Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Why would ANYONE stop? Unmarked car with no lights and unless you see his back, there's no "POLICE" marking on him either. It just looks like a crazy person walking in the middle of the road.

what do you want them do run him over like a road kill?

I dont see the brake light on the SUV when he/she slowed down, i think that caused the accident so the po po is not 100% at fault imo
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

he actually is wearing a Hi-Vis vest, its just not properly being worn and also he has no flashing cop lights

the cop is 100% at fault for this accident, and i'll tell you why.

even if you assume that the car on the side of the highway was broken down and the officer was there to assist ( looked like a speed trap victim to me )
the officer should have moved his police car behind the vehicle he was checking out. its for his own safety, as well as the safety of the vehicle he's pulling over.
instead, we can assume this lazy cop ( tagging him as lazy becasue he didnt even do up a hi-vis vest ) doesnt want to bother turning his car around because its too much of a bother to get back into spot.

It would be interesting to know who was charged, and what the had to say about it
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Not sure what car your referring to?? The only car on the side of the road was the unmarked cruiser. The officer was doing laser, (look in his right hand he is holding the laser gun, doing speed enforcement). He was going to stop the SUV in the left lane. The car in the right lane came to a complete stop he pointed at the SUV who then hit the brakes and was going to pull over on the left shoulder, (watch the vehicle begin to pull to the left).

Not sure if he wrote the speeding ticket, (not likely after the vehicle got rear ended). I can tell who likely DID get charged. the driver of the Corolla for undue care and attention.

I agree the officer should have had his vest on properly, but the car in the right lane had stopped well ahead of where the officer stepped out. York regional do a speed trap almost daily about 300 feet up Yonge street from my shop. Normally 2 - 3 cruisers parked on a side street they have the laser on tripod on sidewalk and step out all the time to stop cars. Never seen an accident. But they also wear hi vis GREEN vests. I also think that doing a static, (not moving cruiser) speed trap along an 80 k road like Black Creek is asking for trouble.

Now we are "blaming" the cop. Would we blame a child if they ran out into traffic and the first two cars stopped, and then the Carolla rear ended one of the stopped vehicles?

he actually is wearing a Hi-Vis vest, its just not properly being worn and also he has no flashing cop lights

the cop is 100% at fault for this accident, and i'll tell you why.

even if you assume that the car on the side of the highway was broken down and the officer was there to assist ( looked like a speed trap victim to me )
the officer should have moved his police car behind the vehicle he was checking out. its for his own safety, as well as the safety of the vehicle he's pulling over.
instead, we can assume this lazy cop ( tagging him as lazy becasue he didnt even do up a hi-vis vest ) doesnt want to bother turning his car around because its too much of a bother to get back into spot.

It would be interesting to know who was charged, and what the had to say about it
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Sooner or later somebody is going to get hurt. They jump out in front of fast moving vehicles
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Now we are "blaming" the cop. Would we blame a child if they ran out into traffic and the first two cars stopped, and then the Carolla rear ended one of the stopped vehicles?
Police officers have to keep a higher standard than an everyday civilian because they have a gun.

the SUV didn't brake until the cop raised his hand.

the corolla braked a little bit more than a second after that.
Could happen to any of us. Nobody keeps a 2 second gap on the roads.
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Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Now we are "blaming" the cop. Would we blame a child if they ran out into traffic and the first two cars stopped, and then the Carolla rear ended one of the stopped vehicles?

How many children run out on an Ontario highway?
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Pretty straightforward. It's the guy who hit from behind who is at fault.

If I hallucinate a bear in the middle of the road and slam on my brakes, the guy behind me is at fault - bear or no bear.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Pretty straightforward. It's the guy who hit from behind who is at fault.

If I hallucinate a bear in the middle of the road and slam on my brakes, the guy behind me is at fault - bear or no bear.

This is how I understand it too.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Pretty straightforward. It's the guy who hit from behind who is at fault.

If I hallucinate a bear in the middle of the road and slam on my brakes, the guy behind me is at fault - bear or no bear.

By law, yes I believe this is correct. But the cop should not have walked out into traffic traveling 100+, unsafe for him and the drivers of the vehicles.

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Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Not sure what car your referring to??

lol,, i thought i saw a car.... .. but that doesnt matter now !

cop is a fool for walking onto the road and he caused the accident.

YES its true, buddy hit him from behind, and he's at fault as well. But that doesnt give police the right to jump in front of

I think this particular speed trap is dangerous, and casues more harm than good.

cops need to be able to pass a common sense test.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

cop or no cop, still pretty dumb to step out into live lanes on any highway. Esp with todays distracted drivers.

Wonder what would have happened if the cop got run over.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Drivers are not expecting children at that particular speed enforcement point, because as you go North on Black Creek Dr from Keele Street there are signs that say 'No Walking/Bicycles' &

It's really hard to say, I've seen Toronto Police park their cars on the bull nose near HWY 404 South & Fairview: and they were pulling cars over into the bull nose by walking out on to the highway.

The problem with the YouTube video's enforcement point is that drivers are already doing highway speeds here:


On the flip side, i've seen Peel Police on a residential street near my home that's 50km/hr. They had their cars parked atop the centre median, and just before they walk out on to the street they put their christmas lights on.

Speeding car already slow down and so do the cars behind him. That for me was the most safe setup versus a small black figure running up on to the road.


There are a lot of roads in the GTA that become 100km/hr highways and vice-versa; drivers absolutely ignore signs that read <100km/hr.

If OPP really wanted to, these locations would be easy cash-cow spots. Most drivers that are doing 120 to 130km/hr will NOT slow down to those < posted speeds.

HWY 409 West towards HWY 427:

HWY 427 North towards HWY 7: &

HWY 410 North changing to HWY 10: &

Although OPP really take advantage of the speed changes at the 410. Plenty of Stunt Driving charges there.


I don't condone speeding, but drivers who're out of town and look at the posted limit and see our drivers rocketing by them at +40km/hr to +50km/hr sends a very confusing message.

Going with the flow of traffic could actually be +60km/hr especially at the tail end of the 427.
Toronto Cop causes accident

Corolla caused accident moreso . Police have the authority to stop traffic. It's the responsibility of the motorist to operate their motor vehicle safely. That zone is an 80. It's inclimate weather. And corollas following too close and not paying attention...

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Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

I do fault a child for running out in traffic. Maybe their parents too.
Cops are mostly at fault because their mere presence disrupts flow of traffic. Absent the cop, there probably would not have been an accident. You can argue about faults etc, but those are judged relative to arbitrary rules. Cop caused accident and that is it. If it was a bear, you'd still have to blame the bear. Logically anyway, but cops are never wrong, right?

It's the same as the dumbass OPP and TPS cars sitting on the side of the road this morning on the DVP. Do you think traffic was flowing smoothly there?
Cops are terrorists as far as most people are concerned. Not quite the same level impact as some hooded Al Qaeda operatives on a 747, but disruptive nonetheless.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Not sure what car your referring to?? The only car on the side of the road was the unmarked cruiser. The officer was doing laser, (look in his right hand he is holding the laser gun, doing speed enforcement). He was going to stop the SUV in the left lane. The car in the right lane came to a complete stop he pointed at the SUV who then hit the brakes and was going to pull over on the left shoulder, (watch the vehicle begin to pull to the left).

Not sure if he wrote the speeding ticket, (not likely after the vehicle got rear ended). I can tell who likely DID get charged. the driver of the Corolla for undue care and attention.

I agree the officer should have had his vest on properly, but the car in the right lane had stopped well ahead of where the officer stepped out. York regional do a speed trap almost daily about 300 feet up Yonge street from my shop. Normally 2 - 3 cruisers parked on a side street they have the laser on tripod on sidewalk and step out all the time to stop cars. Never seen an accident. But they also wear hi vis GREEN vests. I also think that doing a static, (not moving cruiser) speed trap along an 80 k road like Black Creek is asking for trouble.

Now we are "blaming" the cop. Would we blame a child if they ran out into traffic and the first two cars stopped, and then the Carolla rear ended one of the stopped vehicles?

I'm generally pretty pro police and even I have to admit that this was just asking for exactly what happened. The officer's traffic vest was invisible to oncoming traffic, making him a black blob against a bright sky in a place where pedestrians are highly unlikely. The car was an unmarked traffic division vehicle (something that annoys me, greatly, when I'm actually looking for an officer). The officer was in a location where his most likely targets were a full lane over, meaning that he would have to place himself directly in front of moving traffic to indicate a vehicle must pull over.

Should the trailing driver have been able to stop in time? Undoubtedly, but I see some very questionable practices going on here.
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