Tim.I have an electric impact if you need it and a big *** breaker bar.
Depends on if Dave's idea for a motor fix works or not. If not, need to get the motor on the 1st. And then there's work on Friday. Doubt they'll give me the whole day off, even though I've been putting in 5-10 hours of overtime every week for the past 9 weeks (including the week I broke my collar bone!) as I have booked the 18th off.
Tim are you f'n nuts? No way you're getting back on the track June 1st with your collarbone. It won't be 100% healed and you'll know that, so you'll be riding tense with the worry that you'll go down again and rebreak it. Just keep taking it easy and get strong for the 18th.
Don't worry Dave... I won't be tracking it on the 1st... I'd go along and be a photographer as noted earlier.
Drained coolant and oil today for when you swing by this weekend. Any idea what day/time works best for you yet? (Sun/Mon).
Probably early Sunday morning, like maybe 9:00. Is that cool?
Fine by me. I'll be there!
As for the somebody being disgruntled about your video - if it's possible to be disgruntled, can one actually be "gruntled"?
Timmy where u at with the body work? If we need to prime them let me k ow ASAP free tonight. Friday afternoon. The old man is away tomorrow for a few days and shop is pretty empty.
Got it pretty much all vinyl wrapped already. Decided against doing a full sand down, fancy bodywork job. Did a decent job on the repair, but didn't want to spend the 15+ hours on final prep for paint.. I'll go and buy new bodywork if I want to do something fancy in the future.
should probably save that money and put it towards some riding lessons, or training wheels. j/k, hope to see you back at the track soon, not quite the same without you there. Just don't push the healing.
should probably save that money and put it towards some riding lessons, or training wheels. j/k, hope to see you back at the track soon, not quite the same without you there. Just don't push the healing.
Well, I've signed up for the "instructor lead me around please" for Shannonville on the 18th. Get 2 sessions with the instructor for $30 before being cut loose. First time out they lead, second time out they lead for a lap or so, then drop back and give me critique after session.
Dean - you ever figure out those auto-deploy training wheels you were working on? Might have your first customer here...
Tim will not tip over,
Hey - I've got the solution for you and Jer.... This will be awesome - Tim will not tip over, Jer's master (gf) may not be too mad, and whats that thing Jer always says about testicles touching.... oh yea. Not gay....