Laid-off? GTAM Members looking-out.....???

Statistically, sites like workopolis are the #1 worst way to look for a job...Mainly because the job listing that you're looking at, is being veiwed by at least a hundred other applicants (some more qualified than you), at the exact moment that you're looking at the same posting.

When this thread was started, my assumption was that it was going to allow people to tap into the unseen job market. Kinda like member's helping out other members, before posting things online.

I started my career as a result of a job posting on this board. Our beloved member JP (god rest his soul), posted a job here, and gave me the opportunity based on nothing other than the fact that we both rode bikes, and were both on the same board. No interview, no reference check, just a handshake from him, and a statement of "you seem like a good guy, so the job is yours if you want it".

Fast forward 5.5 years...I worked my way up the ladder by building a rapport with the right people. Once again, I didn't have the education, or experience, but was given an opportunity to work in an entry level Marketing job. Now I have a solid foundation of Marketing experience, with a very well respected company in my industry, and it was all because someone posted a job on this board.

Now imagine how different things would have been if that job was posted on workopolis?...

The recession and the rate of unemployed is something we all face, and something many of us are suffering from as a result. When you look at it like that, a job forum, is more pertinent than 99% of the content on this board. Also consider that motorcycling is "leisure" for most people, and made possible as a result of having a job. For some, the loss of a job, means the loss of a motorcycle, and from the way people have talked about their bikes on here, it's something that many would choose to not give up.

what, exactly, IS 'marketing'?
2 jobs:

1) Autocad/Drafting person
2) mechanic

PM me for
1)job description
2) your salary expectation
3)must have good ethic and punctual
Great i would like to put logos on my bike but sempire is banned. Just great
1 million yen
Position Title: Maintenance Worker
Industry: Commercial Properties
Location: Toronto (office complex)
Hours: 8 am - 2pm
Wage: $14/hr

Those are all the details I have for now. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them PM me.
marketing - the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service; "most companies have a manager in charge of marketing"

My thread will be long.

I am currently in my fourth union. Unions differ greatly from the government to private sector. During my time with Cupe 4400 (TDSB) and Cupe 416 (city of Toronto) all I saw was lazy, unskilled, surly people that thought that their wage was either justified or they were under payed. What a joke.....when I worked a bit harder or faster (still within average pace) I was told to "slow down" or it would be expected of everyone.

Take a look at some road construction when riding by. You'll notice 2 foreman for every three see a lot of this with the TTC. Don't get me wrong, unions are great for getting good pay.....but, it must be justified. Paying a grown man $22/hr to litter pick (City of Toronto/Cupe 416) can't be argued in favour by anyone.

Now I am a proud member of UA Local 46, Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Welders Union of Toronto. In construction it's totally different. You try to pull 10% of the crap that these other unions/members pull and you are out, on a list, hoping to get another job. It's all about knowledge/skill, production, foresight, and above all ingenuity.

The auto-sector union members are trained to put various parts of a vehicle together. They do the same thing throughout their shift. While I am happy for them that they get paid well to be a glorified factory worker, I can't agree with them getting paid more than 3 times the wage that regular factory workers get. This is semi-skilled work at best and thus must be paid accordingly, greed and a sense of complacency caught up with them.

The government-sector union members forgot that unions were put in place to protect workers from employers that were taking advantage of them. Now it seems that the union is there to protect the worst of the worst. Yup, talking with one of the higher-ups in Cupe 416, I was told that 90% of the unions time was taken up protecting less than 10% of the members (those bad apples).

The construction-sector union members are over all the best trained people out there. Aside from Local 183 Labourers' Union :snorting:
These are your electricians, your plumbers, your elevator techs., your HVAC people.......5 years as an apprentice plus trade school.

I am an apprentice Steamfitter and proud member of UA Local 46

Steel pipe is heavy.
Boiler rooms are hot.
Welding slag burns.
Drilling concrete anchors is dusty.
Grinding wheel spray pinches.
and calculating rolling offsets, pressures, BTUs, and over all lay out is difficult.

So I can confidently say that I deserve what I get paid.

What is the benefit of a union? I used to work at GM, and I used to see CAW members sleeping on the job, or playing cards...they are rude, I've seen them leering at women and they have no work ethics....just cause they could hide behind the union. Not everyone was like that, but there was a significant number.
Ok, People, hold the phone here...

did you see the title of this thread ?

this place isnt the forum for Discussing Unions, and What job YOU have.

this place is for people LOOKING for work, or people OFFERING jobs.

You want to have a Little chit chat aboput other things, start another thread.

Half the Posts in this thread are useless.
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