Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

The reason people are interested in public sector is because they can't make a living in the private sector very easily. Most places like banks will pay you very little and well, you know what Toronto's real estate market is like.

As for screening, pfft. Any ******* can pass one as long as they first make sure that the wonderful police haven't entered them into the system without once being arrested, stopped or even questioned. Those news stories about people being unable to get jobs or go to nursing school, etc without ever once doing anything wrong simply because some cop put them in the computer as someone "who knows or knew someone" is unconscionable. This is conviction without proof.

Free tip: If you actually have been in the system ever and you have been clean for some time, pay a company like Pardons Canada to clean up. They'll do all the work for you. You can pass screening then and even be a cop. But you must be clean and stay out of trouble.

Tip 2: If you do get in trouble and the crown offers you the wonderful deal of a "peace bond", don't go for it even if they say it won't hurt you. A peace bond is a conviction on the record and everything that a conviction will affect you for will also be affected by having a "harmless" peace bond. It's a way to get people to plead guilty without realizing it.
Absolutely incorrect as others have pointed out. Your CRIMINAL CONVICTION may be sealed.....but the sealing of the police records are voluntary (most comply). BTW the MTO does not seal any of their records as a result of a pardon. SO if you have for example an impaired charge it will be on your MTO file forever regardless of pardon.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Some very angry folks in here. Perhaps anger isn't the correct word....jealous perhaps that some folks who were able to pass through a stringent screening process make more than them. You guys should really focus your anger (if thats what it is) towards that 1% who make far more than any of you or your family will ever make...and pay your neighbour min wage for a 40hr work week with no benefits all the while they slide under the radar. It's amazing how the PC campaign is marketed as being in the best interest of the middle/working class.....when it ain't. Outside of the'll have fewer rights as a worker.....make less as a result....have less access to education to actually try to better your chance at a decent living.....but oh wait....the good news is your employer will make more. Oh ya....according to Hudak that employer will also ...out of the goodwill of his/her heart.....reinvest in the local community.

Strigent screeing process lol. That's rich.
Police officer is one of the very few jobs available that with little education you can earn a decent living.
I don't think people are jealous. We're just not getting what we are paying for. And anytime that happens people get bent out of shape. For what the public pays in salary I think we deserve better.
We the public pay your salary and when to do happen to interact with the people that pay your wages try to act accordingly. I don't know where it happens or when. Maybe it's within the strigent hiring process where only douchy people get hired. Or maybe within the training program. Either way there is something wrong with the system.
And yes I'm talking in general terms and there are good people on the force but I think they slipped through the stringent hiring process and training.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

And yes I'm talking in general terms and there are good people on the force but I think they slipped through the stringent hiring process and training.

Caveat added because every cop is a ****** and will throw a fit and start throwing punches if not. Still tough to find those "good people on the force". Not many humans ever see them, pretty abstract concept for most.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Even if you find a "nice" one, the fact that they applied to be a Hall Monitor makes them suspect. Nobody is forced into police work.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I knew a good RCMP cop once from the time he was a teenager. He killed himself. I wasn't close enough to know the details of why but I think physical pain may have played a role. It was a bummer because I liked him and he was one of those idealistic ones who would take the time to talk to you.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Some very angry folks in here. Perhaps anger isn't the correct word....jealous perhaps that some folks who were able to pass through a stringent screening process make more than them. You guys should really focus your anger (if thats what it is) towards that 1% who make far more than any of you or your family will ever make...and pay your neighbour min wage for a 40hr work week with no benefits all the while they slide under the radar. It's amazing how the PC campaign is marketed as being in the best interest of the middle/working class.....when it ain't. Outside of the'll have fewer rights as a worker.....make less as a result....have less access to education to actually try to better your chance at a decent living.....but oh wait....the good news is your employer will make more. Oh ya....according to Hudak that employer will also ...out of the goodwill of his/her heart.....reinvest in the local community.

However distasteful you think the OPP episode is here this post is the crux of the matter. I'd like to see how Hudak is going to re employ the 100,000 he intends to sack in jobs that are not at minimum wage. Hudak is on the side of the CEOs whose salaries are increasing again after a financial crash when their companies are still not performing. If you want to look at rampant greed and hands in the cookie jars look at the fat cats with average 11% pay rises in the last year while their workers get nowhere near that.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

$96k after three years on the job as an OPP constable. You know what, they can get bent. It's time they start living in the same economical realities as the rest of the people paying the ridiculous taxes to support them. Half my counties budget will be for OPP. HALF!

Their expected increase in budget for policing alone will add $300 to my property tax.

Enough is enough.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

However distasteful you think the OPP episode is here this post is the crux of the matter. I'd like to see how Hudak is going to re employ the 100,000 he intends to sack in jobs that are not at minimum wage. Hudak is on the side of the CEOs whose salaries are increasing again after a financial crash when their companies are still not performing. If you want to look at rampant greed and hands in the cookie jars look at the fat cats with average 11% pay rises in the last year while their workers get nowhere near that.

Everybody see's the wage gap as an issue. But What's the soultion? More wasteful spending that the Liberals and NDP have in mind? Our choices are limited. It's like choosing between a kick in the nuts or a finger in the eye. Both suck.
At the very least lets cut spending and trim some of the weak from the herd. I'm typically not a PC leaning person.
But I cannot support the Liberals with all the wasteful bull crap that has gone on and not a single person has answered for it. People should have been hung out to dry. I refuse to reward this party with a vote.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Write - in big letters - "NO CONFIDENCE" on your ballot. They count them.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Write - in big letters - "NO CONFIDENCE" on your ballot. They count them.
if we all do this, then the few people that voted get to decide who is in power?

No thank you, my vote, my choice ... it isn't a time to "make a point" , this is important for all of us.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

if we all do this, then the few people that voted get to decide who is in power?

No thank you, my vote, my choice ... it isn't a time to "make a point" , this is important for all of us.


Writing "no confidence" means jack **** to the people counting, as it than becomes a spoiled ballot.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Write - in big letters - "NO CONFIDENCE" on your ballot. They count them.

This was something that Mark Towhey was saying on CFRB, on the weekend. It is patently untrue. The only thing that such a ballot will be counted as, is spoiled. The only message that this sends, to politicians, is that voters are too stupid to mark a ballot.

FORMALLY DECLINING your ballot is a different process.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

if we all do this, then the few people that voted get to decide who is in power?

No thank you, my vote, my choice ... it isn't a time to "make a point" , this is important for all of us.

I'm just tired of voting via the lesser evil.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

Some very angry folks in here. Perhaps anger isn't the correct word....jealous perhaps...
I don't know where it happens or when. Maybe it's within the strigent hiring process where only douchy people get hired. Or maybe within the training program. Either way there is something wrong with the system.
it's not jealousy. At least not for me. My problem is when two people are having a conversation about what career to take, and the top priority is money, and one of them suggests being a cop.

You get the wrong kind of people becoming cops. People who's top priority is money. Not fighting crime. This is how you get people like Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer.


maybe cops should be paid 50k/yr. max.
all cops.
regardless of rank.
Make the job about law and not about money.

Everybody see's the wage gap as an issue. But What's the soultion? More wasteful spending that the Liberals and NDP have in mind? Our choices are limited. It's like choosing between a kick in the nuts or a finger in the eye. Both suck.
At the very least lets cut spending and trim some of the weak from the herd. I'm typically not a PC leaning person.
But I cannot support the Liberals with all the wasteful bull crap that has gone on and not a single person has answered for it. People should have been hung out to dry. I refuse to reward this party with a vote.
taxes have to go up.
the debt is too big for cuts to fix.
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Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

My own experience is that there are far more good cops than bad. Most of the ones I've known also got into the job for altruistic reasons. The problem comes when constantly seeing the worst of people, day in and day out, starts to grate on you. Then there are the people who automatically assume that, because you're a cop, you're scum. Finally there are those few who, after the previous mental beating, succumb to the fact that they have a great deal of power and can abuse it, for their own benefit. Proverbs about power and corruption come immediately to mind.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

I used to have a FTP mentality then one day one cop didn't allow me to have that attitude with him. He proved me wrong and I myself changed my attitude completely toward them. Funny thing is after I did this I still unfortunately kept running into them but the outcome of those run in's were much better as well.

There's bad apples in every profession but you don't see people saying we don't need doctors because a few of them rape small children now do we?
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

If there were good cops, there wouldn't be bad ones.

I've seen far too much of cops to ever respect them, on the whole. I don't know what has convinced anyone there are "good cops," but you have to be a sociopath to do what they do every day. Having heard what my friend who was in HR says about them (and she has an even more dismal opinion of most of her co-workers), it would take a massive amount of convincing for me to see otherwise, and I have both friends and family in the forces. I'm not going to hold my breath in anticipation, believe me.
Re: OPP wants to be in politics now

it's not jealousy. At least not for me. My problem is when two people are having a conversation about what career to take, and the top priority is money, and one of them suggests being a cop.

You get the wrong kind of people becoming cops. People who's top priority is money. Not fighting crime. This is how you get people like Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer.


maybe cops should be paid 50k/yr. max.
all cops.
regardless of rank.
Make the job about law and not about money.

taxes have to go up.
the debt is too big for cuts to fix.

Maybe doctors should only be paid $50k a year, then you'd only get the ones interested in treating people.

You can take it too far. I still think more anger should be directed at fat cat CEOs happy to pay minimum wage to workers and instigate pay freezes while they suck the bank dry. Hudak will make sure they have more people to exploit at the lower end of the pay scale and who will have no access to union support.
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