Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

Thanks for posting Dave, good times had for sure with an open track!

Finally edited and posted the video of Randy and I from Shannonville. Super fun session to end the day! Have a look.

First session was get warmed up, after that the throttles got twisted. Colin had a pretty good slide going into the carousel with me right behind him, glad he saved it struggling with the tires. Track was dry in the morning (despite a downpour in parkhill coming in). Had a warmup and 3 sessions, 1.5 with an instructor following until he passed me and took 4 seconds out of me in less than a lap :S Got some feedback on a better line through the modified mid section, but was hoping for more. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. Did 6 laps on the rosso 2's, but it was sketchy with the amount of water we had, could feel them continually loosing traction in the carousel and called it a day. Even Rupert on rains was having none of it. At the end a little guy a 125 was dragging knee around in the rain all alone, I'll give him credit for sure.

Racer5 Stage 4 was very good, but the day was disappointing.
First couple sessions were slow paced, which I understand completely. Instructor had to separate my group into 2 separate "teams" after the second session. I ended up in the faster pairing, and got to have some fun with Steve (imagine a non-green incredible hulk). He was faster in a few sections and vice versa.

Broke for lunch, and of course, it started to rain... and rain.. and rain.. and didn't really stop for the rest of the day. Mike (my instructor) never got the chance to show me what I really wanted to learn, but he went through it very thoroughly with a verbal lesson.

Went out for about 5-6 laps in the rain (had almost stopped) and the track had giant puddles of standing water everywhere. I can deal with the back wheel squirming around in the dry, but in the wet.. umm... let's just say I didn't learn much about riding, but more about puckering of the nether regions...

On a side note -- sat on an MV Agusta F3-800 Dragster today. Man, that bike looks cool, but it is *TINY*.
And oh yeah.. blew a seam at the end of the finger on my left glove. Had John Bickle fix it on site.. got home to examine it closer, and I am going to have to glue a small section he missed.. don't think my Mennonite harness maker would be able to do a seam so fine.
I have some kevlar thread if ya need to do it by hand.
next track day is likely June 21 or 22nd @ TMP, GWB is running it
Nice curb clipping at 3;49, betcha that got your attention ;)

LOL yep. With that guy between Randy and I, looking forward to Randy that guy was in the perfect spot to hide the turtle. I straightened the chicane a bit too much :p Didn't phase me though as you can tell by my dive into Allens. I love Shannonville! :)
Next track day is this Saturday, June. 21 @ TMP, GWB is running the show, Tim and I will be there
I guess I don't need to reply when TMP is the destination. LOL...

Saving up for Calabogie June 30th/July 1st.
will the green machine exhaust pass?
Got rear-ended today. Glad I wasn't on the bike. No injuries to either myself or other driver.
Was completely stopped due to construction merge/traffic on University Ave. Woman wasn't paying attention and hit me - apparently didn't even hit the brakes. Surprised her airbags didn't go off actually.

Bumper on truck completely smashed down and under the tailgate. Tailgate has nice dent.
Truck rear end feels a little funny at highway speeds - hope it's just the alignment knocked out a little and not a frame tweak.
Oh **** Tim, that sucks... got her insurance info and a police report I hope.

Yeah... it does suck. All the police reporting etc is all done.
Stupid thing is that there was another accident 200m up the road on the cloverleaf on/off merge area. Cops were at that one, but we sorted out our stuff quickly - no injuries, both vehicles drivable. Saw a cop stuck in traffic about 10 cars back when we were merging back into traffic (pulled over a bit to let traffic past).
how was round 1 dean?

Round 1 was pretty good... but not great. Still learning the bike, and apparently I had the eccentric hub in the wrong position, (lowering the rear, and shortening the wheelbase), so I had a hard time getting the bike to turn - kept running wide. Also, the stock gearing didn't help.

For Round 2 I got the geometry all sorted, and actually set the sag (did you know that makes a huge difference, lol!!). I also got a bigger rear sprocket, which helped the drive coming off corners. So, big improvement - both with my riding, and the bike! Just missed the podium, with a 4th place finish. Next round is at SMP in 2 weeks - can't wait!

You guys really should get in on this racing action. SOAR weekends are an absloute blast!
video look fast Dave!

Haven't been to shanny yet, but it is on my list of tracks.

Can't do this weekend, have a ball hockey tournament in Salem/Elora this weekend.

Dean - Next year i will be doing SOAR to see what the fuss is all about.
To late this year to enter so i can win :P
I'm not rich enough for racing. To be honest though its more of the time factor
video look fast Dave!

Haven't been to shanny yet, but it is on my list of tracks.

It was a pretty quick day. Lots of fast guys there. Very fun :) You will love Shannonville. Do yourself a favour and go for Long Track when you go. Nelson and Fabi are fun, but Long Track has the best variety and the best parts of both small tracks.
+1, rough surface, but very fun track

It was a pretty quick day. Lots of fast guys there. Very fun :) You will love Shannonville. Do yourself a favour and go for Long Track when you go. Nelson and Fabi are fun, but Long Track has the best variety and the best parts of both small tracks.
Great day at TMP on Saturday - couldn't have asked for better weather or a more enthusiastic official Pit Monkey.

Was thinking about moving up to Red, but ended up staying Yellow - according to Ricardo, my times were about the same as the slower guys in Red. I was working on a few things though, so my lines weren't super consistent coming into 1 (braking later, trying to carry more speed, ended up running wide a few times), 3 (braking later and squaring it off a bit) and 6 (I still hate that turn) - figured that was enough to keep me in yellow.

I did find a new place for me to pass though - between 8 & 9. The instructor guy in the yellow jersey passed me there in the morning while catching up to a guy he wanted to show something to. Most of the people in Yellow were really slowing and cutting the corner off to stay to the left side of the track in 8 - found I could carry a higher corner speed through there by running it a little wider and pass them into 9 at the marshall station. Worked about 5-6 times for me throughout the day.

Passing at 10 is good fun too. Found that out trying to pass a guy who was all over the track, making himself as wide as possible, and pinning it on the straights (09 GSXR 750, full tune and quick shifter) so he would pull on me there. Followed him 2 laps trying to figure it out and pulled the trigger on the third lap. Let him get just a bit ahead of me at 8, so I could carry the higher speed at 9 and slip up inside at 10.

Think those are fair passes in yellow or was I pushing the limits of allowable behaviour?

The half day (due to rain) of Racer5 Stage 4 really helped with the confidence I must say. Trying stuff that was out of my comfort zone before and not being freaked out by it.
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I think the rule in yellow is typically to pass before the other rider starts turning, so if you can get up the inside quick enough that they see you before they start their turn then you're good.

I too run a fast wide line through 8, typically 1/2 to 2/3's across the track at exit, then pull it back across before 9. Passing there is good, but puts you tight and slower for 9, so you need to be careful picking up the gas out of 9 to not highside. For 10, yeah, most people are crazy slow there but it's a very fast corner. I like passing people on the exit, before 11. You can carry high speed through 10, roll off on exit and just a bit of brakes into 11, using the turn to scrub a bit more speed before picking up the throttle for 12.
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