I Saw You: V.2.0

The only thing I ask... Is if you want to take a picture of me... Give me a heads up so I can pose first. Lol

- Randy
The redline motorsports Yamaha in my area. I like the street fighter conversion you did! (black and red with no windscreen)
Also the newb on black 600rr going east on harbord at Spadina (@ 15:30)... Get some gloves man!
Today around 4pm heading southbound on Bay St.
Me: Orange/Black Gixxer
You: Female in denim on a cruiser.

You're an idiot. Words can't describe how ****** off I was. First, you completely cut me off and stole my lane turning from Albert St to Bay St. Then you passed me not once, but twice on Bay St., again in my own lane. Then filtered down to the gardiner pissing off all the cagers. Get a TTC pass as save the rest of us.
To the jerk off on a Porsche that was trying to stick his car up my a''hole on the 401 at 5pm

I am really glad you ride, and I will some day learn how to ride a motorcycle until then get the hell away from my ass I don't need a Porsche permanently implanted in my butt. Also if you are such a rider as you claim to be why ***** at me when I politely asked you with my hand to keep your distance? Let's see me in a bike you on a cage... go eat a d***!

Sent from phone
To the jerk off on a Porsche that was trying to stick his car up my a''hole on the 401 at 5pm

I am really glad you ride, and I will some day learn how to ride a motorcycle until then get the hell away from my *** I don't need a Porsche permanently implanted in my butt. Also if you are such a rider as you claim to be why ***** at me when I politely asked you with my hand to keep your distance? Let's see me in a bike you on a cage... go eat a d***!

Sent from phone

Lots of ***** in cages today, DVP was backed the **** up, no one signalling, people running stop signs, changing lanes erratically -- and I try to ride defensively! Medicating with some Guinness right now. Awful day on the roads.
Location: Islington/Queensway. You caught up to me as I was waiting to turn right.
Time: Little after 6PM.
You: Female on a cruiser with a full face and riding gloves

Do you work in the area too?
I agree Cat, I also mentioned it was creepy and no one listened. Maybe you can mention something to Paul about it. Also, C-Note has mentioned several times about people posting pics of where bikes are parked. Not cool cause they are making it easy for the theaves to shop.
I agree Cat, I also mentioned it was creepy and no one listened. Maybe you can mention something to Paul about it. Also, C-Note has mentioned several times about people posting pics of where bikes are parked. Not cool cause they are making it easy for the theaves to shop.

While I do post the occasional shot of a good looking bike or a complete idiot rider, I would never post a shot of where a bike is parked, nor its license plate. A couple of days back I stumbled across a beautiful Lucky Strike GSXR, while I had a camera with me, but didn't even think of taking a picture of it.
I want to send a special thanks out to each and every one of the ********* cagers on the 407 and 403 this morning who noticed that my bag had opened before I did. I hope that each and everyone of you loses something important today and no one tells you about it either.
(not really the right place for this post but it's not a 'new thread' worthy rant)
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