Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
happy to hear that.

Police are given too much power and credit.

and judges almost always take officer's word over the civilians… which really shouldn't be the case.
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Maybe that link will work?

Also, police are always pointing out that they are under-staffed (when they're not complaining about how dangerous their job is, despite being something like 28 times less likely to be hurt on the job than a construction worker making $16 an hour)... when a minor accident will draw two police cars and 3-5 cops, and a domestic assault usually draws 3 cars. etc.

Good news for a change. Accountability, oversight, training, and awareness improvements coming to TPS.

Of course everything won't be fixed overnight but if anything is ever going to improve, this is how it will start
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

These dumb sons a ******* just think their heroes jumping in front of moving traffic. He's not even wearing his hi-vis vest.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

I don't drive Black Creek regularly anymore... but is it normal for a cop to run a speed trap on an 80kph road solo?! You're just going to walk out in front of a car doing probably 100 and expect them to stop safely?
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

Why would ANYONE stop? Unmarked car with no lights and unless you see his back, there's no "POLICE" marking on him either. It just looks like a crazy person walking in the middle of the road.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

That's horrible, what kind of cop does that on a highway.. especially if people are going 80-100kmh .. he should never walk into a live lane like that!
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

What a noob. Must be a rookie.
Re: Toronto Cop causes accident

What a noob. Must be a rookie.

I doubt it .A senior guy from traffic division .Pretty well straight days doing speed traps as police work .
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