is really bad news for the province.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Things have got so out of wack there are people with multiple degrees in technical fields such as science , engineering etc, with significant experience and would love to have the benefits and salary of say a teacher......
You are saying someone with 2 or more degrees will be happy to start with a salary of less than 40k? and that after 6 years they will be happy with 75K

I do not think that salary is out of wack for people that have an important job (I think educating kids is an important job, people might disagree)
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

You are saying someone with 2 or more degrees will be happy to start with a salary of less than 40k? and that after 6 years they will be happy with 75K

I do not think that salary is out of wack for people that have an important job (I think educating kids is an important job, people might disagree)

Not only that, they have gone back to teachers college out of their pocket.

Teaching should be important, but its not treated that way:

My kid hasnt been taught hand writing in grade school........and they wonder why our kids performance has been rapidly slipping when compared to other countries.

Intersting info:

"what really caught my eye in the report is the ratio of teacher compensation compared to other full-time, full-year workers with post-secondary education – a kind of rudimentary measure of whether teachers are ‘overpaid’ or ‘underpaid’.
Canadian teachers – and the data is the same for primary and second teachers – have a teacher compensation ratio of 1.05. Roughly translated, that means they get paid 5 per cent more than others with equivalent education. In contrast, most teachers in the OECD are indeed ‘underpaid’ – the OECD average is 0.82 for primary education and 0.90 for secondary teachers, and in the U.S., the equivalent figures are 0.67 and 0.72.
The OECD also calculated the salary per hour of teaching time after fifteen years of experience. The OECD average is $49 for primary teachers, and $65 for secondary. In the U.S., the figures are much lower, at $41 and $46 respectively. The Canadian figures? For elementary teachers $68 an hour, and for secondary $74. Gulp."

I was just using teachers as an example, we could just as easily look at OPG.

In any case, citizens of many European countries have the goal
of working for the govt, is that trend picking up steam in NA?

"Public-sector unions are growing in the U.S. More than 50 percent of all union members are now public employees, and their unions have negotiated sweet deals with local, state, and federal governments. As economic historian John Steele Gordon points out, “Federal workers now earn, in wages and benefits, about twice what their private-sector equivalents get paid. State workers often have Cadillac health plans and retirement benefits far above the private sector average: 80 percent of public-sector workers have pension benefits, only 50 percent in the private sector. Many can retire at age 50.” While private employers were shedding jobs during the recession, state and local governments hired 110,000 new workers"
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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The reason people are interested in public sector is because they can't make a living in the private sector very easily. Most places like banks will pay you very little and well, you know what Toronto's real estate market is like.

As for screening, pfft. Any ******* can pass one as long as they first make sure that the wonderful police haven't entered them into the system without once being arrested, stopped or even questioned. Those news stories about people being unable to get jobs or go to nursing school, etc without ever once doing anything wrong simply because some cop put them in the computer as someone "who knows or knew someone" is unconscionable. This is conviction without proof.

Free tip: If you actually have been in the system ever and you have been clean for some time, pay a company like Pardons Canada to clean up. They'll do all the work for you. You can pass screening then and even be a cop. But you must be clean and stay out of trouble.

Tip 2: If you do get in trouble and the crown offers you the wonderful deal of a "peace bond", don't go for it even if they say it won't hurt you. A peace bond is a conviction on the record and everything that a conviction will affect you for will also be affected by having a "harmless" peace bond. It's a way to get people to plead guilty without realizing it.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Free tip: If you actually have been in the system ever and you have been clean for some time, pay a company like Pardons Canada to clean up. They'll do all the work for you. You can pass screening then and even be a cop. But you must be clean and stay out of trouble

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