I Saw You: V.2.0

White Aprilia Shiver 750 was parked beside me today when I left work just after 3 pm in the Sheppard and Yonge area.
Yesterday just before 5PM, making the left-turn on to Green Lane from N.B. Leslie St. Nice Supermoto rigged up for daily commuting. :thumbup: :wave:


That's my buddy.
Saw a guy today headed South on Guelph Line, black and silver Suzuki around 5:30pm... I think you had an Icon Domain II Mechanica helmet. I love that helmet...if that was it, you're the first person I've seen riding with it! Shiny :happy2:
Saw a guy today headed South on Guelph Line, black and silver Suzuki around 5:30pm... I think you had an Icon Domain II Mechanica helmet. I love that helmet...if that was it, you're the first person I've seen riding with it! Shiny :happy2:

My GF rocks that bucket.

I was chowing in my car at Apache Burger last night around 6:45 when a rider pulled up next to me on a black Kawi Versys. I've never seen one on the street so I take note. Then I spy a long reddish brown mane of hair hanging out the helmet and in a shampoo commercial moment, she takes of her lid to reveal a super hot chick. I'm trying to be all cool when out comes some dude and greets her. Damn, no Dear Penthouse Forum for me.
Yesterday MajMac going westbound (Saw you from 48 to 404 area) around 6:50. Two bikes looked like a guy and a girl, older 600's. The chick had pink nuts hanging under the licence plate... :hello2:
Black BMW touring bike on 401 eastbound @ markham around 4:45pm yesterday in express lanes

Got to have balls riding in that weather - my SUV was being thrown around in the rain and wind !!
To the rider on Queen and York going eastbound just now at 4:10pm with a Hurley backpack and riding with a buddy.
+10000 for the bow and arrrows strapped to your back!!!
So mad max!
Didn't get a look at your bike because I was distracted by the awesomeness strapped to your back.
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To the rider on Queen and York going eastbound just now at 4:10pm with a Hurley backpack and riding with a buddy.
+10000 for the bow and arrrows strapped to your back!!!
So mad max!
Didn't get a look at your bike because I was distracted by the awesomeness strapped to your back.

Whaat!?!? Thats awesome!!!
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