Laid-off? GTAM Members looking-out.....???

Essentially, the labor market here is a domestic base flooded by foreigners willing to work harder and for less compensation. And the corporations are not making it any better, because they will outsource abroad. And the jobs that go overseas WILL NOT COME BACK.
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Agreed, we don't need a forum for everything. We have too many as it is.

Although an "antics" forum featuring Aisu and yettiman would be fun.

No sarcasm intended but its called workopolis

There are also several placement agencies that will look for you...
No sarcasm intended, but I'm sure anyone looking for jobs has already done the Workopolis, CareerBuilder and the placement agency stuff. However, the intension of this post was not to duplicate Workolpolis or any of those services but it was an attempt to tap into the hidden job market resource, a resource that can be made available by other GTAM members, who I'm sure will be willing to help. The hidden job market represents a larger percentage of available jobs out there than those actually advertised.

It's something that members could do to help each other, hell, we give so much advice to each other on things about bikes, insurance, the law, why not help with something that will ensure members continue in this great thing we call Life and Motorcycling.
Not motorcycle related so off to romper room it goes and yes it is an good idea so i will sticky it for you as well.
Where i am we are looking at a lay off in a few weeks so.. no jobs that i am aware of but i will keep my ears open.
First off, it is a really tough market out there and I feel for all those who are unemployed or facing layoffs. If anyone here needs help with a resume, PM me. I am a freelance technical writer and I have done a lot of resumes over the years. Generally, if I can fix the resume easily, I don't charge anything. And frankly, I am not likely to charge anything these days in hopes that what I do can help someone and in turn, those who are helped can help someone else.

I have to say too that although I am still working on projects for some of my clients, most of my market is holding off on new projects. For me, having freelanced for quite a few years, the only safeguard that I have is to plan for those slow times. To that end, the best approach I have found is to pay off all debts and build up a survival fund.
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I realize that most people would be resourceful enough to check out Workopolis, Toronto Jobs, etc.

I have to say that going through an agency, ie- Apple One, Robert Half, etc. is really a great idea. They don't charge you and they sell you. The chance of you getting an interview by faxing/e-mailing in your resume somewhere is less than if a recruiter hands your resume in and tells the employer that they think you are a good match. It's worth exploring.

Have someone look at your resume and cover letter, especially if they are doing it for free. Find a friend, a smart friend, that can read your resume critically. Anyone that will read your resume and say, it's great, is probably not doing a good job. You need the criticism to make it better, as hard as it may be to take.

Also try the HRDC job website. I don't think they charge for job postings so there are many there. This site is often overlooked. This is my favourite site of them all, when I'm in the out.

For those who are in receipt of EI or have in the recent past, you are fortunate for the programs available to you. One of the BEST ones I have used, is that the Canadian Gvn't is willing to pay any employer half your wages for up to six months if they employ you. This sells you right away. I don't have the info program but contact your local HRDC centre and they should be able to provide it to you (if it is still available, I'm not sure with all the recent legislative changes).

Good luck to all.
I know someone who is looking for help during the garbage strike.. not sure what it's going to be like after, but if anyone wants details, PM me and I'll give you the details.
Essentially, the labor market here is a domestic base flooded by foreigners willing to work harder and for less compensation. And the corporations are not making it any better, because they will outsource abroad. And the jobs that go overseas WILL NOT COME BACK.

is that good or bad??
I'm looking for a 2nd part-time job for the summer. I wouldn't mind being a secretary or whatever.
Let me know if anyone needs a student!
There is a 'careers' section in forums that might help you guys out.
My work is hiring, locations in belleville and london, ontario. call center work. it's ****** pay, ****** work (my site does customer service and techsupport, don't know about the london site but i know they have techsupport for sure), but it's a job, benefits are ok (80-90%). training is paid. if you want to put me down as a referrer (I think i get $100 if you last 6 months) pm me for my full name.
I just found this post,( please notice my site name ), anytime I post in reference to my work, the post gets bombarded with anti union rhetoric, so I just bow out gracefully. Good to see when the economy goes for s$#t people start to see some benefit of unionization. I am the first to admit we are a necessary evil, not always good, but if we weren't there our standard of living in this country would be a far cry from what we do have. My sector is down to about 50% right now due to the recession and the tragic decline in new home sales. If you have skills and, ABSOLUTELY THE MOST IMPORTANT, a good work ethic (waking up in the morning before 10 and putting in a days work), there are positions. If you really want to work, you will work. There is no handout or magic solution.

What is the benefit of a union? I used to work at GM, and I used to see CAW members sleeping on the job, or playing cards...they are rude, I've seen them leering at women and they have no work ethics....just cause they could hide behind the union. Not everyone was like that, but there was a significant number.
Yetti puts on MOD hat..

now now, lets not start all this crap in here. this is for People like Yetti, Looking for maybe a break from Someone...

lets not start Union this, and union that.
Yetti puts on MOD hat..

now now, lets not start all this crap in here. this is for People like Yetti, Looking for maybe a break from Someone...

lets not start Union this, and union that.

maybe post a brief description of the type of work you can do, qualifications, skill sets. That way if a person sees an opening which is proper for you they can tell you right away.
My work is always looking. Not really sure what your looking if interested.
ok, here i am, Kinda tough to crack down everything you used to do.

15 yrs in Hydraulics, Fittings ,couplings, assemblies
Imperial and Metric. helped people over the counter, and phone

entered Orders using a syacc system.
was Worker Rep for Safety committee, have forklift cert. St.john cert.
Whimis training.

worked alone in a 2nd shop in Hamilton.
was the 24hr emergency guy for10 years.
I Did what the manager couldnt do., as it usually is the way, for those of you in that kind of a posistion.

in a nutshell, I did what needed to be done, to get the job done.

Im open for learning something new, as well.
hey yetti,

my friend enrolled in a program by the federal govt for this year. It's called second career or something like that. They'll pay for you to go to college. It's for people who lost their job in the recession.

Maybe this could be something you can do to get training in an area that's in demand?

If I hear more I'll let you know.
Not laid off but currently massively underemployed. I'm self-employed and my client's biggest client shut down operations due to the economic situation. Scrambling with all my old contacts to get things going again.

Self-employed = no EI. No EI = stress.

Similar situation here. I just came back from 2 weeks of vacation (that I took because I knew it was going to be a slow summer - haven't had a real vacation in years) and guess what, no backlog!
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