Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: good cop

Yeah. By the way, in Ontario they can sieze your assets without any reason at all. It will be up to you to try and get them back through legal means (without the use of your savings, if they also sieze that) before they sell it all.

Then there's this... cops are called by parents to get their 18 year old kid under control, and he's shot dead by the cops that show up instead of trying to assist.

Re: good cop

Further to the last video:


Similar to the kid in the bus, last year... no?
Re: good cop

Bantario may get to this point. Suspended license for driving with no hands.

Fortunately we aren't quite there, at this point, because there would be no positive identification of the driver. If you watch TV shows like "Traffic Cops" or "Motorway Cops", from the UK, you'll see that their laws about licensing and insurance are subtly different from ours. They also seem far more free to perform seizures and can charge with far different evidence, than can police in Ontario.
Ah, that's not so bad. I'd do the same if I knew I wasn't being filmed. I missed the part about friend being drug dealer.
Yeah, I think the guy should invoke one of the old U.S. laws that allowed for revenge. "She just needed a'killin' your honour!"

"Pearson may be deaf but he’s no stranger to the proper way to respond when he’s pulled over by law enforcement; his own son is a police officer. His son-in-law who is now a deputy sheriff was, of course, a police officer at one time as well. Pearson always believed that law enforcement was meant to serve and protect."

Welcome to the new police state of robotic officers Mr Pearson.
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