JT's not the only one handing out free money...

I just received an email from my Director of Education regarding next week...if nothing happens over the weekend and they are still out on Monday, we will have an asynchronous day (just like today) to allow for families who need a device to get one and assuming it continues, switch to full remote on Tuesday...all our support staff (EAs, ECEs, Secretaries, Custodians and apparently IT staff) are CUPE members...
I just received an email from my Director of Education regarding next week...if nothing happens over the weekend and they are still out on Monday, we will have an asynchronous day (just like today) to allow for families who need a device to get one and assuming it continues, switch to full remote on Tuesday...all our support staff (EAs, ECEs, Secretaries, Custodians and apparently IT staff) are CUPE members...
IT on strike and a remote learning rollout. What could go wrong?
I just received an email from my Director of Education regarding next week...if nothing happens over the weekend and they are still out on Monday, we will have an asynchronous day (just like today) to allow for families who need a device to get one and assuming it continues, switch to full remote on Tuesday...all our support staff (EAs, ECEs, Secretaries, Custodians and apparently IT staff) are CUPE members...
Word I had was that teachers are on a sympathy strike. Does that mess with pensions?
Word I had was that teachers are on a sympathy strike. Does that mess with pensions?
Afaik, none of our teachers are on sympathy strike. Opseu is on a sympathy strike as most of the similar jobs to cupe are controlled by opseu in our board.

Some of my union affiliated teacher friends were picketing today. They are not teaching full-time so I'm not sure if it was an official union role, if it was a normal day off or if they didnt go to work.
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AFAIK, full time teachers must report to school and be available during regular school hours to assist with any issues or questions from families when it's an asynchronous day (my colleagues and I including P and VPs were there from 8:15 to 4:00)...we can join the picket lines ON OUR OWN TIME only (basically lunch because the picket lines are on during school hours)..occasional teachers (supply teachers) may join the picket line whenever they want as long as it doesn't interfere with an assignment (they don't receive pay for this because it's not their strike)...so no, teachers are not on a sympathy strike...
Just thinking.....

Loblaws is publicly traded so their profits are public. Privately owned companies don't have to disclose their numbers to anyone outside of the CRA. Are the privately owned companies under the same scrutiny? Are they angels?

I know a guy in a specialty field and the only paper he has on his wall is a high school diploma. Being self employed he can charge whatever he wants and makes thousands per day. What's a fair wage?

I've had some fantastic teachers and some total turds. They both got paid the same.

I was doing a job for a union trucking company and the guy I was dealing with mentioned they were losing a big account because a senior driver refused to wait for another rush parcel late in the day. They would likely have to lay off a driver but it would be a new hire, not the one that created the problem.

My biggest concern is the lack of confidence I have in our governments to look after my future. I'm not talking about being pampered should I end up not being able to take care of myself or my family, just decent care.

Talk to anyone with a problem child, problem parent or personal problem and you typically hear horror stories as the person's funds are depleted while bridges to nowhere are being built though swamps.

The list goes on.
My biggest concern is the lack of confidence I have in our governments to look after my future. I'm not talking about being pampered should I end up not being able to take care of myself or my family, just decent care.

Talk to anyone with a problem child, problem parent or personal problem and you typically hear horror stories as the person's funds are depleted while bridges to nowhere are being built though swamps.

The list goes on.
Yup, it's not easy to access care these days. My experience is that part is there are be huge differences between facilities, which suggests to me that local management has a massive impact on health care delivery. I've recently had dad in 2 hospitals, both for multiple stays. One was a gong show, the other operates like a well oiled machine.
Screw that, I don't want to be left to the whims of corporate overlords. Dues are not burdensome.
Unions are far from perfect but they were & are still necessary.
I'm not so sure there are in the public sector. Laws governing unions came about is a day when the worker didn't have a lot of protection from abusive employers. Unsafe workplaces, outrageous working conditions, slavish work weeks. A lot has changed as gov'ts have reformed employment and workplace laws massively over the last 100 years.

Today the last real bastion for unions is the public sector, and the only points ever on the agenda are increasing wages and reducing workloads. Considering most public sector workers have lower productivity and substantial pay advantages over their private sector peers, what purpose other than driving greed do they really fulfill?

One in 5 Canadians has a gov't job. Almost all of those are unionized and earn 10-100% more than the 70% who manage in a free market.
The bad precedence that this would've set for each and every single union, not just education workers...did you see the level of support CUPE received?...to he honest, if I was DoFo watching that, I'd be shaking in my boots...the amount of unions he would've teed off had he not backtracked and repealed the bill, could've had a massive impact on the economy...especially if they had proceeded with the general strike on Monday...
Makes me think of some of my poor teachers back in the '60's.
How did they get by without teaching assistants?

The union story is that one in five students needs extra help.
How did that come about? How do we fix it?

Edit: I used to naively think that split classes were for the children.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the level of pay increase that the union is asking for...however to give yourself and all your MPPs a $16,000 raise along with a 20% increase to your housing allowance and only offering them a measly 2% is atrocious...

There's also another union who recently signed their agreement (SEIU or something like that- healthcare workers) and they too got shafted with a 1% increase ..no wonder everyone is quitting the healthcare industry...

Ford doesn't give a rat's %$# about healthcare or education
@Baggsy I don't have a definitive answer however here are my thoughts...

1. Back in my day and prior (I graduated grade 8 in 1982) special education kids were not integrated into a regular classroom...they had their own classes within the school but separately

2. Parents were parents and not their kids' friends

3. Technology at young ages is too readily available and used - kids receive constant stimuli and have no idea how to be bored or creative

4. ADD/ADHD/ODD/ASD/FASD are all on the increase (various theories as to why, see above for one or two) and again, they are integrated into a regular classroom

5. No accountability for their actions because of "progressive discipline" from the MOE...you know how hard it is to suspend let alone expel a kid these says? (even after multiple offenses like throwing furniture etc. and risking the safety of others)

I could probably come up with more, but I'm exhausted after dealing with 18 seven year olds...
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the level of pay increase that the union is asking for...however to give yourself and all your MPPs a $16,000 raise along with a 20% increase to your housing allowance and only offering them a measly 2% is atrocious...

There's also another union who recently signed their agreement (SEIU or something like that- healthcare workers) and they too got shafted with a 1% increase ..no wonder everyone is quitting the healthcare industry...

Ford doesn't give a rat's %$# about healthcare or education

Wasn’t it almost 14 years since the last pay raise for MPPs?

Anywho; What do you propose he cuts instead?

Also I have ADHD, I struggled, I took medications. You know what worked the best? My mom cracking me on the back of my head and telling me to put some effort into it.
I propose he cuts nothing, especially when word on the street is that they have a surplus...now, do they really, I have no idea...because I'm not privy to his books/ledgers...but if he does indeed, then nothing...

And sure, give yourself a raise...but a $16,000 one?!...PLUS a 20% increase to your housing allowance?!...come on, really???
@Baggsy and let me add,

6. Family unit breakdown, single parents, broken homes doesn't help

7. Two years of online learning hasn't helped either, especially socially (you should see what goes on in the playground at recess - so many of these kids have no idea how to play with others)

8. Parents who can't/won't help their kids at home with reading/math for one reason or another

Classrooms are not what they used to be when you (maybe) and I went to school (I've been at this since 2005 and even in that short amount of time, I've seen a huge difference both in students and parents)...
I propose he cuts nothing, especially when word on the street is that they have a surplus...now, do they really, I have no idea...because I'm not privy to his books/ledgers...but if he does indeed, then nothing...

And sure, give yourself a raise...but a $16,000 one?!...PLUS a 20% increase to your housing allowance?!...come on, really???

So you’re prepared to accept more taxes?

The raise was what, 7% after 14 years of a freeze? Seems reasonable to me.

Someone feel free to correct my facts if I’m off.

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