Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

Hahaha Randy in Dave's first vid is that kid you were talking about that went threw the cones and messed all you up haha

I also could just imagine what was going through Dave's mind when you pull away from him on the straight. "I'm buying a bigger bike"
Hahaha Randy in Dave's first vid is that kid you were talking about that went threw the cones and messed all you up haha

What I saw that I said out loud "hahaha... Nice move!"

I also could just imagine what was going through Dave's mind when you pull away from him on the straight. "I'm buying a bigger bike"

Naa, I was thinking "It's okay, I'll just get him on the brakes and in the carousel." ;)
Hey Jer...
I've got a spray gun, not a problem there...
Thinking a simple white for now, and will do carbon fibre vinyl wrapping on it to make it a bit fancier.
Talk to your dad about a good stripper as of yet? Or should I just end up sanding the crap out of it to see how much I can get off?
put some new brakes on for monday, definately can get a bit more aggressive in the braking zones, in particular on the initial bite, the front DRC was a bit squirmy in the cold, didn't really want to push it. Great riding though, I like the pass on the carousel, thats a super fun corner.

What I saw that I said out loud "hahaha... Nice move!"

Naa, I was thinking "It's okay, I'll just get him on the brakes and in the carousel." ;)
Yikes Tim that sucked ... And I'm not just talking about your skill level ... ( too soon ???) we all have to make those split second decisions eventually, just learn from it and try to not do it again. I've been there except on a dark road at 5 30 am in the middle if nowhere ( damn deer lol). If I could pick I'd rather it at the track then road for sure. Heal up bud and well get back to the smack talk that so sadly had been put on hold. Keep us updated on your condition.

Nope... admittedly, my skill level completely stank... not too early to give me pokes already.. .I know it's all in good fun anyways (for the most part! hehehe).
So, go nuts with the trasheteria crap...

Thinking we've got to come up with name stickers for everyone's bikes once we've got everyone "tagged" with a nickname or title...

Dean = Lowrider
Dave - Track Daddy -> he takes care of us all don't ya know... tools, wrenching, you name it...
Tim = Crasher or Fracture (from what I've been told at least)
Randy = ?
Jawad = ?
Steve = ?
Dan = ?? (I suggest "Barf" or "Snoozer" considering his first day's reaction)
put some new brakes on for monday, definately can get a bit more aggressive in the braking zones, in particular on the initial bite, the front DRC was a bit squirmy in the cold, didn't really want to push it. Great riding though, I like the pass on the carousel, thats a super fun corner.

I love that carousel. It's the best corner on that track for sure. Smooth with tons of grip.

What tires will you run next week? I looked at the Pro6 site yesterday and Green is full, Yellow is almost full, Red had 18 spots left, so hopefully you and Dean can move up to Red in the afternoon.
Dads says paint stripper is tricky if you don't know what work has been done underneath and how well. Suggests if you're changing colour a good sand and fill then a good filler primer. Sand and then paint.

Timmy are they easy to take off? If so get them off and well take them to the shop. Knowing the old man toss him some money for supplies and hell be happy. You and I can do the work.

You'll have the sexiest bike to play in the grass when you're healed up. Or to loan me ;)
You'll have the sexiest bike to play in the grass when you're healed up. Or to loan me ;)

That's one major lesson that should have been learned, don't bring pretty bikes to the track. They're magnetically attracted to the ground!
That's one major lesson that should have been learned, don't bring pretty bikes to the track. They're magnetically attracted to the ground!

Haha we'll mix up a FUGLY colour for him. I say pink!
What tires will you run next week? I looked at the Pro6 site yesterday and Green is full, Yellow is almost full, Red had 18 spots left, so hopefully you and Dean can move up to Red in the afternoon.

Yea - less than a week away!!! I'm thinking about putting my stock seat back on for SMP - I was having a little trouble sliding across on the foam race seat. My bike wasnt comfortable at all on sunday. I did start to get a feel for the new tires by end of day though - and I think I like them.

What time are you guys leaving on monday?
Yea - less than a week away!!! I'm thinking about putting my stock seat back on for SMP - I was having a little trouble sliding across on the foam race seat. My bike wasnt comfortable at all on sunday. I did start to get a feel for the new tires by end of day though - and I think I like them.

What time are you guys leaving on monday?

Oh yeah, I forgot about the seat. That could certainly make a huge difference in the ride feel. I think you'll really like those tires at SMP, more grip and you can push them without worry.

I always try to be on the road by 5am for SMP. Even that puts us there a bit late (aroun 8-8:30 depending on traffic) and I end up missing the first red session, which I'm okay with since it's usually cold or wet.
Hey Tim, how about Kohlarbonez? ;)

Awesome. Nice little play on name....
Maybe we'll just call you T.Diddy instead of Track Daddy... ;-)

Dean = Lowrider
Dave = T.Diddy
Dan = Barf
Tim = Kohlarbonez
Randy = ?
Jawad = ?
Steve = ?
Nick = ?
Jer (just 'cause he's chiming in) - suggest Power Ranger... or Stroker (from the group ride vid I posted)

Other thoughts?

I can get these names printed up on vinyl no probs... think it'll be kind of fun if everyone's into it.
Put on the lower fairing on each side or something like that...
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Dads says paint stripper is tricky if you don't know what work has been done underneath and how well. Suggests if you're changing colour a good sand and fill then a good filler primer. Sand and then paint.
Timmy are they easy to take off? If so get them off and well take them to the shop. Knowing the old man toss him some money for supplies and hell be happy. You and I can do the work.
You'll have the sexiest bike to play in the grass when you're healed up. Or to loan me ;)

At least something about me will be sexy then... even if it is only the bike... hehehehe....
Yeah sure - if she's up and running before I'm healed, you can take her to the track if you want. You may fit into some of my gear actually.

As for bike repairs - cool.. we'll get her all patched up and put a good filler primer on and go from there. Like I said - thinking gloss white base coat and then some wrap on top.

Find out tomorrow morning about surgery...
Hope they do it...
Getting out of bed this morning was a real ordeal - bone must have shifted in my sleep.... took about 6 or 7 tries to get it lined up in place again... *OUCH*
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