Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
The police went to the supreme court of canada to try to protect their own collusion and obfuscation against the laws they are supposed to uphold. One couldn't make this stuff up.

That's a while in the making but yes they did in fact look for FUNDING to get LEGAL MEANS to doctor their notes before court proceedings. And yet so many people still think cops are blameless heros.

Side note....Look how they are dressed... to deal with a 15 year old girl!? If you ever feel the need to wear that kind of gear to deal with a unarmed teenage girl... you shouldn't be working as a correctional officer.... or in any position of law enforcement.

it looks harsh but they were dealing with a prisoner that had done some creative things with bodily fluids
prisons are our new long term psychiatric care solution
its hard to think of a more soul crushing occupation that corrections officer IMO

and as a side note...don't throw crab apples at a postal it could be a capital offense
And P.S. I've said before that I did some law enforcement at one point, so I've walked in those shoes, too. Got to watch Vance Kewley of the Picton OPP beat up a mouthy college chick one day when I handed her over to him. That kind of thing leaves an impression.

What happened when you filed your report against Vance Kewley for beating up the mouthy chick? You did report it didn't you?

Where is it witten that cops must "enforce reasonable laws"?
What happened when you filed your report against Vance Kewley for beating up the mouthy chick? You did report it didn't you?

Where is it witten that cops must "enforce reasonable laws"?

I was young and had to work with him for another summer. So, no I didn't. But I definitely didn't remain quiet about it with my co-workers who all agreed with me that we were going to take more care to either get another officer for the hand-off, or warn them to leave their arguments for a courtroom lest they end up beat down.
Re: good cop

.....repost of all reposts
Re: good cop


"David Eckert was shopping at Wal-mart and upon leaving he rolled through a stop sign. He could have never imagined the living nightmare that he was about to experience.
When Eckert got out of his vehicle the police thought that he appeared to be “clenching his buttocks.” What followed was nothing short of torture and rape.
This poor man was driven to the first hospital which refused to do the bidding of the police on grounds of ethics. But the second hospital did not.
According to the report Eckert was x-rayed and nothing was found. Then, doctors anally penetrated Mr. Eckert, nothing was found. For a second time, Mr. Eckert’s anus was penetrated, all the while he is refusing to consent, again nothing was found. After the x-ray and the two penetrations, doctors proceeded to insert an enema into Mr. Eckert’s anus, and he watched in horror and disbelief as doctors searched through his stool.
However, for these sickos, it was still not enough, Eckert was given a second enema, and then a third!! Still, nothing was found. He was then given a second X-ray, nothing was found. He was then prepped for surgery, yes surgery! Mr. Eckert was given a colonoscopy and his intestines were searched. Still, no drugs were found.
Mr. Eckert refused to give consent throughout this entire ordeal, yet the hospital and the police in their sadistic manner, cried for more and more. The Gila Regional Medical Center has even threatened Mr. Eckert for refusing to pay for his own rape!"
Re: good cop

Yep. Actually I believe that they forced him to pay for it.
Re: good cop

If that story is true as told the USA is positively medieval. I mean, how many people had their fingers in that lunacy, some who might not want to go along but it becomes a crowd mentality. Add USA to list of places not to visit.
Re: good cop

It is true, it's been run on mainstream media as well, albeit much less loudly.
Re: good cop

It is true, it's been run on mainstream media as well, albeit much less loudly.

CNN has the story online as well. Having had bowel issues in the last few years, something that looks not right to me is the number of enemas, and the claim that he actually crapped after each one of them. If that is true, then it is obvious why he was walking with his "butt clenched". Also, have not met a dog yet that will walk by something that smells like crap without stopping for a sniff. Think maybe the dog that sniffed the car seat and reacted was actually saying the guy was near crapping his pants.
This goes way beyond the cops involved here. If the cops got their search warrant to get the x-ray, do they not need another to do the enema? Then after that, a third one for the colonoscopy? There are checks and balances that are in place to stop this from occurring, what broke down?
The part about the hospital refusing for an ethical reason is odd as well, once the cops have the warrant for the x-ray, there is no ethical issue. That part sounds more like there was no warrant at the first hospital.

If there never was a warrant issued for any of this, then anybody that had even a finger in this should be held accountable. That includes nurses, doctors, cops present, supervisors that knew it was happening, and even the second hospital administrator and management board. I have a feeling that if this story happened as reported, the guy will be given far more than the bill he got from the second hospital.

BTW, the second hospital no doubt sent the bill to the guy to show that they were under the assumption that the guy had agreed to the procedures. Sort of like, "we will just proceed like he requested the services, and that way we cannot be sued for not protecting his rights". If they do not bill the guy, then that means they knew the cops were ordering the procedures, likely also not having a warrant in the first place.
Re: good cop

What I find disturbing is the zeal of all involved. Seen it time and again where the law cannot accept evidence and just plunders ahead groping for something to win at all cost billed directly to us.
Re: good cop

Got a winner from Quebec here.
Instead of helping the obviously deranged individual as he stood outside in arctic temps in sandals and a t-shirt, this fine cop decided it was best to threaten to secure him to a pole for an hour.
The second video shows how frustrated the average person is with the poorly trained, corrupt police force.

edit > oops, here's the english version
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Re: good cop

If that story is true as told the USA is positively medieval. I mean, how many people had their fingers in that lunacy, some who might not want to go along but it becomes a crowd mentality. Add USA to list of places not to visit.

That story is true. Sadly.

I've avoided this thread so many times (ignorance is bliss sometimes).

I regret opening the link from Shaman above. Makes me rage.
Re: good cop

Out of box thinking, dealing with "obviously deranged" individual. Threat as negotiating tactic. Tough love. As per Mayor, what else is he going to say being a politician and all?
Re: good cop

There was a warrant but the first hospital still wanted no part of it. However, the warrant was only good for the county in which it was issued. The second hospital was in another jurisdiction. Also, by the time the procedures were performed, the warrant had expired.
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